词语 | 小学生日记圣诞节 |
释义 | 小学生日记圣诞节 篇1 Whenever I hear this song "Jingle Bells", I know that Christmas has quietly e to our side; whenever I see a large supermarket Christmas decoration, I know that Christmas is close at hand...... Before Christmas, I had fantasized that I had held a grand hall, where there were many figures, both high and low. But no matter who, they can always be friendly and amiable. No matter the enemy or the friend, we can always get through the day. I have also fantasized that on Christmas night I quietly squatted beside the chimney waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. But Ive been waiting for a long time, but I dont see the figure of Santa Claus. I thought, "well, why dont Santa Claus e?" It must be a "traffic jam" on the road. I had to go to bed. But it was not a few minutes before I lay down, and the chimney was moving. I looked down there with squinted eyes. I saw that wearing a red robe, wearing a Red Hat Santa is to my Christmas stocking stuffed with gifts! At that time, I was happy in my heart. Christmas Eve a chimney, I ran out of the house. He saw Santa Claus in his sledge and went to the next house. When I opened the magic socks, I found there was a small gift box in it. When I cautiously opened the box again, I found that there was a book I most liked and wanted most, "a brief history of time", because it is a book about cosmology. When I carefully opened the book, I found that there was a small note in it. The note read: "learning without limit, asking questions, asking questions and learning." 小学生日记圣诞节 篇2 There are many festivals in a year. Among them, my favorite holiday is Christmas. At Christmas, I always believe that Santa Claus will give me presents. Santa Claus always knows my wishes, always driving his reindeer in the snow to give us presents. On Christmas Eve, I asked my parents, "will Santa give me presents this year?" Mom and dad said, "yes, yes." Hearing the words of my father and mother, I smiled with relief. On the night of Christmas, my mother said to me, "as long as you sleep quietly tonight, do not open your eyes, and tomorrow morning the gift will be on your bed." I readily agreed. In the evening I made my wish: I want a snowman. I couldnt sleep because I was thinking about presents. In the middle of the night I suddenly saw a vague figure walking up to my bed and putting the present at the bedside. I see the "mystery man", originally "Santa Claus", in order not to let "Santa Claus" find me to wake up and walk away, I have to narrow my eyes, ah! What a Santa! I was so happy that I almost screamed. I am "Santa Claus" out of my door, I snuck out, also quietly behind "Santa Claus", and "Santa Claus" found me and ran away as quickly as they could. Because it was so dark at night, I didnt dare go after it. Back in the room, I turned on the light, and at the head of my bed was a snowman. It happened to be my wish. The next day, I said to my parents, "I saw Father Christmas last night." Mom and dad asked in surprise, "really?" Then I saw my dads dark circles and asked, "daddy, how did you have dark circles?" "Nothing," he said. "nothing. Maybe I didnt sleep well." In my dads words, I vaguely guessed something... 猜你喜欢1:欢乐的圣诞节日记 “圣诞节到了!圣诞节到了!今天不用上课,不用带书包到学校去了,车子也可以停在校门口了。”我开开心心地坐在爸爸的车去学校,到了学校我慢步走向教室,心里乐滋滋的。今天不用做操,校长通知每个班的班主任把自己班的孩子们带到操场上做游戏。 我们首先玩老鹰捉小鸡,班主任当老鹰,我们当小鸡,最后我们的班主任一个也捉不住。玩好游戏,我们排着整齐的对伍回教室。这时候教室里放着圣诞歌,走来了一位白发苍苍的圣诞老人,这个圣诞老人其实是林老师扮的,圣诞老人对我们说:“孩子们祝愿你们每一天都快乐的成长,学习天天进步。”我们边欢呼边鼓掌,掌声渐渐平息,林老师让每人在他的礼物袜子里摸一次,林老师还告诉我们,袜子里最好的一个礼物是一个铅笔盒。 轮到我抽了,我希望自己抽到一个漂亮的铅笔盒,因为林老师还悄悄告诉我这里面的铅笔盒是多功能的。我拿出来一看,哇,真的是一个漂亮的铅笔盒,而且图案是我最喜欢的人鱼公主。我高兴极了,笑得合不拢嘴。 我看着前面的林晨抽到的是什么?我站起来看了一下是一个笔筒,图案是一只可爱的米妮。我又看了看张浩宇的礼物是一个可爱的企鹅像皮擦。他们俩都没我幸运,林晨还说:“吴若梦,可不可以我抽到的礼物跟你的铅笔盒交换行吗?”我一口拒绝了她,因为这是我想要的礼物。 猜你喜欢2:圣诞节的小学日记 我们的画画班准备办圣诞节活动,大家都高兴的连蹦三尺高,沉默却化为乌有,从来没有过过圣诞节的中国好少年‘我’也兴奋得说不出话来,然而,这次圣诞节在我的心目中结成了冰冷的石块,给我一个沉重的打击,从此,我发誓,这是我的第一次圣诞节,也是最后一次过圣诞节了。 星期六的早晨,天刚蒙蒙亮,我便从温暖的床上爬了起来,迎面而来的是一股寒风。但这区区小事怎能拦得住我的霸气英勇,虽然我是女孩,但却有着男孩的雄心壮志,被俗称为女孩子,可谓是家喻户晓啊。穿完衣裳,草草洗了把脸,便直冲我喜爱的画画班。 不一会儿,就来到了教室。哇,当时的场面可叫一个狠字啊,没想到这些淘气包们比我都还兴奋,早就来到了教室,我瞬间压力山大。不过,教室里美丽是我缓了缓气,一层魔术贴纸上贴纸四个菱形大字“圣诞快乐”,周围还贴着我们以前的画作……圣诞老人,魔术纸的上方还有许多无颜六色的气球,使我眼花缭乱。大家想知道是什么吗?嘿嘿,气球里面装着一些小纸条,只要你玩游戏得到了第一名,便可用肖老师准备的细针一扎,取出里面的纸条,奇偶可得到你纸条上名的玩具了。 叮铃铃,叮铃铃,时间到。肖老师宣布游戏开始了,第一个节目是大家都爱看的爸爸去哪儿里面的“萝卜蹲”,看到这名字,我真是不禁想起了田亮为郭涛爸爸打节拍却忘了自己蹲,最终还是被淘汰的情景,游戏开始,我们蜂拥而上参加节目,可最终我没有得到桂冠,后面的各个游戏也是被别人抢了先,原本有些担心炸不到气球的我也想到,还剩有这么多气球,不要紧的,可等到最后,肖老师说没扎到气球的同学按高矮次序往前站时,扎到最后却只剩我一人没得到礼物,肖老师就把口袋里剩下的一个玩具给了我,我勉强笑了笑,但心里比针扎都难受,在我的心里,重要的不是玩具,它只是一个形式,但却完完整整的伤了别人的自尊心,难道不是吗?真是很气人呢。 美好的圣诞节化为乌有,这是我第一次过圣诞节,也是最后一次过圣诞节了。 |
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