词语 | 斥责 |
释义 | 基本解释◎ 斥责 chìzé 近义词谴责、指责、申斥、责骂、责难、责怪、责备、诘责、诘问、质问、责问、叱责、呵叱、呵斥、指谪、指摘、指斥、诽谤、 反义词称赞、赞许、表扬、抚慰 英文翻译1.reprimand; rebuke; denounce 详细解释责骂。 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·不忘本》:“凡有射不中法者,立加斥责。” 清 徐士銮 《宋艳·丛杂》:“ 惜惜 耻於供给, 安 斥责之。” 冰心 《寄小读者》五:“和她谈话的态度,又似爱怜,又似斥责。” 斥责(chì zé) Pronunciation: chì zé Basic Meaning: to criticize; to censure Detailed Explanation: 斥责 means to criticize or censure someone's behavior or actions, expressing strong disapproval or condemnation. Usage Scenarios: 斥责 is often used when someone is being scolded or reprimanded for their wrongdoings or misconduct. It is commonly used in formal situations to express disapproval towards someone's actions. Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), there was a famous philosopher named Confucius. He often used the term "斥责" to describe the act of criticizing and reproaching others for their wrongdoings. Structure of the Idiom: 斥责 is a compound word made up of two characters: 斥 (chì) meaning "to criticize" and 责 (zé) meaning "to censure." The combination of these two characters creates the meaning of criticizing or censuring someone. Example Sentences: 1. 他被老师严厉地斥责了一顿。(Tā bèi lǎoshī yánlì de chìzé le yīdùn.) - He was severely criticized by the teacher. 2. 我们应该斥责那些不负责任的行为。(Wǒmen yīnggāi chìzé nàxiē bù fùzérèn de xíngwéi.) - We should censure those irresponsible behaviors. Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 斥责, you can associate it with the image of someone pointing their finger at someone else, scolding them for their wrongdoings. This mental image can help you remember that 斥责 means to criticize or censure. Extended Learning: To further expand your knowledge of 斥责, you can explore related words and phrases, such as 批评 (pīpíng) meaning "to criticize," 谴责 (qiǎnzé) meaning "to condemn," and 批判 (pīpàn) meaning "to criticize or critique." Example Sentences from Different Age Groups: 1. Children: 我妈妈斥责我不听话。(Wǒ māma chìzé wǒ bù tīnghuà.) - My mom scolds me for not listening. 2. Teenagers: 老师斥责我们迟到。(Lǎoshī chìzé wǒmen chídào.) - The teacher reprimands us for being late. 3. Adults: 我们应该斥责那些腐败行为。(Wǒmen yīnggāi chìzé nàxiē fǔbài xíngwéi.) - We should criticize those corrupt behaviors. |
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