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词语 代语


各方言之间的同义词。《方言》第十:“悈鳃、乾都、耇、革,老也。皆 南楚 江 湘 之间代语也。” 郭璞 注:“凡以异语相易谓之代也。” 章炳麟 《文学说例》:“ 淮南王 讳其父 长 ,其书称‘长’曰‘修’,而《楚辞》传本,多出 淮南 ,则‘修’、‘长’之变可知也。君臣同称,又酋长之旧俗矣。良由 楚 在 周 初,尚栖篳路,开化既晚,故遗语犹存。斯皆不见‘六经’,而可以推之代语者乎!”

代语(dài yǔ)

Pronunciation: dài yǔ

Basic Meaning: to use words or language to express thoughts or ideas

Detailed Explanation: 代语 refers to the act of using words or language to convey thoughts, ideas, or information. It emphasizes the importance of effective communication through language. This idiom implies that words have the power to represent and convey meaning.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is commonly used in discussions or writings about language, communication, and expression. It can be used to emphasize the significance of using words effectively to convey one's thoughts or ideas.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China, where the development and use of language played a crucial role in society. It reflects the value placed on effective communication and the power of words to express thoughts and ideas.

Structure of the Idiom: 代 (dài) means "to represent" or "to substitute," while 语 (yǔ) means "language" or "words." Together, they form the concept of using words to convey meaning.

Example Sentences:

1. 他通过代语向大家传达了他的观点。

(Tā tōngguò dàiyǔ xiàng dàjiā chuándále tā de guāndiǎn.)

He conveyed his point of view to everyone through words.

2. 学习代语是提升沟通能力的重要一步。

(Xuéxí dàiyǔ shì tíshēng gōutōng nénglì de zhòngyào yībù.)

Learning how to use language effectively is an important step in improving communication skills.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 代语, you can associate it with the idea of using words as a substitute or representation of thoughts or ideas. Visualize yourself using words to convey your thoughts to others, and this will help reinforce the meaning of the idiom.

Extended Learning: To further your understanding of 代语, you can explore related topics such as the power of words, effective communication, and the influence of language. You can also study other idioms and expressions that emphasize the importance of language in different contexts.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 今天我学会了新的代语,可以更好地表达自己的想法。

(Jīntiān wǒ xuéhuìle xīn de dàiyǔ, kěyǐ gèng hǎo de biǎodá zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ.)

Today, I learned a new way to express myself using words, which helps me better convey my thoughts.

2. Teenagers: 在写作文的时候,我喜欢运用不同的代语来传达我的观点。

(Zài xiě zuòwén de shíhou, wǒ xǐhuān yùnyòng bùtóng de dàiyǔ lái chuándá wǒ de guāndiǎn.)

When writing essays, I enjoy using various expressions to convey my viewpoints.

3. Adults: 作为一名演讲者,我知道如何运用恰当的代语来打动观众。

(Zuòwéi yīmíng yǎnjiǎngzhě, wǒ zhīdào rúhé yùnyòng qiàdàng de dàiyǔ lái dǎdòng guānzhòng.)

As a speaker, I know how to use appropriate language to captivate the audience.





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