词语 | 分窜 |
释义 | 基本解释各自逃匿。《吕氏春秋·首时》:“故有道之士未遇时,隐匿分窜,勤以待时。”《三国志·魏志·乌丸等传论》“更有 乌丸 鲜卑 爰及 东夷 ” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《魏略》:“ 氐 人有王,所从来久矣。自 汉 开 益州 ,置 武都郡 ,排其种人,分窜山谷间。” 分窜(fēn cuàn) Pronunciation: fēn cuàn Basic Meaning: to scatter and run away separately Detailed Explanation: 分窜 means to scatter and flee in different directions. It describes a situation where a group of people or animals disperse and escape in different directions when they are frightened or under attack. It implies a chaotic and disorganized escape. Usage Scenarios: 分窜 is often used to describe the scene when a group of people or animals scatter and run away in panic, usually due to fear or danger. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the disintegration or disunity of a group or organization. Story Origin: The origin of 分窜 can be traced back to ancient times. It is said that during the Warring States period (475-221 BC) in China, there was a famous general named Sun Bin. Once, Sun Bin's army was surrounded by the enemy, and in order to confuse and escape from the enemy, he ordered his soldiers to scatter and run away in different directions. This strategy successfully allowed them to escape from the enemy's encirclement. Since then, 分窜 has been used to describe this kind of dispersal strategy. Structure of the Idiom: The structure of 分窜 is formed by the combination of two characters: 分 (fēn), meaning "to divide" or "to scatter," and 窜 (cuàn), meaning "to flee" or "to run away." Example Sentences: 1. 当地居民听到爆炸声后,纷纷分窜逃离现场。 Translation: After hearing the explosion, the local residents scattered and fled the scene. 2. 这个组织内部出现了分裂,成员开始分窜到各个地方。 Translation: The organization has experienced a split, and members have started to scatter and go to different places. Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 分窜, you can imagine a group of birds suddenly being scared by a loud noise. They fly away chaotically in different directions, scattering in the sky. Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 分窜, you can explore related idioms such as 分崩离析 (fēn bēng lí xī), meaning "to disintegrate" or "to fall apart," and 分道扬镳 (fēn dào yáng biāo), meaning "to go separate ways" or "to part company." Example Sentences from Different Age Groups: 1. Children (6-12 years old): 看到老虎出现,小动物们吓得分窜逃跑。 Translation: When they saw the tiger, the small animals were scared and scattered away. 2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 突然间,学校里传来了火灾的警报声,同学们纷纷分窜逃生。 Translation: Suddenly, the fire alarm sounded in the school, and the students scattered and escaped for their lives. 3. Adults (19+ years old): 遇到突发事件时,人们往往会分窜逃离现场,寻找安全的地方。 Translation: When encountering unexpected events, people often scatter and flee the scene, looking for a safe place. |
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