单词 | cautious |
释义 | cautious [英 [?k?:??s] 美 [?k???s] ] cautious的意思、解释 cautious 基本解释 形容词小心的,谨慎的; 兢; 恮; 持重 cautious的反义词 cautious 反义词 形容词carelessincautiousrash cautious 相关例句 形容词 1. 1. My nephew is a cautious investor. 我侄子是个小心谨慎的投资者。 2. He was cautious when he was riding the bicycle. 当他骑自行车的时候;他很小心。 3. cautious的近义词 3. The boss is cautious about making promises. 老板对承诺持谨慎态度。 4. The old lady is very cautious with money. 那位老太太用钱很谨慎。 cautious 网络解释 1. 谨慎的:chaos n 混乱(disorder)...charisma n 魅力,感召力...chary adj 谨慎的(cautious)魅力 魅力(glamour) 特别的吸引力、迷惑力. 以人为主要对象的用语. 笑的魅力、声音的魅力、眼神的魅力、身体的魄力、性格的魅力......人的魅力可以无所不在, 2. 小心谨慎的:91. canny 精明的 | 92. cautious 小心谨慎的 | 93. discreet 小心谨慎的 cautious 双语例句 1. In regard to directing, the author concluded the ideas of directing in unison, strictly disciplined and being decisive and cautious according to the divinatory symbols of `Shi` and`Shi Ke. 关于《周易》领导思想,我从指挥和协调两个方面来进行提炼,就指挥思想而言,主要借鉴《师》卦、《噬嗑》卦,总结出所蕴含的统一指挥、纪律严明、果决谨慎的思想,而就协调而言,我主要借鉴《同人》、《比》卦总结出领导者在协调时要具有求同存异、虚怀若谷,消除派系的素质。 2. Due to large volume of daily walking, please ask before making your buyers want size and color of whether there are goods, general models to 2 days delivery in case of extended holidays, or because of delayed shipments will not be out of stock further notice, please shoot anxious buyers cautious. 因每日走货量大,请买家拍前询问你所要的尺寸及颜色是否有货,一般款到2天内发货,如遇节假日顺延,否则因缺货而推迟发货的恕不另行通知,请心急的买家慎拍。 3. I suppose I felt undeserving or perhaps even cautious. 我认为我不配或甚至会带着警惕心。 4. 4. He attends educational job to come to died due to illness 2000 from 1969, be like a day three years, cautious and conscientious, exert one's utmost effort, dedicate oneself lifetime energy altruisticly to educational enterprise of people. 他自1969年参加教育工作至2000年因病逝世,三十几年如一日,兢兢业业、呕心沥血,把自己毕生的精力无私地奉献给了人民的教育事业。 5. Lawyers, cautious thinking, sharp minded, but all lack of overall vision of big picture, don't know how a fatal role the real numbers play in the real business world. 律师,思维谨慎、目光锐利,却常常看不全大局、搞不明白数字在商业中的致命意义。 6. Thus, the commercial banks on the one hand, loans to real estate enterprises have become more cautious, on the other hand, a good real estate information to enterprises increased support. 由此,商业银行一方面对房地产企业的贷款变得更审慎,另一方面,对资信良好的房地产企业加大了支持力度。 7. I passed down a long and winding staircase, requesting him to be cautious as he followed. 我们走下旋梯,嘱咐他小心跟着。 8. cautious 8. But precisely because the technology is shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more cautious than consumers of the normal sort... 正是因为新技术的原因,网上购物者一段时期内很可能比一般正常渠道的消费者更为谨慎。。。。。。 9. But precisely because the technology is new, electronic shoppers are likely for a while to be a lot more cautious than consumers of the normal sort... 正是因为新技术的原因,网上购物者一段时期内很可能比一般正常渠道的消费者更为谨慎。。。。。。 10. This is expected to make in relation to the issue exchangeable bonds on the cautious. 这是预计将在有关问题上的谨慎发行可换股债券。 11. cautious在线翻译 11. Firstly, a probe into the dual implications of burden of proof and the expurgation of its intrinsic meaning and result meaning is burden of proof in applied conditions of burden of proof. We should make a definition of applied conditions of burden of proof. The thesis makes a research into the internal structure of applied conditions of burden of proof so as to clearly show the triple contents of its internal structure. In addition, the thesis makes a probe into its regulating mechanism. It points out clearly that applied conditions of burden of proof must ensure the correct application and cautious application of burden of proof. 首先,通过对证明责任的双重含义进行考辨,廓清证明责任的两层含义中本质意义抑或结果意义乃是我所说的证明责任适用条件中的证明责任,对于证明责任适用条件的含义进行界定;继而,文章对证明责任适用条件的内部构造进行研究,指明其内部构造的三重内容;进而文章对证明责任适用条件的约束机制进行了探讨,明确指出,证明责任适用条件必须能够保障证明责任的正确适用与谨慎适用。 12. Gold couldn't hold above $1100 an ounce on Tuesday, although recent sharp losses offered some bargain hunting incentives, key events including a US interest rate decision later in the week kept investors cautious. 