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成语 垂首丧气

垂首丧气(chuí shǒu sàng qì)

Pronunciation: chuí shǒu sàng qì

Basic Meaning: to hang one's head and lose heart

Detailed Explanation: 垂首丧气形容人因遭受打击、挫折或失望而心情低落,丧失了信心和斗志。

Usage Scenarios: 这个成语常用于描写人在困难面前丧失勇气,情绪低落,失去了斗志。

Story Origin: 据说这个成语的故事发生在战国时期。有一位名叫孟尝君的国君因为国家遭受了连连失败和打击,他感到非常沮丧和失望,整日垂头丧气。后来,他遇到了一位名叫管仲的智者,管仲劝他不要垂头丧气,要坚持信心和斗志,最终孟尝君恢复了信心,重振雄风。

Structure of the Idiom: 垂首丧气 is a verb-object idiom. 垂首 (chuí shǒu) means "to hang one's head" and 丧气 (sàng qì) means "to lose heart".

Example Sentences:

1. 他在考试中失败了,感到垂首丧气。

2. 面对困难,我们不能垂首丧气,要坚持下去。

Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of this idiom, visualize a person hanging their head in disappointment and losing their energy.

Extended Learning: Explore other idioms related to emotions and mental states, such as "失望至极" (shī wàng zhì jí, extremely disappointed) and "斗志昂扬" (dòu zhì áng yáng, high-spirited).

Example Sentences by Students of Different Ages:

1. 小学生:我在比赛中输了,感到垂首丧气。

2. 初中生:考试没考好,让我垂首丧气了好几天。

3. 高中生:面对失败,我们不能垂首丧气,要积极面对。





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