单词 | enter on |
释义 | enter on [英 [?ent? ?n] 美 [??nt? ɑn] ] enter on的意思、解释 enter on 基本解释 开始; 继承 enter on 网络解释 1. enter on 1. 开始:enter old password 输入旧口令 | enter on 开始 | enter the contest 加入竞赛 2. 开始,夺其所有(财产):136.enter into 开始,同情于. | 137.enter on 开始,夺其所有(财产). | 138.equal to 相等,胜任. enter on 双语例句 1. After collecting these two items, you can return to him and he will cast a spell on you which will allow you to enter the Serpentshrine Cavern. 你拿着这两样物品回到他那里,他将在你身上施方某种法术,随后你就可以进入毒蛇神殿洞穴了。 2. It is not some amorphous entity capable of inflicting harmful outcomes on all who enter. 它并非某种看不见摸不着的实体,能使危险降临进入它的每一个人。 3. When putting on a trade, enter it as if it has the potential to be thebiggest trade of the year. 当你开仓时,要把它当成一年中最重要的一次机会。 4. From here, we will rename some of the nodes and transitions to make the process more readable. To do this, click on the node and the name will become enterable, or double click and use the dialog to enter the new name. 单击节点选中它,再单击一次,就可以重命名此节点;或者双击节点,在弹出的对话框中也可以重命名节点;或者在屏幕下方的属性窗口重新指定名称。 5. 5. In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unknown, but if we are properly armed with facts we are always better prepared to enter it. 在企化的过程中,我喜欢在伟大创意未知世界边缘冒险的感觉;但只要利用事实作为有力的武器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。 6. enter on的翻译 6. In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unkown, but if we are properly armed with facts we are always better prepared to enter it. 在企化的过程中,我喜欢在伟大创意未知世界边缘冒险的感觉;但只要懂得利用事实为有力武器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。 7. In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the frin ge of the Great Creative Unknown, but if we are properly armed with facts we ar e always better prepared to enter it. 在企划的过程里,我喜欢在伟大创意未知国度边缘冒险的感觉;但只要懂得利用事实为器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。 8. In 2006, Ka-strong home buyers to enter Chengdu and the new forces with the local media - the strength of the Chengdu Evening News, relying on its distribution platform and a strong contingent of the issue, with a 800-strong team found the Housing and Urban Lan to availability and passengers Sources, there are more than 10 chain stores in all regions of Rongcheng, financial management structures for the public purchase of a new platform. 2006年,顺嘉置业强势进入成都并与当地新势力媒体-成都晚报强势联合,依托其发布平台以及强大的发行队伍,拥有一支800多人的搜房团队,揽尽城市房源和客源,目前已有10余个连锁店分布蓉城各个区域,为市民购房理财搭建了一个全新平台。 9. At the foot of the snowy mountains, our Russian-style villas are surrounded by a jujube orchard behind, bamboos beside and redleaf cherry plums in front of their windows. Once you enter the villas made of deals that are 20cm in diameter, you smell faint scent from the deals. You sit in the soft couches with your intimates or loved ones; sip coffee or black tea; chat while smiling; talk about your life; or sit on a step made of deals and read a book. At such a moment, you want nothing but the very moment. 充满俄罗斯风情的别墅悠然的卧在雪山脚下,幸福的被屋后的枣园,旁边的竹林,窗前的紫叶李簇拥着,走进直径20厘米的圆松木围起的温暖中,闻着淡淡的松木清香,或好友,或挚爱,拥坐在柔软的沙发中,或咖啡红茶,或轻言浅笑,或畅聊人生,或捧一本童话书坐在楼梯上阅读,那时,你什么都不要,就想活在当下。 10. enter on的反义词 10. In fact, I have always thought that mall do not have any specific reference to the template, we have to match the surrounding environment, look for your target market, the scope of radiation, consumer groups, which have a commercial shopping district of the Business area, the number of proportion, Performance index, and then analyzes the characteristics of their own projects, such as building structure, the idea of planning, product positioning, and so on, have to do a full range of considerations, the project should not take business model sets, otherwise it will enter the Trader errors in commercial operation, On the one hand, the project requires a rational analysis of the business, on the other hand, also need experience