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词语 答疑

答疑(dá yí)

Pronunciation: dá yí

Basic Meaning: to answer questions

Detailed Explanation: 答疑 refers to the act of answering questions or providing explanations to clarify doubts or confusion. It is often used in the context of academic or educational settings, where teachers or experts answer students' questions.

Usage Scenarios: 答疑 is commonly used in schools, colleges, and universities where teachers answer students' questions during class or after class. It can also be used in online forums or Q&A sessions where experts answer questions from the public.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China when scholars and teachers were highly respected. Students would often seek answers to their questions from knowledgeable individuals. Over time, this act of answering questions became known as 答疑.

Structure of the Idiom: 答疑 is a combination of two characters: 答 (dá) meaning "to answer" and 疑 (yí) meaning "doubt" or "question."

Example Sentences:

1. 老师在课堂上答疑解惑。

(The teacher answers questions and clears up doubts in the classroom.)

2. 我们可以在网上找到很多答疑的资料。

(We can find a lot of materials for answering questions online.)

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 答疑, you can associate the character 答 (dá) with the action of "answering" and the character 疑 (yí) with "questions" or "doubts." Visualize a teacher confidently answering students' questions to reinforce the meaning of the idiom.

Extended Learning: To further expand your understanding of 答疑, you can explore related topics such as the importance of asking questions, effective communication skills, and the role of teachers in guiding students' learning.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (6-12 years old): 我请教了老师一个问题,她很耐心地答疑解惑。

(I asked the teacher a question, and she patiently answered and clarified my doubts.)

2. Teenagers (13-18 years old): 在学校的答疑时间里,我解决了很多学习上的困惑。

(During the Q&A session at school, I resolved many learning difficulties.)

3. Adults (above 18 years old): 我在大学期间经常去图书馆找资料答疑。

(During my university years, I often went to the library to find materials for answering questions.)





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