单词 | balderdash |
释义 | balderdash [英 [?b?:ld?d??] 美 [?b?:ld?rd??] ] balderdash的意思、解释 balderdash 基本解释 名词胡言乱语,废话 balderdash balderdash 网络解释 1. 胡言乱语:baldaquin 锦缎 | balderdash 胡言乱语 | baldfaced 脸有白斑的 2. 乱七八糟:Get away! Get away!|走开!快走开! | Balderdash!|乱七八糟! | I have given myself the willies.|我是在自己吓自己 3. 胡言乱语, 梦呓:balder /秃头的/真率的/秃的(比较级)/ | balderdash /胡言乱语/梦呓/ | baldest /秃头的/真率的/秃的(最高级)/ balderdash 双语例句 1. From inside information extending over a series of years Mr Bloom was rather inclined to poohpooh the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, pending that consummation devoutly to be or not to be wished for, he was fully cognisant of the fact that their neighbours across the channel, unless they were much bigger fools than he took them for, rather concealed their strength than the opposite. 204根据经年累月的内幕消息,布卢姆先生颇倾向于把上述见解看作是荒谬透顶的胡言乱语,嗤之以鼻;因为姑且不论他是否衷心企盼那样一种结局,对这一事实他总是了如指掌:除非海峡对岸的那些邻人远比他所设想的还要愚蠢,否则与其认为他们在显示实力,毋宁说是藏而不露。 2. What a load of balderdash! 一派胡言! 3. In view of this, cyclical stocks in2008 is balderdash. 由此看来,周期性股票的确是2008年的梦呓。 4. In this section, Katherine's terrible hysteria and balderdash feels she seems to be in a state of insanity. 在这一片段中,凯瑟琳可怕的歇斯底里和胡言乱语让人感觉她似乎是处于一种精神错乱状态中。 5. Somniloquy also weighs balderdash. 说梦话也称梦呓。 6. People keep saying that things like the firemen, all those hospitals and that public broadcasting group on the TV came from the state but I declare that to be balderdash! 人们总是说像消防员,所有医院和电视上的公共广播节目都是来自那个那个国家,但我说那是他们在胡说八道! 7. balderdash 7. From " History Myth " to History Balderdash: A structural analysis of the modernity to the history philosophy of the postmodernism 从历史神话到历史梦呓&一种对后现代主义历史哲学的现代性结构分析 8. From " History Myth " to History Balderdash: A structural analysis of the modernity to the history philosophy of the postmodernism 从历史神话到历史梦呓&一种对后现代主义历史哲学的现代性结构分析 9. Balderdash! You're going to do great, son! 不会的,。儿子。,你一定会考好的。 10. I am concerned with matters of consequence. I don`t amuse myself with balderdash. 我有一朵花的话,我就可以摘下我的花,并且把它带走。 11. balderdash的解释 11. I am concerned with matters of consequence. I don't amuse myself with balderdash. 我的工作很多……我是很严肃的,我可是从来也没有功夫去闲聊! 12. Speaking of her love, has become a romantic balderdash. 爱对她来讲,已经成为一种浪漫的梦呓。 13. But this is balderdash. 但是,这是胡说八道。 14. balderdash在线翻译 14. Eg:That story is 10 percent fact and 90 percent balderdash. 这个故事有九成都是在胡说八道。 15. balderdash的反义词 15. Here's some balderdash to be aware of. 下面有些无谓之谈你要当心。 balderdash 词典解释 1. 胡言乱语;废话;蠢话 If you say that something that has been said or written is balderdash, you think it is completely untrue or very stupid. e.g. What a load of balderdash! 一派胡言! balderdash 英英释义 noun 1. trivial nonsense Synonym: fiddle-faddlepiffle |
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