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词语 穿域

穿域(chuān yù)

Pronunciation: /chwan yoo/

Basic Meaning: To cross boundaries or domains; to transcend limits or barriers.

Detailed Explanation: 穿域 is a figurative idiom that describes the act of transcending boundaries or limits. It implies going beyond the usual or expected, overcoming obstacles, or reaching a higher level. It can be used to describe a person's actions or achievements that surpass expectations or limitations.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used in formal or literary contexts to praise someone's exceptional abilities, achievements, or contributions. It can also be used to describe the process of breaking through barriers or limitations in various fields, such as science, art, or sports.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. In ancient times, people believed that there were different realms or domains in the world, and it was difficult for ordinary people to cross these boundaries. However, there were individuals who possessed extraordinary skills or wisdom, enabling them to transcend these limits and achieve greatness. This concept of crossing boundaries or domains gradually evolved into the idiom 穿域.

Structure of the Idiom: 穿域 is a verb-object idiom, where "穿" (chuān) means "to cross" or "to penetrate," and "域" (yù) means "boundary" or "domain." Together, they form the meaning of transcending boundaries or domains.

Example Sentences:

1. 他的科研成果真是穿域了,为整个行业树立了榜样。

(Tā de kēyán chéngguǒ zhēn shì chuān yù le, wèi zhěng gè hángyè shùlì le bǎngyàng.)

His research achievements have truly transcended boundaries and set an example for the entire industry.

2. 这部电影通过独特的表现方式,成功地穿域了传统的电影艺术。

(Zhè bù diànyǐng tōngguò dútè de biǎoxiàn fāngshì, chénggōng de chuān yù le chuántǒng de diànyǐng yìshù.)

This film has successfully transcended the traditional art of filmmaking through its unique expression.

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can associate the "穿域" (chuān yù) with the image of someone crossing a boundary or jumping over a hurdle. Visualize this image and repeat the idiom several times to reinforce your memory.

Extended Learning: To further your understanding of this idiom, you can explore related idioms or phrases that convey similar meanings, such as "超越界限" (chāoyuè jièxiàn) or "跨越障碍" (kuà yuè zhàng'ài). You can also research notable individuals or achievements that have exemplified the concept of 穿域 in various fields.

Example Sentences by Different Age Groups:

1. Primary School Student: 我的画得了一等奖,真是穿域了!

(Wǒ de huà dé le yī děng jiǎng, zhēn shì chuān yù le!)

My painting won first prize, it truly transcended boundaries!

2. Middle School Student: 他的音乐才华让人惊叹,简直是穿域了。

(Tā de yīnyuè cáihuá ràng rén jīngtàn, jiǎnzhí shì chuān yù le.)

His musical talent is amazing, he truly transcends boundaries.

3. High School Student: 她的研究成果在学术界产生了巨大影响,堪称穿域之作。

(Tā de yánjiū chéngguǒ zài xuéshù jiè chǎnshēng le jùdà yǐngxiǎng, kānchēng chuān yù zhī zuò.)

Her research achievements have had a tremendous impact in the academic field, they can be called works that transcend boundaries.





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