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词语 病逝

病逝(bìng shì)

Pronunciation: /bing shi/

Basic Meaning: to pass away due to illness

Detailed Explanation: 病逝 refers to the act of passing away due to illness. It implies that the person died after a period of suffering from a disease or illness.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe someone's death, especially when it is related to a long-term illness or disease.

Story Origin: There is no specific story origin for this idiom.

Structure of the Idiom: 病逝 is a compound word formed by combining the characters "病" (illness) and "逝" (pass away).

Example Sentences:

1. 他因癌症病逝了。(Tā yīn áizhèng bìng shì le.)- He passed away due to cancer.

2. 她在家中病逝了。(Tā zài jiā zhōng bìng shì le.)- She passed away at home.

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can associate the character "病" with illness and "逝" with passing away. Visualize someone suffering from a disease and eventually passing away due to it.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of death and related vocabulary, you can explore other idioms and phrases related to death, such as "丧命" (to lose one's life) and "殒命" (to die a tragic death).

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 他的祖父因病逝世了。(Tā de zǔfù yīn bìng shì shì le.)- His grandfather passed away due to illness.

2. Teenagers: 昨天,我们学校的一位老师因病逝世了。(Zuótiān, wǒmen xuéxiào de yī wèi lǎoshī yīn bìng shì shì le.)- Yesterday, a teacher from our school passed away due to illness.

3. Adults: 我的邻居因病逝世,真让人伤心。(Wǒ de línjū yīn bìng shì shì, zhēn ràng rén shāngxīn.)- My neighbor passed away due to illness, it's really heartbreaking.





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