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词语 有关大自然的拟人句大全

1、 蠟燭默默地哭泣著。
1, candle silently crying.
2、 秋天又邁著沉穩的腳步款款地向我們走來。悄無聲息地走開。
2, fall to the steady pace slowly coming to us. Quietly away.
3、 沒有風的打擾,水面很平靜。
3, no wind, the water is very calm.
4、 柳樹在風中扭擺著腰肢,盡情地跳舞。
4, the willow in the wind with twist waist, dance.
5、 蠟炬成灰淚始幹。
5, wax torch ashes tears.
6、 風雨能摧殘櫻花,但是沖風冒雨,櫻花不是也能舒開笑臉麼?
6, the rain can destroy Sakura, but also can not Chongfengmaoyu, Sakura Shukai smile?
7、 小溪一路奔跑著,看著路邊的風景,從自己的身邊倒退,感到大自然的神奇與美麗。
7, a small stream running along the road, watching the roadside scenery, from their own side to reverse, feel the magic of nature and beauty.
8、 小溪一路“叮咚叮咚”地唱著歌,向遙遠的大海奔去。
8, stream road "tingle" singing, ran to the distant sea.
9、 桃樹、杏樹、梨樹,你不讓我,我不讓你,都開滿了花趕趟兒。
9, peach, apricot, pear, you will not let me, I will not let you, are also growing flowers.
10、 鳴蟬在樹葉裏吟唱。
10, cicada singing in the leaves.
11、 海棠果搖動著它那圓圓的小臉,沖著你點頭 微笑。
11, canophyllic rocked its round face, shouted to you nod and smile.
12、 山坡上,大路邊,村子口,榛樹葉子全都紅了,紅得像一團團火,把人們的心也給燃燒起來了。
12, on the hillside, side of the road, the village, hazel leaves all red, red, just like a round and round the fire, the people's heart to burn up.
13、 翠綠欲滴的椰子從葉間探出了頭。
13, green coconut poked his head from among the leaves.
14、 在那天邊隱約閃亮的不就是黃河?那在山腳纏繞不斷的自然是汶河,那拱衛在泰山膝蓋下的無數小饅頭,卻是沮淶山等著名的山嶺。
14, in the horizon that vaguely shining is the Yellow River. The at the foot of the winding continuously is the nature of the Wen River, the surround in Taishan knee countless small steamed bread is Ju Lai mountain famous mountains.
15、 那點薄雪好像忽然害了羞,微微露出點粉色。
15, the point of the thin snow seems to suddenly hurt the shame, slightly exposed point of pink.
16、 風兒清唱著歌,喚醒了沉睡中的大地。
16, the wind plays a song, awakened the sleeping earth.
17、 月亮一露面,滿天的星星驚散了。
17, the moon a show, the stars of the sky scattered.
18、 仲夏夜,清風徐徐吹來,明月追趕 晚霞,早早爬過山頭,掛在中天,那月光似乎帶著一股清涼,驅趕著酷日留下的餘熱。
18, a midsummer night, breeze blowing, the moon after sunset, climbed mountains, hanging in the sky, the moonlight seems to be with a stream of cool, chase the heat cool on the left.
19、 小狗伸了一個懶腰。
19, the dog stretched a lazy waist.





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