词语 | 繁密 |
释义 | 繁密(fán mì) Pronunciation: fán mì Basic Meaning: dense and crowded Detailed Explanation: 繁密 refers to something that is densely packed or crowded. It can be used to describe a place, an event, or even thoughts or ideas that are intricate and complex. Usage Scenarios: 1. 描述人群密集的地方:人来人往,热闹非凡。 2. 形容事件或工作安排紧密:时间安排得很紧,一刻也耽误不得。 3. 形容想法或观点复杂:这个问题涉及的方面很多,需要仔细研究。 Story Origin: 据说这个成语的起源可以追溯到古代的一种织布工艺。当时,织布的方法非常繁琐,需要经过多道工序才能完成一块布料。因此,人们形容这种复杂的织布工艺为“繁密”。 Structure of the Idiom: 繁密 is a two-character idiom with both characters carrying their original meanings. Example Sentences: 1. 这个城市的交通非常繁密,每天都堵车。 2. 这个会议的安排非常繁密,每个人都没有空闲时间。 3. 这本书的内容非常繁密,需要仔细阅读才能理解。 Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 繁密, you can imagine yourself in a crowded place, such as a busy market or a packed concert hall. Visualize the density of people and objects around you, and associate it with the concept of "繁密". Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "繁密", you can explore other related idioms and vocabulary, such as 繁忙 (busy), 繁华 (prosperous), and 繁荣 (thriving). Example Sentences from different age groups: 1. Kids: 今天游乐园人真繁密,排队排了好久才能玩上过山车。 2. Teenagers: 这个城市的夜市很繁密,各种小吃摊位都挤满了人。 3. Adults: 公司年会的安排非常繁密,每个部门都要准备节目和表演。 |
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