词语 | 我是麦丰人 我骄傲 |
释义 | 作者:麦丰之子 ——陈天佑 Author: Mai Feng's son -- Chen Tianyou (一) ( a ) 我是麦丰人 我骄傲 I'm Mai Feng my pride 不单单因为 身上穿带有MF微标的工作服和胸前佩带的识别卡 Not only because of wearing with MF logo work clothing and chest wearing identification card 穿带起来让我感到无比自豪 Threading up let me proud 也不单单因为 初升的太阳 Not only because of the rising sun 象征麦丰与我蓬勃的风貌 Mai Feng and I vigorous style symbol 我拥有一双勤劳的手 I have a pair of industrious hand 每天都将财富创造 Every day will create wealth 我拥有硫化的脊梁 I have the backbone of sulfide 涌起麦丰在天上、地上和海上的潮浪 With Mai Feng in heaven, earth and sea waves 时光的步履 Time steps 踏过无数个光荣与梦想 On a glory and dream 那火热的激情依然在心中燃烧 The fiery passion is still burning in my heart 从那一日起 From that date 我有了另一位慈祥的母亲 I have another a kind mother 赋予我另一个温暖的怀抱 Give me a warm embrace 我曾以我的青春热血 I had in my youthful enthusiasm 换取了母亲酒桌前的微笑 In exchange for the mother before they smile 从那一日起 From that date 我从一个青年步入时代的洪流 I am from a youth into the powerful current of the times 我用实际行动表明 I use the practical action to show 我是麦丰之子 I was the son of Mai Feng 就会让麦丰硫化之花开的更闪耀 Will let Mai Feng vulcanization of bloom more bright (二) ( two) 我是麦丰人 我骄傲 I'm Mai Feng my pride 在麦丰硫化交响上 In the Mai Feng symphony on sulfide 我的诗行 My words 最朗朗上口的韵脚 The most GetWord rhyme 我们的经营理念是: Our business philosophy is: 视同仁为傲 Optic Tongren proud 客户为宝 Customer PO 求真务实 Pragmatic 永续经营 Sustainable management 我们的经营方针是: Our business policy is: 勤俭经营 Thrifty operation 稳步发展 Steady development 不求最大 Not seeking the most 但求更好 But for the better 我们用这响亮的口号 We used this slogan 终于将昔日的荒郊变得繁茂 Finally the old become lush wilderness 母亲啊 你仍是时代的骄傲 Mother, you are the pride of (三) ( three) 我是麦丰人 我骄傲 I'm Mai Feng my pride 不单单因为 硫化之花的果实 Not only because of vulcanization of flower and fruit 养育我茁壮成长 I grow sturdily Parenting 也不单单因为 麦丰的前景 It not only because of the prospect of Mai Feng 是我心中指引方向的航标 My mind is to guide the direction of the AIDS to navigation 当我听到硫化车间里奏出的旋律 When I hear the vulcanizing workshop play the melody 我的脚步格外轻松 My footsteps very easily 我的歌声也充满骄傲 My songs are full of pride (四) ( four) 我是麦丰人 我骄傲 I'm Mai Feng my pride 我愿以百倍的努力 I would like to 100 times the effort 将硫化的旋律演奏得更美妙 Vulcanization melody played more wonderful 麦丰 让我为你祝福吧 Mai Feng give me your blessing. 麦丰 让我为你思考吧 Mai Feng let me think for you. 春天的深情 Spring love 在麦丰的根须从不会苍老 In Mai Feng's roots from the never old 我是硫化铸成筋骨的麦丰人 I am a sulfide and Mai Feng 我是奔腾着硫化之血的麦丰人 I was running with a vulcanized blood Mai Feng 我自豪 我骄傲 I take pride in my pride 因为我是麦丰人 Because I am Mai Feng 上一篇
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