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词语 诒翼

诒翼(yí yì)

Pronunciation: yí yì

Basic Meaning: to offer advice or suggestions

Detailed Explanation: 诒翼 is a Chinese idiom that originated from the ancient story of King Wen of Zhou. It refers to the act of offering wise advice or suggestions to a ruler or a person in power. The idiom implies that the advice given is valuable and can help the person make better decisions.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe the act of giving wise counsel or offering suggestions to someone in a position of power, such as a leader, a boss, or a mentor. It emphasizes the importance of listening to and considering the opinions and advice of others.

Story Origin: The idiom comes from the story of King Wen of Zhou, who was known for his ability to listen to and accept advice from his ministers. King Wen would often seek the opinions of his ministers before making important decisions, believing that their advice would help him govern the kingdom more effectively.

Structure of the Idiom: 诒翼 is a compound word made up of two characters. 诒 means "to offer advice or suggestions," and 翼 means "wings" or "support." Together, they form the idiom 诒翼, which represents the act of offering valuable advice or suggestions to someone.

Example Sentences:

1. 他是一个聪明的领导者,总是愿意听取下属的诒翼。

Translation: He is a wise leader who is always willing to listen to the advice of his subordinates.

2. 我们应该学会诒翼,给予领导我们的人宝贵的建议。

Translation: We should learn to offer valuable advice and suggestions to those who lead us.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 诒翼, you can associate it with the image of a bird with outstretched wings. This can remind you of the act of offering advice or suggestions, which is represented by the idiom. You can also create a mnemonic sentence using the first letters of each character in the idiom, such as "Yi Yang Is Your advice," to help you remember the meaning.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 诒翼, you can read more about the story of King Wen of Zhou and his wise leadership. You can also explore other idioms that are related to offering advice or suggestions, such as "献计献策" (xiàn jì xiàn cè, to offer advice or suggestions) and "建言献策" (jiàn yán xiàn cè, to offer valuable advice or suggestions).

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 我给妈妈诒翼,让她知道去公园玩会更有趣。

Translation: I offered advice to my mom, telling her that going to the park would be more fun.

2. Teenagers: 我们应该向老师诒翼,帮助他们改进教学方法。

Translation: We should offer suggestions to our teachers to help them improve their teaching methods.

3. Adults: 我们应该互相诒翼,共同解决问题。

Translation: We should offer advice to each other and work together to solve problems.





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