词语 | 难忘的春节一件事日记 |
释义 | 难忘的春节一件事日记 篇1 在春节这段时间里,会发生无数的事情。今天,我要讲一个小故事。这个故事是关于我第一次点烟花的事,也是使我最难忘的一件事。 从前,因为胆小,放烟花时我总是躲在一旁观看,从没有亲手点过烟花。可是这个大年夜,我却一定要亲手点个烟花。因为我明白自己长大了。 大年夜那天,九点的钟声敲响了,像一个命令,命令我执行点烟花的任务。我看了一下表哥。只见他把一个高升平稳地放在地面上,按下打火机的开关,点着导火线,便快速地跑了回来。在他身后,“啪……啪”两下,一个高升上了天。我挑了一个36发的烟花,小心地拿出打火机。正准备点,心里一下子产生了一种恐惧感——新闻报导过:有许多人在点燃烟花时被炸伤,有的`人还因此而死亡了。要是我不小心的话,说不定也会……我还是不点吧。我正准备转身跑开时,突然想起自己说过的话,要亲手点燃一个烟花。君子一言,驷马难追,这是做人的根本。今天,我一定要做到!我咬紧牙关,擦了擦汗,按下打火机的开关。火一下子冒了出来。我紧张地让火苗接近烟花的导火线。火舌舔了一下导火线,导火线上出现了小火花。火花一点点向上爬。我连忙向大家跑去,心中无法按奈住强烈的喜悦之情。我跑到安全地带,回头一看,烟花一个接着一个冲向天空,留下一个个五彩的颜色。我成功了﹗我终于做到了﹗ 36发烟花,每一发都是这个时刻的见证。我超越了自己,成为一个11岁的人。这,就是20xx年的春节让我最难忘的一件事﹗ 难忘的春节一件事日记 篇2 这是一个令我难忘的春节,因为这是我第一次在北京以外的城市度过中国最为传统、最为重要的`节日。哪个城市?xxx的家。 太热闹了,xxx的家乡过节的气氛让我觉得有些一时无法适应,因为我已经很久没有感受到这么热烈的节日气氛了。 从腊月二十三开始,你可以在任何地方看到节日的喜庆,人们脸上洋溢着笑容,大街小巷处处张灯结彩,买年货、贴春联、放鞭炮那种热闹的场面无法用语言形容。 大年三十是节日的最高峰,从早到晚的鞭炮声不断,scl爸爸妈妈做的饭菜更是令我沸腾:鸡、鸭、鱼、肉……天哪! 春节谁收获的最多?我的肚子。 春节什么最难忘?在xxx家乡过年。 猜你喜欢1:高一春节英语日记 After the fathers had been sacrificed to the father, we drove along the path to our mother's ancestors, along with the sound of firecrackers, the sounds of questioning and the laughter of the ears. Since the graves of my mother's ancestors were more than a dozen miles away, and all of them were country roads, we were in a hurry to catch up earlier. Because just snowed, the road is not very easy, we decided not to go into gully, but from the hillside to find the path with the dry point, suddenly, I saw a lonely grave, weeds from birth, and no one visit. I thought, if people really have the spirit of heaven, don't they feel lonely, their children? I told dad the idea. The father said: "to worship the deceased ancestors, formerly a feudal superstition activity, but now, has simplified, is only a kind of etiquette, is to own ancestors of respect." After the meal, my father said, "this year our country has suffered a snowstorm, so many people can't rush home to celebrate the New Year, but they have been talking on the phone to greet their families. If people knew it first, they would understand it. "There are still many people, they are busy in their respective jobs, this year our country will host the Olympic Games, the country is speeding up development, everyone is working hard!" I thought, "yes, if the ancestors knew it, they would understand and be happy. People are building a good new life." Before long, we arrived at mother's ancestral grave, the same feelings, the same worship, I also solemnly made three bow. Walking back, I found a new cement road to the mountain village, there are many busy people, carrying bag, and walked out this unfinished road, on their way to their jobs. 猜你喜欢2:春节小学日记 春节期间,我学会了包饺子。年三十晚上7点左右我向奶奶学习包饺子,奶奶告诉我,包饺子要先擀皮,再用勺子把馅放在饺子皮上,然后把饺子皮对折用食指和大拇指把中间捏住,再用中指把饺子皮的两边捏进去,还要捏紧。妈妈还告诉我一种简单的.方法,先放馅再把皮对折捏紧就行了。这种方法简单但包出来太难看,我还是按奶奶教我的那种方法包。我包出来一个,一点都不好看,但是,我不灰心,继续包第二个、第两个、第三个到后来包的一个比一个好看了。刚开始包的那几个还是躺者的,现在包的都能立起来了,就像元宝一样,可好看了。 通过这件事我懂得了一个道理:做什么事,只要不灰心就能办成。 |
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