词语 | 颠覆 |
释义 | 颠覆(diān fù) Pronunciation: diān fù Basic Meaning: to overturn; to subvert; to overthrow Detailed Explanation: 颠覆 refers to the act of overturning or subverting the existing order or system. It implies a radical change that disrupts the established norms or beliefs. This term can be used to describe a wide range of actions or ideas that challenge the status quo and bring about significant transformations. Usage Scenarios: 颠覆 is often used in discussions about social, political, or cultural changes. It can be applied to describe revolutionary movements, disruptive technologies, or groundbreaking innovations that challenge conventional wisdom. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the act of challenging traditional values or overturning deeply rooted beliefs. Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. It derives from the idea of turning something upside down. In ancient times, when a dynasty was overthrown or a revolution occurred, it was said that the world was turned upside down or "颠覆了天下" (diān fù le tiān xià). Over time, this phrase came to represent the act of overturning or subverting the established order. Structure of the Idiom: The idiom "颠覆" consists of two characters: 颠 (diān) and 覆 (fù). 颠 means "to overturn" or "to topple," while 覆 means "to cover" or "to overturn." Together, they form a compound word that expresses the concept of overturning or subverting. Example Sentences: 1. 这个新技术将颠覆传统的生产模式。 (Zhè gè xīn jìshù jiāng diān fù chuántǒng de shēngchǎn móshì.) This new technology will overturn the traditional production model. 2. 这部电影颠覆了人们对爱情的传统观念。 (Zhè bù diànyǐng diān fù le rénmen duì àiqíng de chuántǒng guānniàn.) This movie subverts people's traditional notions of love. Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 颠覆, you can visualize someone flipping a table upside down, symbolizing the act of overturning or subverting. You can also associate the pronunciation of 颠覆 (diān fù) with the word "defy," which has a similar meaning. Extended Learning: To further explore the concept of 颠覆, you can read about historical events or social movements that have brought about significant changes in China or other parts of the world. You can also research examples of technological innovations or scientific discoveries that have disrupted industries or transformed society. Example Sentences from Different Age Groups: 1. Children (age 8-12): 我们要颠覆传统的玩法,创造全新的游戏规则。 (Wǒmen yào diān fù chuántǒng de wánfǎ, chuàngzào quánxīn de yóuxì guīzé.) We want to overturn the traditional way of playing and create new game rules. 2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 这个社交平台正在颠覆我们的社交方式,让人们更加依赖手机。 (Zhège shèjiāo píngtái zhèngzài diān fù wǒmen de shèjiāo fāngshì, ràng rénmen gèngjiā yīlài shǒujī.) This social platform is subverting our way of socializing and making people more reliant on their phones. 3. Adults (age 25-40): 这场革命运动颠覆了整个社会的结构和价值观。 (Zhè chǎng gémìng yùndòng diān fù le zhěnggè shèhuì de jiégòu hé jiàzhíguān.) This revolutionary movement overturned the entire social structure and values. |
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