单词 | cemetery |
释义 | cemetery [英 [?sem?tri] 美 [?sem?teri] ] cemetery的意思、解释 复数形式:cemeteries; cemetery 基本解释 名词墓地,公墓 cemetery 网络解释 1. 墓地:]森林木桶 墓地 (Cemetery) 幽灵鬼域 墓地骷髅手指 墓地幽灵峡谷 神秘修道院 恐怖小径 矿山 (Zerostone Mine) 矿山宝石开采场 矿山瀑布 矿山曲折滑坡 矿山熔岩小径 矿山岩浆洞穴 太空 (Northeu) 太空高速轨道 太空回旋走廊 太空基地 太空喷射滑坡 太空跳跃峡谷 太空蜿蜒跑道 太空极限跳跃 太空军用机场 [反方向]太空高速轨道 2. 墓园:回到 Tenebrae,往东离开城市,顺着路往东北走,直到进入 墓园 (Cemetery)8. 跟 Vividos 说话,自愿帮他取回被 Tenebrae 城主( Tempest ) 取走的 Dagger. 24. 回到 Stellos,接受下一个测验,到 城西建筑(monastery)的地下室, cemetery 双语例句 1. Cemetery is the place for institutionalised burial practice. 公墓是为制度化的下葬行为提供的场所。 2. At the beginning of his reign the First Emperor launched large-scale construction projects all over the country and built huge Epang Palace and cemetery. 秦嬴政13岁继王位,后兼并六国,一统天下,始称皇帝。将以往各藩王制度废弃,分天下为郡县,但至二世胡亥,各处大乱,刘邦起事,破秦灭楚,立国为汉。 3. He had no family or relatives and is already bruied in the paupers'cemetery outside Xizhimen, so where's the old man going to get the truth? 他无亲无故的,已经埋在了东直门外义地里,老头子由哪儿究根儿去? 4. cemetery 4. There are many illogical problems in the construction o public cemetery which affects the healthy development at urban landscape ecological environment, society, and economic. 现有城市公墓的建设存在着诸多不合理问题,严重彩响了城市景观、生态环境和社会经济的健康发展。 5. cemetery的翻译 5. Ah, Take me to the SNOW WOLF Cemetery please. 啊,请带我去雪狼公墓。 6. cemetery的意思 6. No."The Chateau d'If has no cemetery, and they simply throw the dead into the sea, after fastening a thirty-six pound cannon-ball to their feet." 不。"伊夫堡是没有坟场的,他们在死者脚上绑一个三十六磅重的铁球,然后朝海里一扔就算了事了。" 7. That does not make monuments sacrosanct (you will search in vain for a German military cemetery with a swastika). 这并不会使纪念碑变得神圣不可侵犯(如果你在德国军队公墓中寻找卍字绝对是徒劳)。 8. I still remember the day my father took me to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books for the first time. 我至今还记得父亲带着我第一次去遗帙园的那个日子。 9. My first thought on waking was to tell my best friend about the Cemetery of Forgotten Books. 我清醒后的第一个想法就是把去遗帙园的事告诉给我的挚友。 10. cemetery的意思 10. For me those enchanted pages will always be the ones I found among the passageways of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books. 对我来说,那些被施了魔法的字里行间将一直存在于在遗帙园的过道间找到的那本书里。 11. Welcome to the cemetery where famous Russian artists are buried daily except Thursday. 俄国公墓:欢迎访问这个公墓,许多著名的俄国艺术家每天埋在这堙A但星期四不埋。 12. cemetery的近义词 12. Shanxi Institute of Archaeology: HOUMA QIAOCUN MUDI: 1959-1966 (3 VOLUMES) Qiaocun Cemetery in Houma: 1959 - 1966 (3 Volumes) 7.25 x 10.5, approx. 1959~1995年,山西省考古研究所在侯马乔村墓地发掘18次,共发掘1038座墓葬,其中有45座围墓沟,时代以战国至西汉为主。 13. cemetery 13. There are abundant tourism resources, more than dozens of scenery pots, in which the most famous places just like the New Eight Sceneries of Baiyun Mountain in Yang City, the Pearl River, the Yuexiu Mountain, the East Station Plaza, Chenjiaci, the Huanghuagang Martyrs'Cemetery, Guangdong Olympic Sports Centre, Lianhua Mountain and Yat-sen memorial hall, Whampoa Military Academy, the Commemorative Museum of the South Yue Emperor, Guangzhou International Exhibition Centre, Guangzhou Artistic Meseum, Guangzhou Flower Exhibition Centre, the Huanan Plant Garden, the Bishuiwan Hotspring of Conghua, the Xiangjiang Wild Animal Garden of Fanyu, the Baomo Garden, the Guangdong Art Hall, the Guangzhou Water-powered Storage Station, the Water Holiday Village of Jiulongtan, the National Forest Park of Liuxi River, Commercial Pedestrian Street of the Nine road Up-and-down, Pedestrian Street of the Beijing Road and so on. 