单词 | celebration |
释义 | celebration [英 [?sel??bre??n] 美 [?sel??bre??n] ] celebration的意思、解释 复数形式:celebrations; celebration 基本解释 名词庆祝; 庆祝会(仪式); 颂扬 celebration 相关例句 名词 1. The party was in celebration of Mother's silver wedding. 聚会是为庆祝母亲的银婚。 2. celebration什么意思 2. The villagers had a celebration, with a new film to finish up with. 村民们开了个庆祝会,最后放映了一部新电影。 3. 3. A Fourth of July celebration includes a display of fireworks. 七月四日独立纪念日庆典包括燃放烟火。 4. His novels were celebrations of anarchism. 他的小说颂扬无政府主义。 celebration 网络解释 1. celebration的意思 1. 慶賀:设计服务学习方案须把握上述服务学习特质及有效服务学习方案要素,Fertmam,White &White(1996)) 建议发展服务学习方案,包含四阶段:一、准备(Preparation)二、服务(Service)三、反思(Reflection) 四、庆贺(Celebration). 2. celebration 2. 喜庆:11.Sanctuary 圣地 | 12.Celebration 喜庆 | 13.Home 家园 celebration 双语例句 1. This was the great reunion, and everybody gorged themselves silly, and appetite came into its own; the long-awaited meal became a feast to remember and an almost sacred celebration of life. 这是一次盛大的团聚,一个个食欲大振,狼吞虎咽,一副饿鬼相。这顿苦苦等候的晚餐变成空前盛宴,几乎成了生活神圣的庆典,让人刻骨铭心。 2. I would like to say a few words on this anniversary, and I am most grateful for your presence at this celebration. 8-2 …我左思右想,还是不知道该说些什么。在此谨对于各位的隆情厚谊表示感激与道别之意。 3. celebration 3. Our company will have a closure of business for 3 days and I do apply 2 days leave, so totally off for one week, it is worth to apply leave and off for a week because the celebration celebrate once a year only. 今年公司关门营业三天,我拿两天假期,所以休假一个星期,毕竟一年才一次,难得有个长假。 4. The ancient Panhellenic celebration at Olympia in honor of Zeus; held every 4 years beginning in 472 BC. 古代希腊在奥林匹亚山举行的纪念宙斯的庆祝;在公元前472年每四年举行一次。 5. The ancient Panhellenic celebration at Olympia in honor of Zeus; held every 4 years beginning in 776 BC 登录之后,点击添加单词将生词储存到您的默认生词本! 6. Bob: No problem, the pumpkin lantern is a traditional part of the Hallow celebration, it has another name, called:Jace Lantern. Most of children make pumpkin lanterns on that day. 没问题,万圣节上,南瓜灯是万圣节庆典的传统节目之一,它还有另一个名字叫杰克灯,那天很多小朋友都会做南瓜灯。 7. 7. They have begun to lobby their church leaders in order to bring the two churches together for this once a year celebration. 教會的領袖有些遲疑,但是看到年輕人的熱心,其中一個教會,就把他們的聖誕晚會提前了一天,所以年輕人可以一起慶祝。 8. celebration的近义词 8. Dancing Beijing is an invitation, a hand extended in welcome to China`s celebration. 多一点宽容和信任,天蝎座:生活生计保存不是谍战片。 9. The National Day is coming, and everyone excpet him is preparing for the celebration. 国庆就要到了,除他之外,所有的人都正在为此庆典准备着。 10. celebration的意思 10. Comrade Mao said on numerous occasions that he was against adulation of anyone, and he proposed that no places or enterprises should be named after leaders and that there should be no celebration of their birthdays and no presentation of gifts. 毛泽东同志多次不赞成歌功颂德,提出不以个人名字给地方、企业命名,不祝寿、不送礼。 11. Mutually than in 忠 of past China word dance with myriad people celebration ceremony, North Korea of the celebration ceremony song and dance need to be practiced regularly, then can present the tidy pleasant impression result in that same day. 相较于中国过去的忠字舞和万人庆典,北韩的庆典歌舞需要长年的演练,才能在当日呈现出整齐的美感效果。 12. Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century. 2早在17世纪,绿丝带和三叶草便穿戴在圣帕特里克节的庆祝活动中。 13. There is no celebration of the Eucharist on this day. 有没有庆祝圣体圣事的这一天。 14. Much preparation must have gone into this joyous day of celebration when the Ark came to Jerusalem. 约柜被迁至耶路撒冷,是一个欢乐的日子,许多预备好的仪节都要进行。 15. Even though the concept of environmental rights merged as part of the human right innovated since 70`s in 20 century, several international environmental conferences instead are taking place like celebration activities in festivals. 