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词语 不厌其繁



bù yàn qí fán ㄅㄨˋ ㄧㄢˋ ㄑㄧˊ ㄈㄢˊ


同“ 不厌其烦 ”。 明 吕坤 《呻吟语》:“﹝天﹞极精细,色色象象,条分缕析而不厌其繁。”


不厌其繁(bù yàn qí fán)

Pronunciation: bù yàn qí fán

Basic Meaning: not tired of its complexity

Detailed Explanation: This idiom is used to describe someone who has a great interest in and is not tired of dealing with complex matters. It implies that the person is patient, persistent, and dedicated to understanding and solving complicated problems.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom can be used to praise someone's perseverance and dedication in tackling complex tasks or to encourage oneself or others to keep exploring and learning even when faced with difficulties.

Story Origin: The idiom comes from the classic Chinese book "Zhuangzi". In one story, a man named Huizi asked Zhuangzi why he was not tired of the complexities of life. Zhuangzi replied that just as the fish in the Hao River are happy swimming freely, he is happy with the complexities of life.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom consists of four characters: 不厌其繁. The first two characters "不厌" mean "not tired of" or "not weary of". The last two characters "其繁" mean "its complexity".

Example Sentences:

1. 他对科学研究不厌其繁,一直在探索新的领域。

Translation: He is not tired of the complexities of scientific research and has been exploring new fields.

2. 她不厌其繁地研究古代文化,已经成为一位专家。

Translation: She has been tirelessly studying ancient culture and has become an expert.

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can visualize a person diving into a pool of complex patterns and happily swimming around, not feeling tired at all.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "不厌其繁", you can explore other related idioms and expressions, such as "勤学苦练" (diligently studying and practicing) and "钻研" (to study intensively). These idioms all emphasize the importance of perseverance and dedication in learning and exploring.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我不厌其繁地拼图,一直在尝试找到正确的拼法。

Translation: I am not tired of the complexity of jigsaw puzzles and have been trying to find the correct way to put them together.

2. Teenagers: 我对编程不厌其繁,每天都会花很多时间学习新的编程语言。

Translation: I am not tired of the complexities of coding, and I spend a lot of time every day learning new programming languages.

3. Adults: 我不厌其繁地分析数据,以便更好地理解市场趋势。

Translation: I am not tired of analyzing data in order to better understand market trends.





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