词语 | 英语的日记 |
释义 | 英语的日记 篇1 在课堂上,我特别喜欢老师的听写,因为每次听写都能取得好的效果。在我的听写簿里,几乎每一页都盖着一个鲜红色的印章,表示满分。 在英语课上,我经常主动举手,主动回答老师的问题。相比语文、数学等其他课,我答题次数多了四五次,经常被老师表扬。 每次上英语课,我都很认真,坐姿端正,注意力集中。我总是睁大明亮的眼睛看老师和黑板,认真听老师讲解课文,注意老师单词的发音。课后,我总是反复拼写英语单词,并大声朗读课文。遇到不懂的事情,就问老师或者家长。 我上其他课的时候,一般都不错,但是偶尔会忍不住说话,也不经常举手发言。 这是我在英语课上。希望大家都能喜欢这个可爱的我。 英语的日记 篇2 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China . In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . 英语的日记 篇3 Early Rising 早起 Early rising benefits us in many ways. 早起在各方面对我们都有好处。 First, it helps to keep us fit. We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, by taking morning exercises we can improve our health. 首先,早起能帮助我们保持健康。我们都需要新鲜的空气。但是早上的空气是最新鲜的。此外,做早操也能够提高我们的健康。 Second, it can help us in our studies. In the morning we can learn more quickly. 其次,早起能在学习方面帮助我们。早上我们可以学得很快。 Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. We cannot work well without a proper plan. Early rising can also give us enough time to get ready for our work. 第三,早起能让我们计划好一整天的工作。没有一个适当的计划我们无法好好工作。早起也可以给我们足够的时间来准备我们的工作。 So we say that those who always get up late should make great effort to get up early. 因此我们说那些总是起得晚的人应该努力早起。 英语的日记 篇4 The math teacher of my class is a young man. His name is Jiang Shan. He is tall and fat. We call him the “Big Guy”. When he knows it, he isn’t angry and says it’s lovely. He is easy going and interesting. We can make jokes with him. But about our study, he is serious but patient. We can’t be sloppy on our study. When we have questions, we can ask him anytime. He is a good teacher. 英语的日记 篇5 It is our duty to protect the environment, and it is our duty to all of us. Today, I wander aimlessly walking in the park, suddenly I stopped, and found two of six or seven years old children, a man and a woman, a big and a small, looks very handsome. They were carrying fragile rectangular bricks in their hands, and they were uncivilized in the open space. I saw he said to them: "it's little brother, little sister, you do not civilization, also is very dangerous, and sister together these picked it up and threw it into the trash can over there?" said the point a little bit of yellow and black recycled over there, not to recycle bin. They nodded and agreed. We picked it up and threw the pieces in the trash can. Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. Let's protect the environment and protect our common global village! 保护环境,是我们大家应尽的义务,是我们大家应尽的责任。 今天,我漫无目的地走在公园里,忽然我停下脚步,发现了两个六七岁的小朋友,一男一女,一大一小,长得十分清秀。他们手里拿着一些易碎的长方形砖块,在空地上乱扔,十分不文明。 我看见了对他们说:“小弟弟、小妹妹,你们这样很不文明,还很危险,和姐姐一起把这些捡起来扔进那边的的垃圾桶好吗?″说着点了点那边的黄色和黑色的可回收、不可回收的垃圾桶。 他们点了点头,异口同声地说好。说着我们捡了起来,把碎片扔进垃圾桶里。 保护环境,人人有责。让我们一起保护环境,保护我们共同的地球村! 英语的日记 篇6 1、面对着苍茫的群山,面对着无际的原野,面对着清澈的小溪,面对着芳郁的野花,面对着浅浅的草叶,我沉默,我惊叹,我欣喜,我欢乐,我无言。 2、我还是爱着属于我的初三的。爱属于初三给与我的心旷神怡的时刻:当你冥思苦想,而终于恍然大悟的时候,你会品尝成功的喜悦;当你忙里偷闲和别人闲聊上几句家常时,你会发现生活的乐趣;当你趁着课间十分钟一瞥窗外那云卷云舒的宽容时,你会感到心灵的轻松与惬意。所以,我说——初三是一幅流光溢彩的油画,是一片充满幻想的云霞,是一个充满竞争的年华。 3、初三让我受益匪浅,她让我明白了珍惜时间才不会虚度此生的真谛,她让我懂得了珍爱人生就要去拼搏去奋斗的道理。如醉如痴,她让我用激情吮吸着知识的甘露;豁然开朗,她让我用真诚去探寻着做人的美好。 4、追求,就是千年不变的至情,百代流传的绮梦;是沁人心脾,令人留连的田园风光;是一个人、一个家、一个民族、一个国家奋斗不息的崇高理想。因为有了追求,才有了一个个古老而又美好的传说;有了追求,才有了一座座绵延无边、用血肉筑起的钢铁长城;有了追求,才有了一尊尊屹立于天地之间、永不低头的雕像。 