of perceptual knowledge, Therefore, the practical is the most important, and sometimes I often take the university to open a convenience store when the state of mind to do, your location, the allocation of goods, customer needs analysis, competitor analysis, the source of profit analysis, staff management, Each of you has a bearing on the vital interests of the past, so convenience stores to the tired physically and mentally exhausted, and now do professional managers, but relaxed pleasure, why, in large measure because we do not have to do in-depth market analysis, there is no To go from a financial point of view to measure inputs and outputs, In a way, we copy the model and set of formulas that this is the blind authority, and that is scientific, not a matter of fact, what professional, non-professional planning, planning is not professional, lead to a large number of commercial real estate projects and idle Waste, Who's fault also? 其实,我一直认为做mall没有具体的模版去参考,一定要跟周围的环境相匹配,认准你的目标市场、辐射范围、消费人群,所在商圈已有商业业态的面积、数量占比、业绩指数等,再分析自身项目的特性,比如建筑结构,规划构思,产品定位等,都要做全方位的考量,商业项目切忌拿模式来套,否则的话就会进入操盘的误区,操作商业项目一方面需要有理性的商业分析,另一方面还需要经验积累的感性认识,所以,切合实际才是最重要的,有时候我常常拿在大学时开便利店的心态去做事,你的选址、货品配置、顾客需求分析、竞争对手分析、利润来源分析、店员管理等,每一项都关系到你的切身的利益,以前做便利店累到身心疲惫,而现在做职业经理人,反倒轻松愉悦,为何,因为在很大程度上我们没有去做深度的市场分析、没有去从财务的角度去衡量投入和产出,从某种意义上来讲我们在照搬模式和套公式,盲目的认为这就是权威,这就是科学,其实不然,何为专业,专业的不策划、策划的不专业,导致大量商业地产项目的闲置和浪费,谁之过也? 11. enter on在线翻译 11. Letting what Xu sibling did not think of is, a such areas are less than the experience center of 20 square metre only, let them not only sale breaks up easily 5 times that month, more led diamond birdie to enter high speed to send exhibition period from now on. 让徐氏兄妹没有想到的是,这样一家面积只有不到20平方米的体验中心,不仅让他们当月销售额轻松翻五番,更从此引领钻石小鸟进入了高速发展期。 12. enter on的近义词 12. Sperm is only through vaginal, cervical, uterine body, the fallopian tubes so the only access to a paragraph in the fallopian tubes and eggs on the combination of pregnancy, and HIV can be through the skin, mucous membrane of any minor abrasions and small enter the human body, easy to make HIV infection. 精子只有通过阴道、子宫颈、子宫体、输卵管这样惟一的一条通道才能在输卵管上段与卵子结合受孕,而艾滋病病毒却可以通过皮肤、黏膜的任何轻微而又细小的擦伤进入人体,使人容易感染艾滋病。 13. Let's pretend you enter your office to find a note from your top salesman on your desk. 让我们假设你进入自己的办公室,在你的办公桌上发现一张出自你首席推销员之手的便条。 14. Through the efforts of our staff, the quality goal of 2007 of DPCA got obvious promotion, exceeding the expectation at the beginning of the year: the quality of new products created the best record in history; the quality of production reached a good level of PSA French factory; the quality of parts for sales exceed the requirement of annual objective; the net expenditure of guarantee realized the achievement of the reduction of 28%; the ending rate on schedule of user's quality problem after-sales rose rapidly; the establishment of quality tower made company enter PSA global improving system; B grade defect, the breaking down fault and other key quality indexes are in the front places of PSA Group. 经过公司全体员工的努力,公司2007年的质量目标得到了明显的提升,超过了年初的预期:新产品投放质量创历史最好纪录;生产质量达到PSA法国工厂的较好水平;外协件质量远远超过年度目标要求;保用净支出实现了下降28%的骄人成绩;售后用户质量问题按期终结率大幅上升;中国质量塔的建立,使公司进入了PSA的全球改进系统;B级缺陷、抛锚故障率等部分关键的质量指标已经在PSA集团处于前列。 15. Through the efforts of our staff, the quality goal of 2007 of DPCA got obvious promotion, exceeding the expectation at the beginningof the year: the quality of new products created the best record in history; the quality of production reached a good level of PSA French factory; the quality of parts for sales exceed the requirement of annual objective; the net expenditure of guarantee realized the achievement of the reduction of 28%; the ending rate on schedule of user's quality problem after-sales rose rapidly; the establishment of quality tower made company enter PSA global improving system; B grade defect, the breaking down fault and other key quality indexes are in the front places of PSA Group. 