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词语 艰危

艰危 (jiān wēi)

Pronunciation: jiān wēi

Basic Meaning: difficult and dangerous

Detailed Explanation: 艰危 describes a situation that is both difficult and dangerous. It implies that there are risks and challenges involved, and one must be cautious and brave to overcome them.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe a challenging or perilous situation, such as a dangerous mission, a critical decision, or a difficult task.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. It is derived from the combination of the characters "艰" and "危". "艰" means difficult, and "危" means dangerous. When combined, they form the concept of a situation that is both difficult and dangerous.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom "艰危" is a two-character idiom, consisting of the characters "艰" and "危".

Example Sentences:

1. 这次任务非常艰危,我们需要做好充分的准备。(This mission is very difficult and dangerous. We need to be fully prepared.)

2. 在这个艰危的时刻,我们必须团结起来。(In this difficult and dangerous moment, we must unite.)

Memory Techniques:

1. Visualize a mountain climber facing a treacherous cliff. Imagine the difficulty and danger he encounters as he tries to reach the top. Associate this image with the idiom "艰危" to remember its meaning.

2. Create a mnemonic sentence using the initial letters of each character in the idiom. For example, "艰危就是困难和危险" (jiān wēi jiù shì kùn nán hé wēi xiǎn) can help you remember that "艰危" means "difficult and dangerous".

Extended Learning:

1. Explore other idioms related to challenges and difficulties, such as "险象环生" (xiǎn xiàng huán shēng) meaning "full of dangers" and "困难重重" (kùn nán zhòng zhòng) meaning "many difficulties".

2. Research famous historical events or stories that involved difficult and dangerous situations. Analyze how the concept of "艰危" applies to these situations.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 在游戏中,我们要面对各种艰危的挑战。(In games, we have to face various challenging and dangerous challenges.)

2. Teenagers: 考试前的复习是一段艰危的过程,但只有克服了困难才能取得好成绩。(The review before the exam is a difficult and dangerous process, but only by overcoming the difficulties can we achieve good results.)

3. Adults: 在创业的道路上,我们常常会遇到艰危的局面,但只要坚持下去,就会迎来成功的机会。(On the road of entrepreneurship, we often encounter difficult and dangerous situations, but as long as we persist, we will have the opportunity to succeed.)





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