单词 | daytime |
释义 | daytime [英 [?de?ta?m] 美 [?de?ta?m] ] daytime的意思、解释 daytime 基本解释 名词昼; 白天,日间; 昼日 daytime 反义词 daytime在线翻译 名词nighttime daytime 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night. 蝙蝠白天睡觉,夜里才出来寻觅食物。 2. daytime的解释 2. In the daytime, we go to school, but in the evenings we play. 白天我们上学,但在晚上我们就玩耍。 daytime 网络解释 1. daytime的解释 1. 白天:冒险模式 Adventure 白天(Daytime): * 这些级别比较直接,在每一条道造一些豆枪(peashooter). * 造坚果墙凯洛诗空间模块,但是在那之后他们将是无用的. * 基本上这部分需要把豆枪(peashooter)和中继器(repeater)替换成白菜炮(Cabbage-Pults)和核籽炮(Kernel-Pults). 2. 日间:图26-12中的选项协商由客户进程初始化的,但是在本书中我们已经介绍了用Telnet客户进程连接某些标准服务器进程如:日间(daytime)服务器、回显(echo)服务器等情况. 3. 3. 给请求主机发送日期和时间:11 systat 用于列举连接了的端口的系统状态 | 13 daytime 给请求主机发送日期和时间 | 17 qotd 给连接了的主机发送每日格言 4. 4. 返回日期和时间:11 USERS 活跃的用户 | 13 DAYTIME 返回日期和时间 | 53 NAMESERVER 域名服务 5. 5. daytime:daytimeprotocol; 日期查询协议 6. 6. daytime:(daytime protocol 日期查询协议〖因特网〗 daytime 双语例句 1. It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is 在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事。 2. It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing. 人的本能是追逐从他身边飞走的东西,却逃避追逐他的东西。 3. I hanker for the daytime even when I was a child. 甚至当我只是个孩子的时候,我就贪恋着白天的时光。 4. If you could see the stars at daytime, you`d see that the sun is in front of the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer today. 如果你能在白天看到星星,那么今天你会看到太阳在蛇夫座的前面。 5. daytime的翻译 5. If you could see the stars at daytime, you ` d see that the sun is in front of the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer today. 假如你能在白天看到星星,你会看到太阳位于蛇夫星座之前。 6. Lack of sleep will make you stupid in one day shall be eight hours of sleep, daytime sleep habits were less likely to have the old. 睡眠不足会变笨,一天须八小时睡眠,有昼寝习惯较不会老。 7. The star meteor earth, the soul turns over to the daytime, he has 22 year flight profession, but the destiny only 星陨大地,魂归长天,他有22年飞行生涯,可命运只给他16秒! 8. The star meteor earth, the soul turns over to the daytime, he has 22 year flight profession, but the destiny only gives him 16 seconds! 星陨大地,魂归长天,他有22年飞行生涯,可命运只给他16秒! 9. I have noone to look after them, and they are in school during daytime. 我有没人照看他们,并且他们是在学校在白天期间。 10. daytime 10. LED daytime driving lights and bi-xenon headlights will be standard on all new models, as well as LED tail and brake lights. LED日间行车灯和双氙大灯将标准的所有新机型,以及发光的尾巴和刹车灯。 11. The front end is dominated by expressive headlights on both sides of the large single-frame grille; on request, they can be equipped with bi-xenon lamps and LED daytime running lights. 前端上占主导地位的大型单框格栅,双方表达灯;要求,他们可配备双氙灯和LED日间照明灯。 12. In the daytime, the sky is light. 在白天,天空是明亮的 13. To co-establish a comprehensive control team for noise contamination with the Owner, supervisor, and the management of Party A, hear the comments of all parties, and do well the propaganda and eusurance works; To strictly control the works according to the noise control standard for nighttime and daytime construction; To adopt the construction machinery with low noise for the field construction to alleviate the noise. 与业主、监理、甲方管理处共同成立噪声污染综合治理小组,听取各方意见,做好宣传保障工作;严格按照夜间、白天施工噪音控制标准控制作业;现场采用低噪音施工机械施工,减轻噪声扰民。 14. Dream suddenly look into the sky like a daytime Choi Wan, and then view the mountains, busy wood, Zen Nai Ho, night dreams go, though, such as spring water gurgling, leisurely around the home without putting too much does not lament the worldly Nan Ke. 梦,有如白日里忽睹天际彩云,再观山中闲木,怎奈何,一夜梦归,虽如春水潺潺,悠悠绕故乡,却无不感叹这世间太多的南柯。 15. In conjunction with the BMW Adaptive Xenon headlights (optional on 528i), the daytime running lights incorporate quite unmistakable LED corona rings, while the direction indicators moved far to the outside are made up of ten LED units each. 