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词语 打诨








打诨 dǎhùn
(1) [make gags]∶开玩笑,逗趣
(2) [mock in fun]∶戏曲演出时,演员(多指丑角)即兴说笑逗乐
(1).亦作“ 打顐 ”、“ 打浑 ”。戏曲演出中演员即兴说趣话逗乐。 宋 吴自牧 《梦粱录·妓乐》:“副浄色发乔,副末色打諢。” 宋 朱翌 《猗觉寮杂记》卷下:“优伶打顐,亦起於 唐 。 李栖筠 为御史大夫,故事, 曲江 赐宴,教坊倡顐杂侍。 栖筠 以任风宪,不往,臺遂以为法。” 宋 袁文 《瓮牖闲评》卷八亦载此事,作“优伶打浑”。 瞿秋白 《中国文与中国人》:“西洋各国有许多伶人,在他们表演中,他们几乎随时可以插入许多‘打诨’。”
(2).取闹;说趣话哄笑。 元 无名氏 《合同文字》第三折:“你不知他是诈骗人的,故来我家里打諢。”《儒林外史》第三三回:“ 鲍廷璽 在河房见了众客,口内打諢説笑。” 沙汀 《医生》:“他饶舌,他打诨,他使得大家更高兴他。”

打诨(dǎ hùn)

Pronunciation: /dǎ hùn/

Basic Meaning: To make a pun or play on words

Detailed Explanation: 打诨 refers to the act of making a pun or playing on words. It involves using words with similar sounds but different meanings to create a humorous or clever effect.

Usage Scenarios: 打诨 is often used in casual conversations, speeches, and comedic performances to entertain and amuse others. It is commonly seen in jokes, wordplay, and witty remarks.

Story Origin: The origin of 打诨 can be traced back to ancient China. It has been used as a form of entertainment and a way to demonstrate one's wit and intelligence since ancient times.

Structure of the Idiom: 打诨 is a verb phrase formed by the combination of the characters 打 (dǎ), meaning "to strike" or "to hit," and 诨 (hùn), meaning "wordplay" or "pun."

Example Sentences:

1. 他的幽默感很好,经常能打出一些有趣的词语诙谐地打诨。

Translation: He has a great sense of humor and often makes funny puns with words.

2. 这位演员的表演风格以打诨和幽默而闻名。

Translation: This actor is famous for his performance style, which includes puns and humor.

Memory Techniques: To remember the term 打诨, you can associate it with the image of someone playfully hitting words together to create puns. This visual representation can help you recall the meaning and pronunciation of the idiom.

Extended Learning: To further explore the concept of 打诨, you can study different types of wordplay, such as homophonic puns, homographic puns, and puns based on cultural references. You can also learn about famous comedians and writers known for their skill in 打诨, such as Li Bai, a renowned poet from the Tang Dynasty.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 7): 他们在操场上玩耍时,经常会打诨来逗乐其他同学。

Translation: When they play on the playground, they often make puns to entertain their classmates.

2. Teenagers (age 15): 在社交媒体上,人们经常使用打诨来制造一些有趣的话题。

Translation: On social media, people often use puns to create interesting topics.

3. Adults (age 30): 他是一位幽默的老师,经常在课堂上用打诨来调皮地引起学生的笑声。

Translation: He is a humorous teacher who often uses puns in class to playfully evoke laughter from his students.





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