单词 | stratagem |
释义 | stratagem [英 [?str?t?d??m] 美 [?str?t?d??m] ] stratagem的意思、解释 复数形式:stratagems; stratagem 基本解释 名词诡计,计谋; 花招 stratagem 相关例句 名词 1. stratagem的反义词 1. They used every stratagem to acquire the company. 他们想方设法占有这家公司。 stratagem 网络解释 1. stratagem在线翻译 1. 战略:S-O-3P模式的全称为战略-组织结构-职位分析,绩效管理和薪酬设计,战略(stratagem)是这个体系的灵魂,组织(organize)是这个体系的构架和舞台,职位(Position)分析与职位评价,绩效(Performance)管理,薪酬(Payment)设计及管理则是这个体系的核心技术. 2. 战略, 计谋:by train 坐火车 | stratagem 战略, 计谋 | workability 可使用性 3. 计策:strap 皮带;抽打 | stratagem 计策 | straw 稻草;吸管 4. 转型:战略:Stratagem. | 转型:Stratagem | 政策:Development Stratagem stratagem 双语例句 1. Chapter three analyses many impediment factors, which relate to system, market mechanism, industrial development, infrastructure building, urban development stratagem and plan. 第三章,分析辽西走廊地带城市协调发展的障碍因素,包括体制、市场机制、产业发展、基础设施建设、城市发展战略与规划等方面的因素。 2. The feasibility includes advantages of the corridor, the stratagem of make Northeast China thriving, the common infrastructure and the common history and culture. 可行性体现在辽西走廊城市自身的优势、国家实施振兴东北战略、共同的基础设施和历史文化基础等方面。 3. Ikenberry of The USA education council, in the past decade, especially in physic area, the education quality and characters, stratagem choice the decision maker made, always controlled by market, rather than developing the medical education from a long-term aim. Ikenberry研究发现,特别是在医学教育方面,过去10年,医学教育的质量和性质、决策者们的战略性选择更多的是被市场所左右,而不是从医学教育发展的长远目标出发。 4. Therefore, studying stratagem psychological warfare, is a new task that prepares for new campaign and winning intending war, is also an impersonal demand of developing international warfare and protecting national benefit. 因此,关注和研究战略心理战,是做好新时期作战准备和打赢未来战争的新课题,也是开展国际斗争、维护国家利益的客观需要。 5. stratagem 5. The desire Iachimo had to win the wager made him now have recourse to a stratagem to impose upon Posthumus. 埃阿基摩一心一意想赢这个赌注,他就使出个策略来欺骗波塞摩斯。 6. However, each stratagems is a loop of diversification stratagem system, not individual parts. 然而,其中每一个战略是环环相扣、紧密相关的多元化战略体系中的一环,而不是零零散散的。 7. They have adjusted their own stratagem to the core competence of the corporation and expected the corporations can develop sostenuto and steadily on the basis of the core competence. 它们已经将自己的战略调整到企业的核心竞争力,并期望在其核心竞争力的基础上得以持续而稳定的发展。 8. Correct plan carry depreciation to must change an intention further, improve personnel quality ceaselessly, perfect orgnaization, it is a foundation with science, standardization management, attach most importance to a dot with 3 class unit, centralized group devise a stratagem raises depreciation range, the business accounting that pays good basic unit works, ability improves state-owned asset level of management effectively continuously. 正确计提折旧必须进一步转换观念,不断提高人员素质,健全机构,以科学、规范化治理为基础,以三级单位为重点,统一界定计提折旧范围,抓好基层单位的核算工作,才能持续有效地提高国有资产治理水平。 9. He had told more lies in his time, and undergone more baseness of stratagem in order to stave off a small debt 他一生说的谎,耍的卑鄙手段都不算少,但这一切只是为了躲一笔小小的债。 10. 10. The stratagem isn't excogitated on his own. 他自己是想不出那个计谋的。 11. stratagem的反义词 11. According to my personal experience of working with General Electric Company for more than 10 years, I have done some further analysis on the relationship marketing stratagem with benefit interrelated and benefit irrelated. 最后结合自己与美国通用电气公司十年的工作实践经验,分析企业与利益相关者和非利益相关者的关系营销策略。 