词语 | 环保的英语文案短句 |
释义 | 江南网整理了4篇环保的英语文案短句(精选116句),供大家欣赏。 环保的英语文案短句 篇1 1、How to pretect our enviroment has been one of the most difficult problem in the world. 2、珍惜自然之源,共营生命绿色。 3、许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。 4、废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,杀死大量的鱼。 5、It's our duty to protect our environment。 6、水清自然甜,水浑人人厌。 7、We should protect the environment, keep on developing and prospering. 8、水的量是适宜的饮料是越来越少了。 9、We should plant more flowers and trees. 10、We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future. 11、Something must be done to stop the pollution. 12、保持环境干净和整洁,我们只有一个地球,应该保护它,使我们的家园更加美丽。 13、但有些人不关心它。 14、The water is clear and sweet, but the water is muddy and people are tired of it. 15、Keep the enviroment clean and tidy.We have only one earth.We should try our best to pretect it,make our home more and more beautiful. 16、我们应该种更多的树,为了生活得更好,更健康的未来。 17、Treat kindly the Earth is to treat kindly oneself. 18、这是每个人的责任,爱护和保护环境。 19、如何保护环境已经成为世界最大难题之一。 20、我们的生活离不开水。 21、垃圾污染环境,损害健康,不要到处扔垃圾 22、As we know , water is very important to man. 23、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. 24、我们应该种更多的花和树。 环保的英语文案短句 篇2 1、The waste water will pour into rivers,lakes and fields.It will harm the crops ,kill a large number of fish. 2、We should build a harmonious social environment and advocate a new atmosphere of civilized environmental protection. 3、Blue water and blue sky, natural smile! 4、我们知道,水是非常重要的人。 5、Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green. 6、碧水蓝天,笑容自然! 7、We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees. 8、It is very important to take care of our environment. 9、我们必须拿起一些垃圾,扔到垃圾桶它。 10、We can't live without water. 11、We should not throw litter onto the ground. 12、树是非常有益的,对我们很重要。 13、It's everyone's duty to love and protect the environment. 14、Establish the consciousness of water saving and oppose the waste of water resources. 15、这是非常重要,我们要保护我们的环境。 16、构建和谐社会大环境,倡导文明环保新气象。 17、如果人人都为保护环境作出贡献,世界将变得更加美丽。 18、善待地球就是善待自己。 19、保护我们生存的环境是我们的责任和义务。 20、We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin. 21、Trees are very helpful and important for us. 22、If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 23、树立节水意识,反对浪费水源。 24、But some people don't care about it. 25、保护环境山河美,持续发展事业兴。 26、必须采取某种措施来制止污染。 27、我们不应该往地上扔垃圾。 28、我们不应该在公共场所吐痰/砍伐的树木。 29、The rubbish will pullute the enviroment.It is bed for our health.So please don't throw about the rubbish. 环保的英语文案短句 篇3 1、晚安这两个简单的字,有谁能一天不落地对我说一辈子。 2、后来我懂了爱是迁就是纵容 3、如果心里有伤,是否真的可以遗忘,不必包装。 4、大佬别逗了艹着别的女人说爱我 5、“如能忘掉渴望岁月长衣裳薄” 6、“你今天想我了几次?”“不记得了。”“啊,怎么这么不把我放在心上”“你每天的呼吸次数能数清吗” 7、真的没有力气再去像喜欢你那样喜欢别人 8、复习就是把不会的东西再确认一遍确实不会 9、“别说放不下还不如说从未拿起过” 10、你去陪你的清酒佳人我开始我的与世无争 11、小时候快乐是因为我们穷和丑都还不是那么明显 12、十实现梦想比睡在床上的梦想更灿烂。 13、大概一个人久了,可以忍受的孤独指数也在不断增加。那些过去以为两个人一起完成才最浪漫的事,慢慢的我都自己去实现了。 14、看清了很多人,却不能随意拆穿;讨厌着很多人,却又不能轻易翻脸。有时候,生活就是要逼自己变得逆来顺受,宠辱不惊。 15、岁寒三友--火锅白菜热被窝。 16、对于爱情,如若是有力气的人那就可以跋山涉水,有灵感的人可以写一首小诗。爱情,最不该让我们的想象力枯竭,走上一条流水线的单行道。有想象力的爱情,一切都那么自然。 17、仇怨和宽恕,天下和所爱,我都选择你。 18、一旦立下目标,不达目标绝不罢手,方可成功。 19、你以为放手就能让我幸福,可是你不知道,我们幸福是和你手牵手。 20、最美莫过于未来有一天,睡前吻你,半夜抱你,醒来有你。 21、随便的意思就是,我懒得想,但你必须想出我满意的答案 22、因为不知道将来能否温柔平和地度过很累。 23、别离让我深深的体会,命运里面有痛。 24、其实睡觉是一种解脱,是上天赐予短暂失忆的时间,睡着了就会不悲不气,不会烦恼不会孤单,不会难受不会失望,愿美梦治愈所有的不快。晚安! 25、忘记一个人需要多久春夏秋冬够不够. 26、c.No, thanks/thank you. 环保的英语文案短句 篇4 1、---I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes. 2、This is the best book (that) I have read this year. 3、C.Thank you for telling me. 4、用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空 5、C.This is Tom Smith D.Tom Smith’s me 6、Are you a TV lover? Can you think of your life without TV? 7、He filled the box with chalk.他把粉笔装满了盒子。 8、C.No, I would 9、A.Dumplings.B.Bread and milk.C.Bread only. 10、whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语。例如: 11、M: What’s your sister’s name, Alice? 12、B.Sure.You can take the No.3 bus 13、reach能直接接所到达的地点,是一个及物动词。 14、Please say that again/more slowly. 15、a.What’s the weather like today? 16、found是另外一个词,与find并没有关系,意思是"成立、建设",常用作及物动词。 17、Bread is made from corn.面包是小麦做的。 18、M: This shirt is too expensive.Do you have a cheaper one? 19、take一般是指从说话人这里往别处拿,翻译成“带走”。 20、Yes, please. 21、when 指时间,在定语从句中作状语。例如: 22、a good mother is worth a hundred schoolmaster。 23、今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您。母亲节快乐。 24、人生最美的东西之一就是母爱,这是无私的爱,道德与之相形见绌。 25、愿将我的怀念和祝福,在此安谧的节日,默默送给您。 26、he mother of my great love i had to use my work to verify thislove is worth it。 27、loving mother of the arm is composed, the children could not sleep in it sweet? 28、Mother's Day is a time when mothers discover how well their children can prepar e breakfast. 29、hile women are vulnerable, the mother is strong。 30、mom, no matter where are you, where is our fastest and yearning place. 31、Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor. 32、You are the best mom that a son ever had. 33、母性的力量胜过自然界的法则。 34、I've tried many times to tell you,bu tI'll say it again:I love you mother. 35、On this Mother's Day I just want to say:I'm proud to be your daughter. 36、在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您! 37、妈妈们应该得到的不只是一个节日,她们该获得荣誉勋章。 |
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