美国议息前,美元走强令金价跌至1,090美元金价周二未能守稳1,000美元关口,尽管近期大幅回落,价钱上较为吸引,但一些主要事件如本周稍后美国议息等,正令投资者更为谨慎。 13. I find myself shyer, more cautious, more anxious. 我发现自己变得比以前怯生,谨慎,焦虑。 14. cautious的意思 14. The meaning here is exactly the same as that of this section. They both tell us to be cautious and truthful in what we say, and not casually spread news that may not be true. 这意思和本章所说的十分类似,都是教我们要谨言实语,不要随便传播任何不真确事情。 15. cautious 15. The first card 15 institutions cautious point of view, they believe that Shanghai still does not make up a decline in the gap, closing the adjustment is also the lowest since the record, we can see the advantages of big empty side. 的第一张牌15个机构的谨慎的观点来看,他们认为,上海仍然没有弥补的差距在减少,关闭调整也是记录以来的最低水平,我们可以看到大的优势空方。 16. 16. Third, we should be cautious when we decide inscriptions'date according to different shapes of same character. 有些字在同一时期会有不同字形,这是由于契刻者不同造成的不同风格,如占卜征亘方的贞人壳就至少有两种不同字形。 17. He is a cautious old bird, but''. 他是一个谨小慎微的老家伙,但是非常精明。 18. I would also recommend using a drip loop on all of the power cords to be extra cautious. 我也建议您使用滴灌环路上所有的电源线要特别小心。 19. Reflect I start from the small, cautious spirit. 体现出了我从小事做起,不骄不躁的精神。 20. He is better known for his views on taxes than on how to handle the relationship with Russia, what to do about Iran or how deeply Germany should be involved in Afghanistan, but he is unlikely to break sharply with current cautious policies. 比起關於怎樣處理與俄羅斯的關係,怎樣對待伊朗,或德國應該捲入阿富汗多深,他的關於稅收的觀點更為人們所知曉,但是他不太可能急劇地結束當前的謹慎政策。 cautious 词典解释 1. 谨慎的;慎重的;小心的 Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger. e.g. The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans... 科学家们对在人身上使用酶疗法非常慎重。 e.g. He is a very cautious man. 他做事很谨慎。 cautiously David moved cautiously forward and looked over the edge... 戴维小心翼翼地往前挪,从边缘向下张望。 Cautiously, he moved himself into an upright position. 他小心翼翼地直起了身子。 2. (态度或反应)谨慎的,小心的 If you describe someone's attitude or reaction as cautious, you mean that it is limited or careful. e.g. He has been seen as a champion of a more cautious approach to economic reform. 人们一直将他视为主张更为谨慎的经济改革措施的提倡者。 cautiously I am cautiously optimistic that a new government will be concerned and aware about the environment... 对于新政府是否会关注环境问题,我持谨慎的乐观态度。 Rebel sources have so far reacted cautiously to the threat. 到目前为止,反叛分子面对威胁的反应非常谨慎。cautious 单语例句 1. He added that although the interest rate increase took place on October 28, rumours had been rife in October so people became more cautious in buying properties. 2. HARBIN - A cautious calmness prevails in four counties of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, where the first traces of radioactive iodine were detected on Saturday. 3. China has been cautious in liberalizing the capital account, an area where imprudent opening up has led to disasters in some countries. 4. China has for a long time maintained strict capital account controls, and the authorities are cautious about capital account liberalization. 5. He was recognized early as a musical prodigy, but his parents were cautious and did not seek to capitalise on his abilities. 6. That has made people and businesses more cautious in their spending and investment, restraining overall economic activity. 7. China ratified the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in May this year, showing the country's determination to take a cautious approach on GMOs. 8. He said he was cautious about the outlook for the aviation sector and pointed to the growing importance of the mainland for Cathay. 9. China International Capital Co Ltd is also turning " cautious " on Chinese stocks. 10. Statistics revealed so far showed Chinese banks had limited losses from the widespread financial tsunami thanks to cautious investment and relatively secluded operational environment. |
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