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词语 经期

经期(jīng qī)

Pronunciation: jīng qī

Basic Meaning: menstrual period

Detailed Explanation: The term "经期" refers to the period of time during which a woman experiences menstrual bleeding. It typically occurs once a month and lasts for several days. During this period, the lining of the uterus is shed and expelled from the body. It is a natural process that signifies a woman's reproductive health.

Usage Scenarios: This term is commonly used in medical and everyday conversations to discuss women's health and related topics. It is important to use this term respectfully and with sensitivity.

Story Origin: The term "经期" originates from the traditional Chinese medicine concept of "经络" (jīng luò), which refers to the meridians or channels through which qi (life energy) flows in the body. The menstrual period is considered to be a reflection of the balance of qi in a woman's body.

Structure of the Idiom: The term "经期" is a compound word consisting of the characters "经" (jīng), meaning "through" or "passage," and "期" (qī), meaning "period" or "time."

Example Sentences:

1. 她在经期时感到疼痛和不适。 (Tā zài jīng qī shí gǎndào téngtòng hé bùshì.)

She experiences pain and discomfort during her menstrual period.

2. 在经期期间,女性应该注意休息和保持身体的卫生。 (Zài jīng qī qījiān, nǚxìng yīnggāi zhùyì xiūxí hé bǎochí shēntǐ de wèishēng.)

During the menstrual period, women should pay attention to rest and maintain personal hygiene.

Memory Techniques:

To remember the term "经期," visualize a flow of energy ("经") passing through a specific period of time ("期"). Associate it with the concept of a woman's menstrual period. You can also create a mnemonic device, such as creating a memorable sentence using the first letters of each character in the term.

Extended Learning:

To further explore the topic of women's health and reproductive system, you can research related terms such as "月经" (yuè jīng) - menstruation, "排卵期" (pái luàn qī) - ovulation period, and "月经周期" (yuè jīng zhōu qī) - menstrual cycle. Understanding these terms will provide a more comprehensive understanding of women's health.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

- Elementary School: 妈妈告诉我女孩子到了经期要注意保暖。(Māmā gàosù wǒ nǚ háizi dàole jīng qī yào zhùyì bǎonuǎn.)

(Mom told me that girls need to keep warm during their menstrual period.)

- Middle School: 她在经期时感到非常疲倦,无法集中注意力。(Tā zài jīng qī shí gǎndào fēicháng píjuàn, wúfǎ jízhōng zhùyìlì.)

(She feels extremely tired and unable to concentrate during her menstrual period.)

- High School: 在学校里,女生们会互相提醒对方是否已经开始经期。(Zài xuéxiào lǐ, nǚshēngmen huì hùxiāng tíxǐng duìfāng shìfǒu yǐjīng kāishǐ jīng qī.)

(In school, girls remind each other if they have started their menstrual period.)





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