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词语 四诊


中医学名词。望、闻、问、切四种诊病方法的合称。《难经·六一难》:“经言:望而知之谓之神,闻而知之谓之圣,问而知之谓之工,切脉而知之谓之巧。”《医宗金鉴·四诊心法要诀上》:“四诊要诀,实该望、闻、问、切之道。”详“ 望闻问切 ”。


1.{中医} the four methods of diagnosis (望诊 observation; 闻诊 auscultation and olfaction; 问诊 interrogation; 切诊 pulse feeling and palpation)

四诊(sì zhěn)

Pronunciation: sì zhěn

Basic Meaning: Four diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine

Detailed Explanation: 四诊 refers to the four diagnostic methods used in traditional Chinese medicine to diagnose and treat diseases. These four methods are looking (望诊), listening and smelling (闻诊), asking (问诊), and feeling (切诊). Each method focuses on different aspects of the patient's condition and helps the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

Usage Scenarios: 四诊 is commonly used in the context of traditional Chinese medicine and healthcare discussions.

Story Origin: The concept of 四诊 has been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is based on the belief that the human body is a microcosm of the universe, and the balance of Yin and Yang is essential for good health. By observing the patient's appearance, listening to their voice and smelling their odor, asking about their symptoms, and feeling their pulse, the doctor can understand the underlying imbalances and provide appropriate treatment.

Structure of the Idiom: The structure of 四诊 consists of the number "four" (四) and the word "diagnosis" (诊).

Example Sentences:

1. 医生通过四诊确认了患者的病情。

The doctor confirmed the patient's condition through the four diagnostic methods.

2. 在中医诊所,医生会使用四诊来判断病人的病因。

In a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, doctors use the four diagnostic methods to determine the cause of the patient's illness.

Memory Techniques: To remember the four diagnostic methods, you can use the mnemonic "LAWF" - Looking, Asking, Listening and Feeling. This helps to associate each method with its corresponding initial letter.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 四诊, you can explore the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and learn about other diagnostic methods used in this medical system.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 8): 我去看医生,医生用四诊帮我看病。

I went to see the doctor, and the doctor used the four diagnostic methods to help me.

2. Teenagers (age 15): 我对中医的四诊方法很感兴趣,想学习一下。

I am interested in the four diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine and want to learn more about them.

3. Adults (age 30): 我们家人都很信任中医的四诊,每次生病都会去中医诊所。

Our family has great faith in the four diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, and we always go to a TCM clinic when we are sick.





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