词语 | 秋天的拟人句怎么写 |
造句 | 1、秋天来了,落叶如断翅的蝴蝶,做着最后的盘旋。它们用尽最后的气力甩出极美妙的弧线,落地后仍不甘心,追着秋的舞裙飞旋…… 1, autumn comes, leaves a broken winged butterfly, doing the final circling. They used up the last strength out of very beautiful curve, after landing is still not reconciled, chasing the autumn dress spinner...... ----------------------------------------------------- 2、深秋,树叶枯黄了,纷纷扬扬地落在地上,像铺上了一层黄地毯,惟有鸡冠花不忍谢去,颇有独立寒秋的味道。 2, late autumn, the leaves have turned yellow, swirl to fall on the ground, as covered with a layer of yellow carpet, only bear Celosia cristata L. Xie, quite independent cold autumn taste. ----------------------------------------------------- 3、秋吹着古老的风笛掠过树叶,叶儿仿佛受到了感染,你催促着我,我催促着你,笑着,闹着,从母亲的怀抱中挣脱。“我们长大了”,空气中满是叶儿幸福的呼喊。 3, autumn blowing ancient bagpipes swept the leaves, leaf seems to have been infected, you urged me, I pushed you, smile, clamor, from her mother's embrace of the free. "We have grown up," the air is full of happy cries of leaves. ----------------------------------------------------- 4、秋天,是一个战场上归来的军事家,他在默默地思考着刚才的指挥过程。 4, autumn, is a return of the battlefield of the military, he quietly thinking about the command process. ----------------------------------------------------- 5、秋姑娘带着她丰收的果实,为农家带来了喜悦。 5, autumn girl with the fruit of her harvest, for the farmers brought joy. ----------------------------------------------------- 6、秋姑娘穿着火红的衣裳带给人们丰收的喜悦。 6, autumn girl wearing red clothes to bring people the joy of harvest. ----------------------------------------------------- 7、秋叶洒落,叶间是风的气味,缝隙中,隐藏着片片叶子生命的芳香。今日的飘落,不能招得蜂蝶,却晃然间闻到秋叶如蝶香。 7, autumn leaves fall, is the smell of the wind, the gap, the hidden life of aromatic leaves. Today's fall, cannot recruit bees and butterflies, but suddenly the smell of autumn leaves like the butterfly to be fragrant. ----------------------------------------------------- 8、中秋夜,圆月身披一袭盛装,仪态万千得向世人展示着她的绝代风华。 8, the night of the mid autumn moon, wearing a dress, to show the world the distinguished air of elegance and coquetry her peerless elegance. ----------------------------------------------------- 9、秋,温柔地抚摸着花儿,轻轻地哼着催眠曲,花儿入睡了;秋又去轻轻地拍打着树木,唱着优美的摇篮曲,树木也沉寂了。 9, autumn, gently touching the flowers, gently humming a tune, the flowers fall asleep; autumn and gently tap the trees, singing a beautiful song, the trees are still quiet. ----------------------------------------------------- 10、秋,不是常说是金色的吗?的确,她给大自然带来了丰硕的果实,给包括人在内的众多生物赏赐了无数得以延续生命的食粮。 10, autumn, not often say is golden?? yes, she to nature brought rich fruit, to people, including many biological reward countless the bread of the continuity of life. ----------------------------------------------------- 11、谁说秋风苦涩,谁说秋阳无味,那飘过嘴边的片片落叶,不正如清爽的薄荷,沁人心脾! 11, who said autumn bitter, who said Qiuyang tasteless, the drifting across the mouth piece of the fallen leaves, not as cool mint, refreshing! ----------------------------------------------------- 12、秋风姐姐悄悄地吹,秋雨阿姨轻轻地下,秋天在不知不觉之中已经来到了我们的身边。 12, autumn elder sister quietly blowing, autumn aunt softly, autumn has come to our side in the imperceptibly. ----------------------------------------------------- 13、我喜欢秋霜染红的似火的枫叶,因为秋天可以观赏弯腰微笑的金黄的稻谷,我们在郊外野炊登山。 13, I like maple leaves in autumn frost red Sihuo, because autumn ornamental bow smile of golden rice, we in the countryside to have a picnic mountaineering. ----------------------------------------------------- 14、我爱硕果累累的秋天,但我更爱秋天的傍晚。每到黄昏,我总爱漫步山头,去寻找她的足迹。 14. I love the fruits of autumn, but I love the autumn evening. Every evening, I always go to the mountains, to find her footprints. ----------------------------------------------------- 15、秋天又迈着沉稳的脚步款款地向我们走来。悄无声息地走开。 15, autumn is also a steady footsteps slowly coming to us. Quietly away. |
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