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词语 纷繁

纷繁(fēn fán)

Pronunciation: fēn fán

Basic Meaning: numerous and complicated

Detailed Explanation: 纷繁 refers to a situation that is characterized by numerous and complicated things or events. It implies a state of disorder or confusion due to the overwhelming amount of things happening at the same time.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe a busy or chaotic scene, where there are many things happening simultaneously and it is difficult to keep track of them all. It can also be used to express the complexity or diversity of a situation or an issue.

Story Origin: The idiom comes from the combination of two characters, 纷 (fēn) and 繁 (fán). 纷 means "numerous" or "various," while 繁 means "complicated" or "busy." When used together, they convey the idea of a multitude of things happening simultaneously.

Structure of the Idiom: 纷繁 is a two-character idiom.

Example Sentences:

1. 这个城市的交通纷繁复杂,很容易迷失方向。

Translation: The transportation in this city is numerous and complicated, making it easy to get lost.

2. 在这个纷繁的社会中,如何保持内心的宁静是一门艺术。

Translation: In this busy society, it is an art to maintain inner peace.

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of 纷繁, you can associate it with a picture of a crowded market with numerous people and stalls, representing the chaotic and complicated nature of the idiom.

Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of 纷繁, you can explore related idioms and expressions, such as 纷至沓来 (fēn zhì tà lái), which means "to come in droves" or "to come in a continuous stream."

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children (age 8-12): 在游乐园里,纷繁的人群让我觉得有点害怕。

Translation: In the amusement park, the numerous and complicated crowd made me feel a bit scared.

2. Teenagers (age 13-18): 在这个纷繁的世界中,我们需要学会如何分清主次。

Translation: In this complex world, we need to learn how to distinguish between what is important and what is not.

3. Adults (age 18+): 现代社会的发展纷繁多样,我们需要适应变化并不断学习。

Translation: The development of modern society is diverse and complex. We need to adapt to changes and keep learning.





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