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词语 邮笺

邮笺(yóu jiān)

Pronunciation: yóu jiān

Basic Meaning: a letter or note sent by mail

Detailed Explanation: 邮笺 refers to a letter or note that is written and sent by mail. It is a form of communication between people who are physically separated. 邮笺 is often used to express feelings, convey information, or maintain relationships.

Usage Scenarios: 邮笺 is commonly used in personal and professional settings. It can be used to write letters to friends, family members, or colleagues, as well as for official correspondence or business communication.

Story Origin: The origin of 邮笺 can be traced back to ancient China, when messengers were used to deliver handwritten letters between people. With the development of the postal system, 邮笺 became a more convenient and efficient means of communication.

Structure of the Idiom: 邮笺 is a compound word consisting of two characters: 邮 (yóu) meaning "mail" and 笺 (jiān) meaning "note" or "letter."

Example Sentences:

1. 我今天收到一封朋友寄来的邮笺。

Wǒ jīntiān shōudào yī fēng péngyǒu jìlái de yóujiān.

I received a letter from a friend today.

2. 这封邮笺是我写给老师的感谢信。

Zhè fēng yóujiān shì wǒ xiě gěi lǎoshī de gǎnxiè xìn.

This letter is a thank-you note that I wrote to my teacher.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 邮笺, you can associate it with the idea of a handwritten letter being sent by mail. Visualize yourself writing a letter and putting it into an envelope to be sent.

Extended Learning: To further your understanding of 邮笺, you can explore the history of the postal system in China and how it has evolved over time. You can also practice writing letters or notes in Chinese to improve your language skills.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我给爸爸写了一封邮笺,告诉他我很想念他。

Wǒ gěi bàba xiě le yī fēng yóujiān, gàosù tā wǒ hěn xiǎngniàn tā.

I wrote a letter to my dad, telling him that I miss him a lot.

2. Teenagers: 我用邮笺给朋友写信,分享了我最近的生活经历。

Wǒ yòng yóujiān gěi péngyǒu xiě xìn, fēnxiǎng le wǒ zuìjìn de shēnghuó jīnglì.

I wrote a letter to my friend using 邮笺, sharing my recent life experiences.

3. Adults: 我收到一封工作伙伴寄来的邮笺,讨论了我们下个项目的计划。

Wǒ shōudào yī fēng gōngzuò huǒbàn jìlái de yóujiān, tǎolùn le wǒmen xià gè xiàngmù de jìhuà.

I received a letter from a work partner discussing the plan for our next project.





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