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词语 生鲜


(2).增添鲜丽。 宋 陈师道 《西江月·咏酴醿菊》词:“点点轻黄减白,垂垂重露生鲜。”

生鲜(shēng xiān)

Pronunciation: shēng xiān

Basic Meaning: fresh and tender

Detailed Explanation: The term "生鲜" is composed of two characters: "生" means fresh, and "鲜" means tender. It refers to something that is fresh, tender, and of good quality.

Usage Scenarios: This term is often used to describe food, especially fresh fruits, vegetables, and seafood. It can also be used to describe other things that are fresh and tender, such as flowers or young leaves.

Story Origin: The origin of this term is not clear, but it is commonly used in daily life to describe the freshness and tenderness of various things.

Structure of the Idiom: The structure of this term is simple, with two characters that have their own meanings but combine to form a new meaning.

Example Sentences:

1. 这家超市的生鲜食品品质非常好。

Translation: The quality of fresh food in this supermarket is excellent.

2. 这个市场每天早上都有新鲜的生鲜蔬菜出售。

Translation: Fresh vegetables are sold in this market every morning.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "生鲜," you can associate it with the image of fresh fruits and vegetables, imagining their vibrant colors and tender textures.

Extended Learning: To further enhance your understanding of "生鲜," you can explore related topics such as the importance of fresh food in maintaining a healthy diet and the development of the fresh food industry in China.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我喜欢吃生鲜水果,因为它们又甜又好吃。

Translation: I like to eat fresh fruits because they are sweet and delicious.

2. Teenagers: 这家餐厅的生鲜海鲜非常新鲜,味道很好。

Translation: The fresh seafood in this restaurant is very fresh and tastes great.

3. Adults: 在这个季节,我喜欢吃一些生鲜蔬菜,保持健康饮食习惯。

Translation: During this season, I like to eat some fresh vegetables to maintain a healthy diet.





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