广州山青水秀,风光旖旎,旅游资源丰富,文化旅游景点达数十处,其中以羊城新八景白云山、珠江、越秀山、东站广场、陈家祠、黄花岗烈士陵园、广东奥林匹克体育中心、莲花山以及中山纪念堂、黄埔军校、南越王博物馆、广州国际会展中心、广州艺术博物院、广州花卉博览园、华南植物园、从化碧水湾温泉、番禺香江野生动物世界、宝墨园、广东美术馆、广州抽水蓄能电站旅游区、九龙潭水上世界度假村、流溪河国家森林公园、上下九路商业步行街、北京路商业步行街等景点最具盛名。 14. cemetery的反义词 14. Yang Ling should be the cemetery of the most important ceremony of construction of one of the system. 应该是阳陵陵园中最重要的礼制性建筑之一。 15. Earlier this year suspected Russian hackers attacked the websites of ministries, banks and other bodies in Estonia, the tiny but highly-wired Baltic state that had offended the Kremlin by removing a Soviet war monument from the centre of the capital, Tallinn, to a military cemetery. 今年早些时候,俄罗斯黑客被怀疑攻击了爱沙尼亚政府各部、银行及其它机构的网站,这个虽小但却高度网络化的波罗的海国家因为要把一座苏联时期的战争纪念碑从首都塔林的市中心移到一处军事公墓而激怒了克里姆林宫。 16. Furthermore, these are the reasons for their emphasis on prestigous and luxious cemetery tradition. 通过本文之研究,其主要成果有:汉代传统的灵魂不灭观念有较大的发展,这体现在阴阳五行学、谶纬、神仙方术等的特别盛行,汉末又在神仙方术的基础上形成了道教,这些都成为当时厚葬风气盛行的土壤和基础。 17. There are three cases, including Yuan Shan Fuyuan, Fuh Guei shan cemetery and Da Ping Ding Funeral parlor and crematory, to be selected for positive estimation. 殡葬设施设置邻避冲突导致公共治丧场所供给不足,惟欲设置足够之殡葬设施,首先需突破邻避冲突之障碍,而突破障碍之关键在於掌握抗争交易成本大小所隐含的制度问题症结。 18. cemetery的近义词 18. On this day, family, friends and relatives, especially daughters to be married to the cemetery for the pro-Dian. 这一天,家人、亲友,特别是出嫁的女儿须亲至坟地供奠。 19. Zamenhof died in 1917 and was buried in Warsaw`s Jewish cemetery. 柴门霍夫於一九一七年逝世,葬在华沙的犹太公墓。 20. cemetery 20. Chang Ling, is the cemetery of Zhu Kang, a emperor in Ming dynasty, with En Palace, also known as Xian Palace and Xiang Palace as its main architecture, they are the important place for ancestor worship. 常玲,是墓地诸咔嗯,一个皇帝在明朝末年,与恩宫,也被称为西安香宫宫和作为它的主要建筑,它们是重要的地方祖先崇拜。 cemetery 词典解释 1. 墓地;公墓;坟场 A cemetery is a place where dead people's bodies or their ashes are buried. cemetery 单语例句cemetery 1. The company's major business includes cemetery sales, tombstone design and the operation of funeral homes. 2. The report said her tomb was the only one damaged in the cemetery, and footage showed police covering it with canvas and cordoning off the area around it. 3. A hearse overturned when the horses pulling it to a south London cemetery stampeded, dragging the carriage and coffin past appalled relatives and sending floral tributes flying. 4. Eminent monks are invited to the Jiuhua Mountain Cemetery to hold special a ceremony to carry forward the filial culture. 5. Confucius'cemetery and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu were also destroyed. 6. But after both law enforcement and visitors came across more remains while seeking answers, authorities closed the cemetery Friday and labeled it an expanding crime scene. 7. But the cemetery placed no numerical limits on the numbers of fans wanting to pay their respects and leave flowers on a nearby outdoor terrace. 8. The new law bars protests within 300 feet of the entrance of a national cemetery and within 150 feet of a road into the cemetery. 9. They learned that their mother was buried elsewhere in the cemetery after they complained last summer that the gravesite had fallen into disrepair. 10. In 2007 and 2008 Chen met teachers leading student field trips to the cemetery, one from a nearby junior school and the other from a local college. cemetery 英英释义 noun 1. a tract of land used for burials Synonym: graveyardburial siteburial groundburying groundmemorial parknecropolis |
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