词语 | 自我介绍高一日记 |
释义 | 自我介绍高一日记 篇1 大家好,我先自我介绍一下我姓XXX,是一个很平常的男孩,胖胖的的脑袋瓜子,留着一头帅气的头发。那浓浓的眉毛下嵌着一双炯炯有神的大眼睛。那高高的鼻梁似乎没怎么引人注意,反而是那叽叽喳喳的大嘴巴惹人喜欢。我现在虽上了五年级,但身高只有1、35米。我正为我的身高烦恼呢。 我在班上算不上尖子生。但要是比体育项目的,那我可就是名列前茅了。(对不起,说得有些骄傲了)。我也是个“路见不平,拔刀相助”的人,只要朋友有难,我第一个冲过去帮助他,所以,我的知己才越来越多。可能也正是这样,我忙帮多了,头脑昏了,帮的倒忙也越来越多。 这就是我,一个普普通通的我,听了我的自我介绍,你们会喜欢我吗? 自我介绍高一日记 篇2 大家好!我是一个非常乐观的男孩,我认为我们应该分享每一分钟的快乐时光。当你快乐,你才会感到阳光是那么灿烂,蓝天是那么的明朗,我们是那么的富有活力。追求快乐的人是不断争取的。追求快乐的人是不会被困难击垮的,追求快乐的人是会勇敢地去面对每一件事的??因此,在老师和家长的教诲下,我才懂得了怎样感恩、乐观、坚持。 我最大的特质就是执着,只要是我所选择的事情,我所选择的道路,我都会非常坚定地走下去。 我喜欢挑战自我,喜欢在强手之中找到自己的位置,如果胜利我会嫣然一笑,如果失败我会得到更大的动力,争取更大的成功。我看过一本书,书上说:机遇对每个人都是平等的。但成功只给有准备的人。而这个准备,就是一个自我提高、自我完善的过程。只要你为自己选择的目标去奋斗了,你的生活就会充满快乐。主持对我来说是一个无限广阔的魅力空间,当你打开这空间时,你我之间就开始了真诚的交流,我心甘情愿为这个空间付出,为这个空间奉献。我相信心灵的沟通将使我们的笑颜更加灿烂,但愿我的主持能够洗去你一天的'疲劳,给大家带来温馨。我认为悦耳的声音让人们在忙碌的间隙,体会到一丝云淡风轻的超脱。它让人们通过优美的声音了解世界,获取快乐,所以成为一名优秀的主持人是我的梦想,张扬自我,展示才华是我孜孜以求的目标。 我爱好读书,写作,听音乐,演讲等。我的专长是写作,在我看来,写作能修身养性,陶冶情操??我是一个像向日葵一样追求阳光的男孩,我的人生观是快乐每一天,希望我可以把快乐带给大家! 谢谢! 猜你喜欢1:高一春节英语日记 People say that there are Chinese children in the place where there is sea water, and where there are Chinese children, there is the Spring Festival. Scan the earth, and all over the world, during the Spring Festival, fireworks bloom, flying dragon, laughter ripples, Spring Festival the Spring Festival is also China, towards the world. The Spring Festival is not only the Spring Festival of the Chinese people, but also the Spring Festival in the world. First of all, the Spring Festival is a family holiday and a family holiday, and the Chinese people, especially the Chinese, pay more attention to their family and relatives. There is an old saying: "on the thirty China eat dumplings, not outsiders", meaning that people are busy all year round, people drifting, the Spring Festival is generally going home, father and son for two generations, three generations, even Sishitongtang, drink, take a bow, the mother of good wife and loving father and faithful son. People, in the sound of firecrackers, the sound of the drums, the sound of laughter, enjoying the warmth of the world. This warm with the money has nothing to do with the right force has nothing to do with the flesh is not snobbish, happy. At the same time, the Spring Festival is a festival to deepen the relationship between people and people and to communicate the relationship between people and people, and it is a festival of unity. Not only among loved ones, even among strangers, including some estranged and contradictory people, they will be more polite and smile and tolerant when they meet during the Spring Festival. A little understanding and concern, a "happy fortune", a "happy new spring", who listened to the happy. In a word, the Spring Festival is a grand festival for people to get along with land and to be happy and happy. The Spring Festival is a festival that concentrates on the traditional culture. After the Spring Festival, it is a review and inspiration for peace, friendship and affection, and a blessing and prayer for a better life in the future. The spring festival culture is a long history of Chinese culture and oriental culture. It is loved by people and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Today, the Spring Festival is not only deep in the Chinese people's hearts, but also to the people of foreign countries. It is the same as the Chinese and the foreigners. In some countries and regions with Chinese, foreigners also spend the Spring Festival with Chinese. In addition to the original tens of millions of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese, more Chinese are coming out of the country and more foreigners come to China. People in and out, it will promote culture and "Western learning", also has "East West", you have me, I have you, something mutual absorbing the cultural essence, learn from each other, any healthy and civilized world is welcome. Cultural exchanges make the world more civilized and more colorful. The charm of the Spring Festival is the charm of China, the charm of the East, and the charm of the world's civilization. China Spring Festival, is a contribution to the world civilization, is a gift to mankind. 猜你喜欢2:高一成长日记 冷风像鞭子似地抽在我的脸上,感觉生辣辣地疼,而我却依然毫不畏惧地继续向前跑着。烟火从地平线冲向天空,在头顶上好几百米的地方“砰”一声炸开,最后以最绚丽的颜色消失在黑夜中…… 期末考试的成绩又是一落千丈,都不知道那几张试卷上滴落了多少辛酸之泪!大过年的,被父母遗弃在家里演算着数学题,大脑被无聊的函数、乱七八糟的根式、冰冷的几何所占领,整个人简直是一头雾水,都不知道如何呼吸生存!怎么会有心情来演算数学题呢? 还是出去走走吧! 外面的人真是少,没有以前的车水马龙、络绎不绝。街道显得有些清冷,远处是霓虹点缀的夜幕,脚下是被一盏盏路灯司职的橘黄。影子从前面转到后面,越来越长,越变越淡,快要消失的时候又跳回前面,循环往复,周而复始。在这样冰冻三尺的寒夜里,总觉得自己像是一具冻满冰渣的尸体,关节僵死地开合,血液半固化地流动。 坐在街心广场某一黑色的角落里,只能看到远处有烟火绽放。 红色,黄色,橙色,绿色,紫色…… 怎么能这么颓废?从未感觉到过的失败感,在身体里扩散开来,换做泪水从眼眶溢出来。 靠在冰冷坚硬的长椅上,喉咙被大口呼吸的冷风吹得发不出声音来,只有泪水大颗大颗地从脸上滚落。滚烫的眼泪,是身体里唯一有着温度的部分。 可是眼泪在脸上停留片刻,就化成冰渣,粘在脸上,纵横开合,从表向里固化,结冰,扎进皮肤落地生根。 反思着这次期末考试,总结着自己的失误,轻轻地告诉自己:坐在这里哭有什么用?哭只能代表自己懦弱。就算为了不让泪水在脸上结冰湿冷得刺骨也好,不能哭。我要坚强!下个学期一定要好好学习,开始冲刺了! 手脚都冻僵了,但还是起身朝家的方向跑去。这些无法抵抗的寒冷,终将过去,一直不停地告诉自己,前面就是温暖的房间,虽然没有人等自己,可是还有暖和的空气以及绚丽的焰火在我心里酝酿成美丽的心愿,一切都会好起来,只要我足够地坚强!那时的我坚定了信心,努力地推演着一道道繁琐的函数、几何题,手中的笔一刻不停地飞舞着,一个个琐碎的符号映在纸上,一个小小的错误出现了,而那张写满的纸却毫不犹豫地被丢弃,一张新的草稿纸又出现在眼前,没有停顿,小小的笔杆再次跳起舞蹈。 那个夜晚,在那个充满了挫折与失败的夜晚,似乎心灵得到了升华,有了一丝明悟,每每回忆起来,似欢喜,似悲伤,似无助,在那个夜晚,我从一个遇到挫折只想着躲避,只想着逃避的懦弱男孩,成长为了一个懂得为了理想与希望奋斗的男子汉了。是挫折让我成长。 |
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