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词语 登牓

登牓(dēng biān)

Pronunciation: dēng biān

Basic Meaning: To put up a notice or a plaque

Detailed Explanation: The idiom "登牓" refers to the act of putting up a notice or a plaque to make a public announcement or declaration. It is often used to describe someone's reputation or achievements being recognized and acknowledged by others through public recognition or praise.

Usage Scenarios:

1. When someone's achievements or contributions are publicly acknowledged or recognized.

2. When someone's name or reputation is widely known or celebrated.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the ancient Chinese practice of posting plaques or notices on important buildings or public places to make announcements or declarations. It signifies the act of making something known to the public.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom "登牓" consists of two characters: "登" (dēng) meaning "to ascend" or "to go up" and "牓" (biān) meaning "a notice" or "a plaque".

Example Sentences:

1. 他的才华被登牓在学校的荣誉榜上。

(His talent was recognized and acknowledged by being put up on the school's honor roll.)

2. 这位科学家的研究成果被登牓在国际学术期刊上。

(The research achievements of this scientist were published and acknowledged in international academic journals.)

Memory Techniques:

1. Visualize someone putting up a notice or a plaque on a wall to make an announcement or declaration.

2. Create a mental image of your own achievements being recognized and acknowledged by others through public recognition.

Extended Learning:

1. Research more about the ancient Chinese practice of posting plaques or notices and its significance in Chinese culture.

2. Explore other related idioms or expressions that are related to recognition or acknowledgement, such as "名扬四海" (míng yáng sì hǎi) meaning "to become famous far and wide".

Example Sentences by Different Age Groups:

1. Children (6-12 years old):

- 他的画被登牓在学校的艺术展览上。

(His painting was displayed and acknowledged in the school's art exhibition.)

2. Teenagers (13-18 years old):

- 她的成绩优异,被登牓在学校的优秀学生名单上。

(Her excellent grades were recognized and acknowledged by being put up on the school's list of outstanding students.)

3. Adults (18+ years old):

- 他的贡献被登牓在公司的墙上,以示表彰。

(His contributions were acknowledged and recognized by being put up on the company's wall as a form of recognition.)





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