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词语 超生

超生(chāo shēng)

Pronunciation: chāo shēng

Basic Meaning: To have more children than the legal limit

Detailed Explanation: The term "超生" is composed of the characters "超" (chāo), meaning "to exceed" or "to surpass," and "生" (shēng), meaning "to give birth." It refers to the act of having more children than the limit set by the government.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe the action of violating the family planning policy, such as having more children than allowed by the law.

Story Origin: The one-child policy was implemented in China in 1979 as a way to control the population growth. Families were only allowed to have one child, and having more children was considered illegal. The term "超生" emerged during this time to describe the act of having more children than permitted.

Structure of the Idiom: 超 + 生

Example Sentences:

1. 他因为超生被罚款了。(Tā yīnwèi chāoshēng bèi fákuǎnle.) - He was fined for having more children than allowed.

2. 这个家庭超生了两个孩子。(Zhège jiātíng chāoshēngle liǎng gè háizi.) - This family had two children in excess of the legal limit.

Memory Techniques:

1. Associate the character "超" (chāo) with "exceed" or "surpass" to remember its meaning.

2. Think of the character "生" (shēng) as representing "birth" to remember its meaning.

Extended Learning:

1. Research the history and impact of the one-child policy in China.

2. Explore other idioms related to family or population in Chinese.

Example Sentences from Students of Different Ages:

1. Primary school student: 我的邻居超生了一个弟弟。(Wǒ de línjū chāoshēngle yī gè dìdì.) - My neighbor had a younger brother in excess of the legal limit.

2. Middle school student: 他们为了超生一个男孩,冒着很大的风险。(Tāmen wèile chāoshēng yī gè nánhái, màozhe hěn dà de fēngxiǎn.) - They took great risks to have a boy in excess of the legal limit.

3. High school student: 超生对于一个家庭来说是个很大的挑战。(Chāoshēng duìyú yī gè jiātíng lái shuō shì gè hěn dà de tiǎozhàn.) - Having more children than allowed is a big challenge for a family.





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