经过公司全体员工的努力,公司2007年的质量目标得到了明显的提升,超过了年初的预期:新产品投放质量创历史最好纪录;生产质量达到PSA法国工厂的较好水平;外协件质量远远超过年度目标要求;保用净支出实现了下降28%的骄人成绩;售后用户质量问题按期终结率大幅上升;中国质量塔的建立,使公司进入了PSA的全球改进系统;B级缺陷、抛锚故障率等部分关键的质量指标已经在PSA集团处于前列。 16. 16. An option on a swap, giving the holder the right, but not the obligation, to enter into an interest rate swap as either the payer or receiver of the fixed side of the swap. 指以互换为交易对象的期权,它可使持有者有权利以支付者或接受者的身份进行利率互换,但没有履行的义务。 17. Absolutely loathed the fact that he had to shoot his movies on film to enter them into film festivals. 非常讨厌为了参加电影节,他必须将他的影片用胶片拍摄。 18. 18. Mine said Cardiff had seen, so you go to the mine to investigate and take the village to speak before and can get 20 minerals, out of the village, the female protagonist to a wing talisman, talismanic role is to bring to the protagonist have been filed, and that is unlimited, and这下可to fly around you, ha ha, now get to go watch the Cliff mine, the use of magic to be flying after the wind pocket watch, and then to the lower-left corner of the village houses and the old lady to speak to him to watch Baozhu can be jack-o'-lantern is a light bulb, and then flew to the mine Charm wing former warehouse, go right of the door, the door has been opened mine husband, and here好黑ah, who you to turn on the light, no wrong equipment Baozhu jack-o'-lantern, you light to enter, which has been left in the end go, and then enter the Shihmen been the mission of the stone, POWER UP Institute of Erlian jump, cool!! 矿夫说看见过,于是就去矿场调查啦,走之前和村长说话,可得二十个矿石,出村庄后,女主角给了主角一个翼护符,护符的作用是把主角带到去过的存档处,而且是无限次的,这下可以到处飞啦,哈哈,现在先去矿场拿怀表的断崖处,用飞后风魔法得到怀表,然后到村庄最左下角的房子和老太太说话把怀表给他可以得到鬼火宝珠,就是灯泡一个,然后用翼护符飞到矿场的仓库前,走右上的门,矿夫把门已经打开了,这里好黑啊,谁把灯打开呀,没错,装备鬼火宝珠,亮啦,进入后,一直往左走到底,然后进入石门,得到使命石板,POWER UP学会二连跳,爽!! 19. enter on 19. He admits as much in his book. But numerous colleagues, he says, also used to enter false information into SocGen`s trading system, if not on as large a scale. 他在书中坦然承认这点,但声称如果交易规模不大的话,许多同事都习惯把错误信息输入法国兴业银行的交易系统。 20. My first input method is Smart ABC. That was my first computer lesson, when I want to emulate good it, but the actually situation is you must put your energy on you main courses not computer and enter a good university. 我接触到的第一个输入法是:智能ABC,第一次上电脑课,原本想认真的学好这门课,无奈高中的重心还是要放到文化课,然后上一个好大学(说到这个我就生气,不说的好)。 enter on 单语例句enter on的意思 1. Companies enter China's stock exchanges with help from IPO sponsors, but then are on their own. 2. The Iranian frigate and supply ship had been due to enter the canal with the northbound convoy that moves daily at 6 am on Monday. 3. Chinese investors can enter Nigeria's cassava processing industry, initially on a small scale because of the nature of the agricultural system in Nigeria. 4. Russians lined up under overcast skies to pass through metal detectors to enter Christ the Savior Cathedral on the banks of the Moscow River. 5. Tan did not immediately enter a plea for the murder charge, which carries a penalty of death by hanging on conviction. 6. Users only need to click the Web link on the page to enter their favorite websites instead of typing the key words. 7. A resident surnamed Zheng said he saw someone climb up to the second floor and enter an apartment through the window on Monday afternoon. 8. The State Council on Monday announced revisions to the Administrative Regulations on Futures Trading, which include clauses to allow overseas institutions to enter the market. 9. This round of court hearing will enter the third day on Thursday. 10. The law requires that defendants on trial not be handcuffed as they enter the courtroom, to make sure the sight of cuffs doesn't unfairly influence the jury. |
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