在与宝马一起自适应氙气大灯(可选的528i),日间行驶灯的LED纳入相当明确无误的日冕环,而方向的指标远远走在了外面的每个LED的10个单位组成。 16. 16. Adaptive shock absorbers, fatigue recognition, daytime running lights, Bluetooth, and a new color display all come as standard equipment. 所有新车都标配自适应减震系统,驾驶员疲劳检测,日间行驶灯,蓝牙和新的车身颜色。 17. With 20 mg twice daily or 10 mg 4 times daily, was found to be as effective in controlling both daytime and nocturnal gastric acidity for all of the three genotypes. With multiple dosing, however, plasma esomeprazole concentrations were sustained throughout the 24-hour period, suggesting that newly generated after the rapid elimination of esomeprazole can be inactivated consistently by subsequent dose. 另外,在相同药物剂量下,单次给药无法达到理想治疗效果,而较频繁的给药(即一天两次和一天四次给药)在抑制胃酸分泌方面有良好效果;可能是因为频繁给药能持续维持一平稳的血中浓度,因此不只对当时也对后续的胃酸分泌都能达到抑制的效果。 18. You want being composing, the hyperoxide product contents scribbling on the acne in the evening can not exceed 2.5%; But, daytime is that the god of the earth gets along in the gravest acne be put into use. 你要做的是,晚上在青春痘上涂抹的过氧化物产品含量不能超过2.5%;而白天则只在最严重的青春痘处使用。 19. The ticket in daytime is 70, and 120 in evening, because there is a needfire evening show. 白天和晚上的门票价格不一样,70的,120的。因为晚上有个篝火晚会。 20. daytime的解释 20. As winter slips away into springtime and the daytime temperature begins to rise above freezing, many families in Ontario return to their sugar bush to make maple syrup. The boiling of sap to make maple syrup and maple sugar is one of the oldest traditions 秋天的来临意味着基奇纳-滑铁卢十月啤酒节(Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest)的大幕拉开,而这个德国以外最大的十月啤酒节,只不过是安大略西南部诸多庆祝活动中的一个写照。 daytime 词典解释 1. 白天;日间 The daytime is the part of a day between the time when it gets light and the time when it gets dark. e.g. In the daytime he stayed up in his room, sleeping, or listening to music... 他白天呆在自己的屋子里睡觉或听音乐。 e.g. Please give a daytime telephone number... 请留一个日间的电话号码。 2. (电视或广播节目周一至周五)白天播出的,日间播放的 Daytime television and radio is broadcast during the morning and afternoon on weekdays. e.g. ...ITV's new package of daytime programmes. 独立电视台的新一整套日间档节目 daytime 单语例句daytime是什么意思 1. For the coming summer months, a white or khaki linen suit is preferable to a business suit for daytime weddings. 2. Sleeping in a dark and quiet environment during the day can improve sleep and prevent early morning sunlight from activating the internal daytime clock. 3. That daytime decline was subtle, and the people's circadian rhythms provided a bit of rescue. 4. There is no known cure for narcolepsy, which is often treated with stimulants to combat daytime fatigue. 5. Analysis found that the more marital satisfaction and adjustment spouses reported, the lower their average blood pressure was over the 24 hours and during the daytime. 6. " You don't want to come out in the daytime, " Chen said. 7. Daytime temperatures there are noticeably cooler than in the humid and hot flatlands of Luzon and it gets cold at night. 8. Temperatures in the main stadium court were ten degrees above normal, reaching 35 C for Roddick's daytime match. 9. Hotels with tiny windows have to crank up the lights even in the daytime, and that leads to waste. 10. MGM Grand Sanya will host " Wet Republic " daytime pool parties while diners can feast on 12 unique culinary meal options. daytime什么意思daytime 英英释义 noun 1. the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside e.g. the dawn turned night into day it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime Synonym: daydaylight |
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