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成语 超逸绝尘

超逸绝尘(chāo yì jué chén)

Pronunciation: chāo yì jué chén

Basic Meaning: surpassing all others and leaving the world behind

Detailed Explanation: This idiom describes someone or something that is outstanding and surpasses all others, leaving the world behind in terms of excellence or achievement.

Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to praise individuals or things that are exceptional, extraordinary, or unparalleled in their respective fields.

Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the book "Zuo Zhuan" (The Zuo Commentary), which is one of the earliest Chinese historical texts. It was used to describe the legendary figure Guan Zhong, who was known for his exceptional talent and ability to govern.

Structure of the Idiom: The idiom consists of four characters: 超逸绝尘. Each character contributes to the overall meaning of surpassing all others and leaving the world behind.

Example Sentences:

1. 他的才华超逸绝尘,被誉为音乐界的天才。

Translation: His talent surpasses all others and leaves the world behind, he is hailed as a musical genius.

2. 这幅画的艺术价值超逸绝尘,被众人所称赞。

Translation: The artistic value of this painting surpasses all others and leaves the world behind, it is praised by everyone.

Memory Techniques: To remember this idiom, you can break it down into the individual characters and their meanings. For example, "超" means surpass, "逸" means leave behind, "绝" means exceptional, and "尘" means the world. By understanding the meanings of each character, it becomes easier to remember the overall meaning of the idiom.

Extended Learning: To further deepen your understanding of this idiom, you can explore other related idioms or phrases that convey similar meanings, such as "出类拔萃" (chū lèi bá cuì) which means to stand out from the crowd, or "一鸣惊人" (yī míng jīng rén) which means to achieve great success or fame with one outstanding performance.

Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

1. Children: 他在比赛中表现超逸绝尘,赢得了冠军。

Translation: He performed exceptionally well in the competition and won the championship.

2. Teenagers: 这个电影的特效超逸绝尘,让人仿佛身临其境。

Translation: The special effects in this movie are outstanding, making people feel like they are really there.

3. Adults: 她的演讲技巧超逸绝尘,让观众留下了深刻的印象。

Translation: Her public speaking skills are exceptional, leaving a deep impression on the audience.





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