单词 | barbershop |
释义 | barbershop [英 [?bɑ:b???p] 美 [?bɑ:rb?r?ɑ:p] ] barbershop的意思、解释 复数形式:barbershops; barbershop 基本解释 barbershop 名词理发店; 理发店四重唱 barbershop 网络解释 1. 理发店:相信不少影迷对于影片排出的阵容组合怀着相当的期待心理,其中, 拥有重量级体重的赛德里克仅仅用了三四年的光景就从一名喜剧脱口秀演员成长为一位拥有相当知名度的全方位娱乐明星,其所拍的电影作品自然功不可没,从(Barbershop)开始,他就获得了观众的广泛认同, 2. 哈啦大髮師:」在其它奖项方面,[魔戒二部曲:双城奇谋]打败[蜘蛛人(Spider-Man)]、[街头痞子(8 Mile)]、[七夜怪谈:西洋篇(The Ring)]、以及[哈啦大发师(Barbershop)],勇夺最佳影片大奖,在片中饰演哈比人山姆的史恩艾斯汀(Sean Astin)还特别在得奖感言中为咕鲁粗野的行为向大家致歉. 3. 发厅:配膳间Meal Checking | 发厅Barbershop | 美发(容)院Beauty Salon 4. barbershop的翻译 4. 理发室:58 洗衣房 Laundry | 59 理发室 Barbershop | 60 氧气站 Oxygen Station barbershop 双语例句 1. 1. BEFORE the advent of male vanity, the local barbershop used to be a regaling hotspot. 由于男性的虚荣心,当地的理发馆一直以来生意兴隆。 2. Before the advent of male vanity, the local barbershop employ to be a regaling hotspot. 在男士们的还么有虚荣心以前,当地的理发店曾是唯一令人愉快的热闹地儿。 3. Bymidday Wednesday, she was at the De Jean Binette Hair Palace and BarberShop in Cambria Heights, where a television was tuned to a cable newschannel. 在星期三中午,她在开博尔的巴伯商店和德金理发中心用卫星电视了解最新的动态。 4. Many poemtry strings which are stored in the heart float out in the barbershop in this morning. 许多储蓄在心里的诗料,今晨在理发店里又浮上了心来了。 5. I play the guitar and sing in a barbershop group. 我弹吉他并在一个乐队唱歌。 6. barbershop的意思 6. I went to barbershop and got a haircut specially. 我特地到理发店修整了发型。 7. My late father-in-law remembered the days with such a sign outside a Ca barbershop: Dogs and Chinese Do Not Enter. 他们勇敢地在熟悉和友善的环境中,也在不熟悉和不友善的地方传福音。 8. When you perform a Character Re-Customization, you may also change the character's hair color and hair style (similar to the in-game barbershop) and select a new name, if desired. 在重新定制的过程中,你可以同时更换头发的颜色和样式(就和在游戏中的理发店一样),也可以更改名字,如果你想。 9. He began with a barbershop in Santa Ana, California that was stuffed with books, newspapers and magazines. 他刚开始在加利福尼亚州圣塔安那开了一个理发店,里面摆满了书籍、报纸和杂志。 10. barbershop 10. Apart from bathing, it has warm and cool pools, steam room, 2 stories swimming hall with 2 jumbo size playing pools and 10m jumping pool and barbershop, its service hours is from 10:00 to 18:00, close on Wednesday. 除了洗澡设施外,它还设有冷暖池、设有两个大型嬉水池及高达10m 的跳水设施的游泳馆及理发店,它的开放时间是10:00至18:00,每逢星期三停止开放。 11. We administered a questionnaire to 202 service people from hotel, massage room, barbershop and dancing hall in Shenzhen. 对202名深圳市15家宾馆、桑拿按摩室、发廊和歌舞厅等公共场所服务人员进行艾滋病知识、态度和行为调查研究。 12. Boston Brass also performs a barbershop quintet as part of its repertoire, demonstrating that the quintet's skill is not limited to brass instruments alone. 波士顿铜管五重奏的曲目中包括无伴奏的合唱,足证五重奏的技巧不限於演奏铜管乐器而已。 13. 13. Perhaps I should understand the inefficient and inflexible service in China, just like what ofen happens in GAFA... At last what gave us a good mood was Urska made a satisfied hairdo in a barbershop next to the post office in the later afternoon. 可能我应该理解中国那些低效率的、不灵活的服务业,因为类似这些在广美也是司空见惯的了……最后,让我们有个好心情的是下午迟些时候Urska在邮局附近的发型屋做了个满意的发型。 14. He installed a wireless fidelity network in the barbershop to offer customers high-speed wireless Internet access. 他在理发店里装设无线上网网络,让顾客享用高速的无线上网服务。 15. 15. A man got a shave at a roadside barbershop, decorated with portraits of Hindu gods and goddesses, in New Delhi Thursday. 路边理发店:图为,周四,在新德里一家路边理发店,墙上的镜子里反映出一个男子正在刮脸,镜子的周围贴着印度教诸神的画像。 16. I have just been to the barbershop. 我刚去了理发店。 17. barbershop 17. I can't go to my old barbershop now. 现在我也去不了我原来总去的剪头的地方了。 18. barbershop是什么意思 18. I'm going to the barbershop to get my hair cut. 我要去理发店理发。 19. I have run into him in the barbershop there. 我在理发馆那儿遇到了他。 20. I want to have my hair cut, but I can ` t find a barbershop. 我想理个发,可我找不到理发店。 barbershop 词典解释 1. 理发店合唱(指用和声法演唱而不借助乐器伴奏的一种唱法,通常由男性组成的小型团队演唱) Barbershop is a style of singing where a small group of people, usually men, sing in close harmony and without any musical instruments accompanying them. barbershop什么意思 e.g. ...a barbershop quartet. 理发店四重唱 2. -> see barber shop barbershop 单语例句 1. Her screen credits include " XXX, " " Barbershop " and its sequel. 2. The shopkeeper of a neighbouring restaurant noticed a strong smell of gas from the barbershop early Friday and knocked on the door. 3. Curran described the barbershop as a " social gathering place " for many people and said Nelson would bring her son there to get his hair cut. 4. Many migrant parents are individual entrepreneurs such as fruit and vegetable sellers or barbershop owners, and some are manual laborers. 5. Many of them crammed in to the barbershop, and others stood looking through the window as the haircut was done. 6. The latest regulation also demands barbershop employees to have certifications of their expertise qualifications. 7. He seeks revenge, first on the corrupt judge who sentenced him and then on whoever enters his barbershop. 8. After much hesitation he finally reported the situation to the police and the barbershop owner was arrested. 9. Wang has also found Yao a job in a barbershop, where he can do some simple work and make a bit of money. 10. He was shocked to learn that the girl had been forced into prostitution by a woman barbershop owner. barbershopbarbershop 英英释义 barbershop的近义词 noun 1. a shop where men can get their hair cut |
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