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词语 不恶


(1).谓不为恶声厉色。《易·遯》:“君子以远小人,不恶而严。” 程颐 传:“远小人之道,若以恶声厉色,适足以致其怨忿,唯在乎矜庄威严,使知敬畏。”
(2).不坏;不错。 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·贤媛》:“ 王凝之 谢夫 人既往 王氏 ,大薄 凝之 ;既还 谢 家,意大不説。太傅慰释之曰:‘ 王郎 , 逸少 之子,人身亦不恶,汝何以恨廼尔?’” 唐 白居易 《雪后早过天津桥偶呈诸客》诗:“紫綬相辉应不恶,白鬚同色復何如?” 鲁迅 《野草·死后》:“在手背上触到草席的条纹,觉得这尸衾倒也不恶。”

不恶(bù è)

Pronunciation: bù è

Basic Meaning: Not evil

Detailed Explanation: 不恶 means not evil or not wicked. It is often used to describe a person who is kind-hearted, righteous, and does not harbor evil thoughts or intentions.

Usage Scenarios: 不恶 is commonly used in formal writing and speeches to praise someone's moral character or to advocate for good deeds. It can also be used in daily conversations to compliment someone's kind and virtuous behavior.

Story Origin: The origin of 不恶 can be traced back to ancient China. It comes from the teachings of Confucius, a great philosopher and educator in Chinese history. Confucius emphasized the importance of cultivating moral character and doing good deeds. He believed that a virtuous person should not have evil thoughts or intentions.

Structure of the Idiom: 不恶 is a combination of two characters. 不 means "not" or "no", and 恶 means "evil" or "wicked". Together, they form the meaning of "not evil".

Example Sentences:

1. 他为人正直,品行高尚,是一个不恶之人。

(He is honest and of noble character, a person who is not evil.)

2. 她总是乐于助人,善良而不恶。

(She is always willing to help others, kind and not evil.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 不恶, you can associate it with the image of a person with a halo above their head, symbolizing their virtuous and kind-hearted nature. Alternatively, you can create a mnemonic device by linking the pronunciation of 不恶 (bù è) with the English word "benevolent", which means kind and generous.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 不恶, you can explore related topics such as Confucianism, Chinese philosophy, and moral values. You can also study other idioms that are related to moral character and virtuous behavior.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (6-12 years old): 好人不恶,要做一个乐于助人的小朋友。

(A good person is not evil, be a helpful child.)

2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 我们应该树立正确的价值观,做一个不恶之人。

(We should establish the right values and be a person who is not evil.)

3. Adults (19 years old and above): 无论遇到什么困难,我们都要坚持做一个不恶之人。

(No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must persist in being a person who is not evil.)





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