环境权的理念,虽然从二十世纪七十年代提倡为新的人权至今,已经历了四十年的光景,但随著时代的脚步,科技文明的发展,突飞猛进,人类对环境权的认知与实践似乎瞠乎其后甚远。过去,环境受到公害污染的深痛教训,似乎远远抛在脑后。 16. Color orange, the color of celebration, and white, the color of purity. 颜色橙色,庆祝的颜色,白色,颜色的纯度。 17. Archives and Special Collections will also be open for special hours from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. on Saturday (April 18) in celebration of Spring Fest to allow the public more of an opportunity to experience the new facility. 档案和特殊收藏也将开放为来自11个特别的时间,即上午至4日下午在春巨星庆典(4月18日),以让市民有更多的机会体验新设施。 18. 18. In some countries, New Year's Eve is the most important celebration of the year, but this is not true 在某些国家,除夕夜是一年中最重要的节日,但在美国和欧洲却不尽然。 19. In some countries, New Year`s Eve is the most important celebration of the year, but this is not true of the United States or Europe. 在某些国家除夕夜是一年中最重要的节日,但在美国和欧洲却不是这样。 20. celebration 20. New Year's Eve is another celebration. 除夕舞会则是另一种庆祝活动。 celebration 词典解释 1. 庆祝活动;庆典 A celebration is a special enjoyable event that people organize because something pleasant has happened or because it is someone's birthday or anniversary. celebration e.g. I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night. 告诉你,那天晚上我家开了个庆祝会。 e.g. ...his eightieth birthday celebrations. 他80大寿的庆祝活动 2. 赞扬;赞美;颂扬 The celebration of something is praise and appreciation which is given to it. e.g. This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life... 这不是在开追悼会,而是在颂扬他的一生。 e.g. He sees the poem as a celebration of human love. 他认为,这首诗是对人世间爱的赞美。 celebration 单语例句celebration的翻译 1. And by saving his celebration until after the finish line this time, he showed how fast a man really can go on two feet. 2. Jin Jiang Tower Shanghai invites you to a warm Christmas celebration by treating your loved ones and yourself to a culinary gala. 3. Dragon boat racing is an essential festive celebration of this traditionally important day, which falls on the fifth day of May according to the Chinese lunar calender. 4. I praised them for speaking up and told them their unusual directness and straightforward candor was a call for celebration. 5. Whenever there's celebration, many people in Beijing think of Hou Hai first. 6. Thompson erased any concerns of a collapse with birdies on Nos 16 and 17, and then the celebration and the kind words began for the new youngest winner. 7. The sudden peace has been cause for celebration for most frontier villagers, who often huddle in shelters as the two armies exchange gunfire and mortar rounds. 8. Workers in nearby office towers left their buildings for the celebration, joining Lakers supporters wearing purple and gold jerseys and waving banners and homemade signs. 9. Many avatars were left out of the virtual celebration in Obama's unofficial Second Life headquarters because the digital enclave had reached maximum capacity on Tuesday. 10. That almost all cities that once banned firecrackers have made the annual Spring Festival an exception reveals how indispensable firecrackers are to the Chinese celebration. celebration 英英释义 celebration什么意思 noun 1. any joyous diversion Synonym: festivity 2. the public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual e.g. the celebration of marriage Synonym: solemnizationsolemnisation 3. a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event Synonym: jubilation |
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