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词语 渣滓

渣滓(zhā zǐ)

Pronunciation: zhā zǐ

Basic Meaning: dregs; refuse; scum

Detailed Explanation: 渣滓指的是残渣、废料、污物,比喻社会上的败类、无用之辈或品行低劣的人。

Usage Scenarios: 渣滓一词多用于贬义,常用来形容道德败坏、品行不端的人。

Story Origin: 渣滓一词最早出现在《左传》中,原意为糟糠之物。后来引申为指品行败坏的人。

Structure of the Idiom: 渣滓 is a compound word formed by combining the characters 渣 (zhā) and 滓 (zǐ).

Example Sentences:

1. 这个人品行如此低劣,真是社会的渣滓。

2. 不要把时间浪费在那些渣滓身上。

Memory Techniques: You can remember the word 渣滓 by breaking it down into its individual characters. The character 渣 (zhā) means dregs or refuse, while 滓 (zǐ) means scum. Together, they form 渣滓, which represents the concept of dregs or refuse in a metaphorical sense.

Extended Learning: To further your understanding of the word 渣滓, you can explore its usage in literature, movies, or contemporary media. You can also study related idioms or expressions that convey similar meanings, such as 渣男 (zhā nán), which refers to a man with despicable character.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 他是个渣滓,经常欺负别人。

2. Teenagers: 这个渣滓连自己的家人都不尊重。

3. Adults: 不要和那些渣滓交往,会影响你的人生。





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