英语的日记 篇7 Mei, I think you should practise their guts,First to develop self-esteem, believe in yourself, even often encourage yourself. Next to cultivate courage, class learning more at ordinary times, many questions ask to speak to answer questions, answer wrong and no relationship. More teachers and classmates is again and make friends, learn other people's strengths, first acquaintance and speak, and all men met strangers gradually shy. The key is insist to take exercise, this small problem can solve mei,You are very clever, speak English very good grades is very good。I'll tell the other students, let them give you encourage, let they believe you, because you are the best。You must be successful, come on 英语的日记 篇8 The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries try their best to bid for hosting the Olympic Games. And every country does its best to get more medals in the Games. There are five rings on the Olympic flag, which are considered to symbolize the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. The Olympic motto is: Swifter, higher, stronger. The Games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations. 英语的日记 篇9 When I was in primary school, my parents had paid special attention to the English education, they thought it was the necessary language to learn. So I had access to the English movie and the relatived books. I fell in love with learning English, because speaking English made me stand out. Later I found an English club in my school, it was a place for the English learner to improve their speaking skill and gain their interest. I was so excited and we talked in English all the time, I learned a lot. When other students complain about the difficulty to learn the language, I have passion to learn it. 当我在小学的时候,我的父母特别重视英语教育,他们认为这是不可少的语言学习。所以我接触到英语电影和相关的书。我爱上了学习英语,因为英语让我脱颖而出。之后我发现我的学校有个英语俱乐部,这是一个帮助英语学习者提高他们的口语能力和提高学习兴趣的地方。我很兴奋,我们一直用英语交谈,我学到了很多,当其他同学抱怨学习语言很困难的时候,我却满怀激情去学习。 英语的日记 篇10 我的英语老师---毕雅娟,是我们扎兰屯市很有名的英语老师。听我们班主任说:我们的毕老师是教育局从网上聘来的,级别很高。 我们的毕老师是一位年轻,漂亮,很能干的女老师。她有着一双细长的丹凤眼,每当她开口说话的时候,她的眼睛就会笑眯眯的,让你感到亲切和温暖,很有亲和力。 我们都爱上英语课,每到上英语课的时候,同学们就像换了一个人似的,精神极了。老师的课讲的非常好很生动,在她的课堂上,就像在和同学们做游戏,讲故事,每堂课都还没有上够,就下课了。同学们还盼望着下一堂课的英语。 我的老师很自信的说;我教的学生不用去补习班补课!真的,我们学校毕老师教的学生中,没有一个人去上补习班去补课的。 是的,我的老师教的真是太好了,在学习中她不让一个同学掉队,真是棒极了,在老师的教导下,我参加了全国小学生英语大赛获得了自治区二等奖,这是老师的功劳!老师教的好,我才能学得好,我感谢我的老师,让我为我们班级争了光,为我们纸浆街小学争了光! 在这里我要对我的老师说;谢谢你!我的老师!您辛苦了! 今后,我要好好学习英语,长大了我想做一名英语翻译,我要用我学到的知识和智慧,报效祖国! 英语的日记 篇11 It s about one and a half month away from the Chinese New Year, It is a festival celebrated by the Chinese people at the beginning of the lunar calendar year. As of the Chinese traditional customs, our parents and grandparents will sweep every corner of the house and clean the windows until they gleam, and washing clothes, buying foods and goods for the new year s future use and presents. Children will be the most benefited group during this feast period. One month before that, they are expecting the new clothes, delicious foods. The firecrackers and the year s allowance for their increased ages. In recent years, with the rising of the standard of life, Chinese tend to make various holiday plans to spend a different and meaningful new year. Such as traveling abroad, or be absorbed