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词语 澄浊

澄浊(chéng zhuó)

Pronunciation: chéng zhuó

Basic Meaning: clear and turbid

Detailed Explanation: The term "澄浊" is composed of two characters, "澄" and "浊". "澄" means clear or pure, while "浊" means turbid or muddy. When used together, "澄浊" refers to the coexistence of clearness and turbidity, representing a state of mixed or contradictory characteristics.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe situations or phenomena that have both positive and negative aspects, or to express the complexity and diversity of things.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to an ancient Chinese story. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a famous philosopher named Zhuangzi. One day, Zhuangzi's disciple Huizi asked him about the nature of good and evil. Zhuangzi replied, "Good and evil are like clear and turbid water. They cannot be separated from each other." This conversation gave rise to the idiom "澄浊".

Structure of the Idiom: Subject + 澄浊

Example Sentences:

1. 这个问题的答案既澄又浊,很难下定论。

Translation: The answer to this question is both clear and turbid, making it difficult to come to a conclusion.

2. 这个社会存在着澄浊交杂的现象,我们需要有清晰的思维去认识它。

Translation: There are mixed phenomena of clarity and turbidity in this society, and we need clear thinking to understand it.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "澄浊", you can visualize a glass of water with both clear and muddy parts. Associate this image with the idiom to help you remember its dual nature.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "澄浊", you can explore related philosophical and cultural concepts in Chinese literature, such as the Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang, which emphasizes the coexistence and balance of opposites.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 8-12): 我喜欢秋天的天空,澄浊的蓝色让我感到神秘又美丽。

Translation: I like the sky in autumn. The clear and turbid blue makes me feel mysterious and beautiful.

2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们需要学会辨别澄浊的信息,以保持清晰的思维。

Translation: In this era of information explosion, we need to learn to distinguish between clear and turbid information in order to maintain clear thinking.

3. Adults (age 25+): 人生就像一杯澄浊的酒,其中既有甜美的回忆,也有苦涩的经历。

Translation: Life is like a glass of clear and turbid wine, containing both sweet memories and bitter experiences.





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