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词语 主位


(1).君主的权位。《管子·七臣七主》:“故君法则主位安,臣法则货赂止。”《吕氏春秋·上农》:“民农则朴,朴则易用,易用则边境安、主位尊。” 汉 贾谊 《新书·服疑》:“臣不踰级,则主位安。”
(2).主人的席位。《后汉书·赵岐传》:“图 季札 、 子产 、 晏婴 、 叔向 四像居宾位,又自画其像居主位,皆为讚颂。”《金瓶梅词话》第一回:“ 武大 教妇人坐了主位, 武松 对席, 武大 打横。”



主位(zhǔ wèi)

Pronunciation: zhǔ wèi

Basic Meaning: the main position or role

Detailed Explanation: 主位 refers to the main position or role in a specific context or situation. It implies that someone or something holds the central or leading position and plays the most important role.

Usage Scenarios: 主位 is often used to describe the dominant position or the key role in various situations, such as in a team, a competition, or a relationship.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. In traditional Chinese culture, the concept of hierarchy and the importance of maintaining order were highly valued. The term "主位" reflects the idea that there is always a central figure or a leading position in any given situation.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom "主位" is a combination of the characters "主" (zhǔ) meaning "main" or "leading" and "位" (wèi) meaning "position" or "role."

Example Sentences:

1. 在这个团队中,他一直占据着主位,拥有最高的权威。(In this team, he always occupies the main position and holds the highest authority.)

2. 在这场比赛中,他的表现非常出色,完全配得上主位。(In this competition, he performed exceptionally well and fully deserves the main position.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "主位," you can associate it with a central figure or a leader. Visualize someone standing in the center of a group, representing the main position or role.

Extended Learning: To deepen your understanding of "主位," you can explore related idioms or phrases that convey similar meanings, such as "核心地位" (hé xīn dì wèi) meaning "core position" or "leading role."

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我是班里的主位,大家都听我的。(I am the main position in the class, and everyone listens to me.)

2. Teenagers: 在这个游戏中,你要争取成为主位,才能获得胜利。(In this game, you have to strive to be the main position in order to win.)

3. Adults: 在团队合作中,每个人都应该有机会扮演主位,发挥自己的优势。(In team collaboration, everyone should have the opportunity to play the main position and leverage their strengths.)





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