in their hobbies, and even work. Why today we try to spend our Chinese new year in such a different way? I think that s because this is a era of free life and personality high-ranking. Though there are still something traditional, our young generation is attempting to make something new and suitable for ourselves. And we would like to take something really worth to be cherished in our memorable treasures. That s amazing and wonderful! I ll always keep in mind that the Chinese new year is a great feast inherited from our ancestors, but if necessary, I would like to enjoy it by some ways personal. 英语的日记 篇12 My English teacher has a big house. It has a living room, a big dining room, two bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms and a big kitchen. In the living room, there is a big picture, four brown sofas, white fan... 英语的日记 篇13 Hello! My name is Martin. I am a boy. I am 9 years old. I am in Class 8, Grade 3. I am tall and thin. I like playing soccer ball and basketball. I like to eat hot dogs and hamburgers. I am friendly. I have many friends. Do you want to make friends with me? 英语的日记 篇14 Dear sir, I want to join your Winter Camp to help the children with sports and music. My name is Li Ping I am thirteen (years old). I study / am a student in No. 1 Middle School. I like reading and playing basketball. I like computers, too. I can play football well. I can sing many English songs, And I can dance and swim. I can surf the Internet and send e-mails. I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon. Yours, Li Ping 英语的日记 篇15 今天,妈妈带我去见客户。说这个客户是印度来的,讲英语,我开心极了,心里想:我都已经学习英语一个学期了,也应该露一露手了。 我坐在客厅里,一边等客户,一边想象我说英语时的情景,还不停叨念着我要讲的几句话。刚过一会儿,妈妈就带领客户来到大厅了。妈妈先和他们聊了聊,就请我和他们说说话。我羞怯地低下了头,妈妈悄声说:“你不是想要露一手吗?快点吧!”听到妈妈催促我,我才羞当当地走到他们面前。 开始时,我很紧张,不过还是克服了紧张,说了一句:“ Good morning!(早上好!)”客户觉得挺有意思,就应了一声,我突然想起他给我了几个巧克力,很感激,说了一声:“Thanks for your chocolate!(谢谢你的巧克力!)”我又开始自我介绍:“My name is Mona.(因为我的英语名叫MONA)”同时他也说出了自己的'名字。“Nice to meet you.”"Nice to meet you,too"“How are you?”“I'm fine.”我和他逐渐成为了好朋友,我也不害怕了。 讲英语时,我再也不紧张了,我明白了,克服紧张和害怕的最好方式就是行动。 英语的日记 篇16 I have a dream --I dream that God has a happy life. I hope he has a warm house to get out of the bad wweather outside. on his bed, hell have a wondreful pillow--not beautiful buit comfortable. I hope that he has healthy food, maybe some mushrooms, some cabbages, somew eggs, and so on. Oh, I persaude him not to eat any hamburgers, they are rubbish. I bless God. I hope that he has an old tree in his yard. Its big leaves are green in summer and turn yellow in autumn, birds build their house in the tree, ants climb up and down for their own lives. God can read under the tree, or he can listen to the trees words---itll tell him a lot, making him laugh or cry. My dream is that hell not be too busy to smile. I wish for a beautiful earth, which hasnt pain, hunger or wars, and which is only filled with lovely smile and sweety tears. then my dear God will be able to have a good bath and a goood sleep---for many years he cannot do this quietly. Every night , I have the same dream , i dream that God can have a happy life and hope its not only a dream... Fanny |
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