单词 | devotee |
释义 | devotee [英 [?dev??ti:] 美 [?d?v??ti, -?te] ] devotee的意思、解释 复数形式:devotees; devotee 基本解释 devotee的翻译 名词信徒; 皈依者; 热爱者,迷恋者 devotee 网络解释 1. 奉献者:奉献者(DEVOTEE):你说过音流瑜伽并未涉及自我的消解,而是寻求通过跟随内在声音到达最高领域. 你已在精神实践(Sadhana)中到达这些精微领域(subtle regions),我自己也在跟随这条道路. (因此)我希望更多地了解你对这些精微领域的体验, 2. 慕残者:慕残分为:慕残者(devotee),扮残者( pretender) 和自残者(wannabe). 慕残者是健康人单纯的羡慕、喜好残疾人(多见节肢者). 多无实质性的举动. 扮残者是健康人用工具等将自己打扮成残疾人的模样. 自残者是健康人由于喜爱羡慕残疾人的样子, 3. 行者:死亡是甜美的,若果行者(devotee)能於活是死去. 这个在活时死亡究竟是什么呢?灵魂在身体的总部是眼中心,於此处它的能力之流(enegyeurrents)散播於整个身体. 修习活时死去时不必停止呼吸. 只要简单地用持名的方法将你的整个注意力收集到眼中心, 4. 爱好者:灵活 agility | 爱好者 devotee | 踢 kick devotee 双语例句 1. He is under the control of His devotee. 他受到他的奉献者的控制。 2. You see, you are a devotee of God. 你看,你是神的奉献者。 3. devotee的解释 3. One is She and the other is Her devotee. 一个是她,另一个是她的奉献者。 4. She may be a devotee, but she is a woman too. Therefore I warn you. 她也许是位奉献者,但她也是个女人,所以我要警告你。 5. devotee的翻译 5. In fact, Shiva is also known as Bhola Shankara because he is a deity easily propitiated; when he is satisfied with a devotee he grants him whatever he desires, and this, from time to time, generates particularly intricate situations. 事实上,湿婆也被认为是宝拉商卡亚,因为他是一个容易劝解的神;当他对奉献者感到满意的时候,无论奉献者想要什么,他都会准许,这,有时会显著地产生出错综复杂的境遇。 6. Zhang is also one of the designated drivers to help brothers and sisters get around. But after three to four years, the devotee felt the overnight drives were inconvenient, so he was set on finding a solution. 张清茂总是开车带著师兄姊,舟车劳顿,不过经过三、四年下来,张清茂总觉得不是办法,於是在他的心里有了另一个念头。 7. devotee的翻译 7. A drunken reveller; a devotee of Bacchus. 醉酒的狂欢者;酒神的献祭者。 8. SOUNDBITE:: Revathy, Devotee: I took part in the event for the first time. The coconut broke nicely and I am happy. 画内音:信徒雷瓦希:我是第一次参加这项活动,椰子破碎了,我很满意很开心。 9. Syama, the Divine Mother, is Herself tied by the cord of the love of Her devotee. 萨雅玛,神圣母亲,被她的奉献者的爱的绳索捆绑住了。 10. Again, the devotee endowed with rajas cooks rice and various other dishes for the Mother. 此外,被赋予了激质属性的奉献者会为母亲煮米饭和其他各种的菜。 11. devotee是什么意思 11. The Master, accompanied by M., was coming back to his room, when he met Trailokya, a Brahmo devotee, on the way. 师父在M的陪同下,回到自己的房间。在返回的途中,他见到了泰洛克雅,一位梵志会奉献者。 12. Sometimes God becomes the magnet and the devotee the needle, and sometimes the devotee becomes the magnet and God the needle. 有时候神会变得像磁铁一样,奉献者是针;有时候奉献者会变得像磁铁一样,神是针。 13. There is nothing more agreeable and salutary than playing a game which one likes, and the circumstance of doing it badly interferes with the pleasure of no real devotee of any pastime. 玩自己喜欢的游戏是最惬意、最有益的事情,玩不精也不会防碍真正业余爱好者的愉悦。 14. He used to be a devotee of sports. 他曾经是一个体育运动爱好者。 15. In Mary, mother of Jesus, we can see how a devotee can be protected by the God. 在玛丽,耶稣的母亲,我们可以看到一种修行能受到上帝。 16. It is said that she is a devotee of gymnastics. 据说,她是一个体操爱好者。 17. Once I saw a devotee of the Divine Mother at the bathing-ghat on the Ganges. 一次,我看到一位神圣母亲的奉献者在恒河岸边的石梯上沐浴。 18. A Brahmo devotee said that he had other important things to do and was not coming. 一位梵志会的奉献者说他有其他重要的事情要做,不会来参加节日。 19. devotee 19. BRAHMO DEVOTEE: Sir, why are there so many different opinions about the nature of God? 梵志会奉献者:先生,为什么对神的本性有这么多不同的看法? 20. devotee 20. I turned out to be a devotee of the opera and naturally, the name Narcissus represents beauty for me ever since. 我最后成了一个歌剧的爱好者,并且自然地,从那时起,水仙这个名字对于我来说就代表着美。 devotee 词典解释 1. (狂热的)爱好者,热衷者 Someone who is a devotee of a subject or activity is very enthusiastic about it. devotee的近义词 e.g. Mr Carpenter is obviously a devotee of Britten's music. 很显然,卡彭特先生是布里顿音乐的狂热爱好者。 2. (某一宗教团体的)教徒 A devotee is a member of a religious group. devotee e.g. Monks shave their heads, as do devotees of the Hare Krishna movement. 和尚要剃度,克利须那派教徒也一样。 devotee 单语例句 1. But he is also devoted to online games and a " Legend of Mir " devotee. 2. Death Proof originally formed half of the Grindhouse double bill Tarantino conceived with fellow trash culture devotee Robert Rodriguez. 3. As a devotee of landscape painting in southern China, his painting styles are deeply influenced by natural conditions. 4. A devotee of the Actors Studio, she switched to serious roles as she matured. 5. While Charlie soaked up the music of Memphis with the enthusiasm of a true devotee, it was the blues that caught his soul. 6. The former bookseller and classics devotee recalls he always wanted to visit Suzhou because of its historical reputation as a hotbed of literati. devotee 英英释义 noun 1. an ardent follower and admirer Synonym: fanbufflover |
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