12. The act that buys Yahoo is alluding Microsoft be determined to want to go up to be being faced with cloud strategy in this road definitely, so do Yu Dong of as good as to apply effect to knit the brows, a stratagem which ensures success is not had much. 并购雅虎的举动暗示着微软决意要在这条路上和云战略正面对决,这么做无异于东施效颦,胜算无多。 13. To achieve the aim of a developed economic and a progressive society, insistence of substainable developing stratagem is a must, and the substainable development of higher education serves as the base of our aim. 实现经济发展和社会全面进步,必须实施可持续发展战略,高等教育的可持续发展是社会与经济发展的基础。 14. stratagem的近义词 14. From the four aspect of the relation between the diversification stratagem and core competitiveness, the costrestriction of the enterprise scale etc, there are a serise of the problems to recombine manpower resource in the course of the diversification recombing and propose the countermeasure. 从多元化战略和核心竞争力的关系、企业规模的成本约束、企业文化的整合和组织整合等四个方面来看,烟草企业多元化重组中进行人力资源整合存在一系列值得注意的问题,可以从人力资源规划、整合配置和薪酬设计等方面入手实现人力资源整合。 15. stratagem在线翻译 15. First, is the theory about the stratagem management, qualify management, and the management system. These is the basic of the strategic qualify cost management system; Second, is the building of strategic qualify cost calculation system. It is important of the strategic qualify cost calculation system to calculate the supply and the service. The third, is the strategic qualify cost analysis, strategic qualify cost control and strategic qualify cost evaluation system, and in this part, it put the service into consider, so as to get the entire result. 首先是有关战略管理、质量管理、管理体系等的理论阐述,这些理论是战略质量管理体系建立的理论基础;第二,建立战略质量成本管理核算体系,传统的质量成本核算体系只核算企业内部价值链中个环节所涉及的质量成本,并没有考虑供应商及顾客方面的质量成本核算,随着经济的发展,市场由卖方向买方过渡,以顾客为中心从整个价值链的角度来考虑质量成本显得尤为重要;第三,对企业战略质量成本进行控制必须首先对其进行分析和评价,本文在传统质量成本分析评价指标中引入了顾客因素,以更加全面的考察企业质量成本。 16. The resource dispatcher system of CNC is designed to meet with the IT stratagem of CNC and as one part of the resource management system. 中国网通集团骨干网网络资源调度系统是应中国网通集团IT总体规划的要求,作为中国网通集团骨干网资源管理系统的子系统开发的。 17. Sometimes granted to one who has held one for his king, or who has captured one by force or stratagem. 有时也可假定为以武力或计略谋取了王位的人。 18. Traditional market stratagem, which is focus on technique and production sell, has been replaced by new tactic, which concentrates on customer and service. 传统的以技术为驱动、以销售产品为目的的市场战略逐渐被以客户为中心、以满足客户需求为目的的市场战略所取代,客户资源成为了企业竞争的焦点。 19. They dared not, however, take the sheep away from the Dervise by force, for they were too near the city; therefore they made use of this stratagem: they first parted company, and then accosted the Dervise, as if they had come from several distinct parts. 尽管如此,这四个贼还是不敢从他手中强夺这头羊,因为当时他们离城太近了,因此,他们采用了这样一个计策;首先,四人各自分散,然后走上前去与托钵僧搭讪,好象他们来自几个不同的地方。 20. stratagem的意思 20. Then he whispered his stratagem to Song Jiang. 于是,五更天,在徐宁用饭时,时迁趁机迁入厨房,待徐宁走后,他又摸上楼。 stratagem 词典解释 1. (通常指蒙蔽别人的)花招,计谋,诡计 A stratagem is a plan that is intended to achieve a particular effect, often by deceiving people. stratagem e.g. Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty. 商业折扣可以用作维护顾客忠诚度的一种竞争手段。 stratagem 英英释义 noun 1. a maneuver in a game or conversation Synonym: ploygambit 2. an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade e.g. his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track Synonym: contrivancedodge |
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