单词 | bastard |
释义 | bastard [英 [?bɑ:st?d] 美 [?b?st?rd] ] bastard的意思、解释 复数形式:bastards; bastard 基本解释 名词私生子,杂种; 代用品,假冒品; 态度傲慢且令人讨厌的人 形容词杂种的,不纯粹的; 伪的,假的; 奇形怪状的,异常的 bastard 相关例句 形容词 1. bastard 1. Gneiss is called bastard granite. 片麻岩叫作粗花岗岩。 名词 1. He is a prize bastard. 他是个头号大坏蛋。 2. Poor bastard! He's been had. 可怜的家伙,他上当受骗了。 bastard 网络解释 1. 私生子:蛇怪(basilisk)、蛇(serpent)、宠臣(minion)、知更鸟(robinet)、隼(falcon)、私生子(bastard)、女妖(siren)、基地(base)、抛石袋(sling文艺复兴时期花样繁多、借用典故的火炮名称顽强抗拒统一的规格, 2. 混蛋:克尔斯滕邓斯特 克尔斯滕邓斯特 潮女克尔斯滕邓斯特当地时间4月23日现身翠贝卡影展Between The Lines单元,她执导的短片(Bastard)将在本单元展映,影片男主角、曾出演过的布莱恩格拉格提来到场助阵. 3. bastard 3. 王八蛋:再比如:王八蛋(Bastard)这个词在词典有如下几种含义,标出四个含义:第一,用来骂你所讨厌的人,尤其是男性;第二,侮辱或者开玩笑的说法,用以称呼男性;第三,英式用法,造成问题或者困难的事物,第四,旧式用法, bastard 双语例句 1. Defensiveness, on the other hand, is the bastard child of shame. 而防御是羞愧导致。 2. 2. Vocalist/ Guitarist Richard Todd brings slabs of punk and DIY/ post-punk to the party, despite singing like a down-to-earth Ian Gillan with emphysema; Bassist Adam Pillsbury plays his instrument like the bastard child of Bootsy Collins and Charles Mingus; double-bassist/ laptop terrorist/ gadget fiddler/ knob twiddler general Jackson Garland adds unobtrusive electronic textures to the music that you may only notice by their absence and while drummer Jon Campbell's hair screams Grateful Dead, his beats can whisper Buddy Rich or wail Bill Ward. 主音吉他Richard Todd给乐队带来了后朋克元素。Jackson Garland演奏低音提琴并用笔记本、效果器给乐队带来了电子音效和小噪音。贝司手Adam Pillsbury有着非凡的演奏能力以及大师风范。鼓手Jon Campbell现场演出时有着惊人的能量,他不仅是一位优秀的鼓手,也是成功的演出策划人。 3. I'm gonna kill that little bastard. 我要杀了那小兔崽子。 4. You are really a big bastard, I very unusual hate you now, wishes one could to rush to your family to kill you! 你真是个大混蛋,我现在非常非常的恨你,恨不得冲到你家去杀你! 5. They are seen as little better than animals, their faces branded at birth to mark them as the bastard children of the kingdom. 他们获得的仅仅是比动物稍好一点的对待,他们的脸上自出生之时就被打上烙印,来标识他们是王国中坏蛋们的孩子。 6. For God's sake, cunt bastard. Do you know who I am? 看在上帝的份上王八蛋知道我是谁吗? 7. You did this to me, you bastard. 是你做的好事王八蛋 8. You bastard! He and I was not very good friends, but ordinary. 你王八蛋!我和他本来就不是很要好的朋友,只是普通的。 9. You bastard, you always ran away in the past too! 你这个老东西,过去你也总是当逃兵的吧! 10. After thinking of this bastard lamb is done, gave me 20 only, say IT is bad now to do, owing first, good with gloriole scene will look for me again, what enrage me is terrible. 没想到这个王八羔子弄完后,只给了我二十块,说现在IT不好做,先欠着,以后光景好了再来找我,把我气的够呛。 11. Civil Law Code; marriage and family; relative; void marriage; couple; termination of marriage; bastard 民法典;婚姻家庭;亲属;无效婚姻;夫妻;婚姻的终止;非婚生子女 12. Xie Deng steals chicken to won'ted do to still do full hand excrement, it is hole of bastard getting kitchen really -- choke with resentment again nest fire, the person of full street need not good eye looks at him, neighbour people say or state with certainty say, produced this kind of job, xie Deng that house is again also won't somebody will hire. 叶灯偷鸡不成还弄了满手屎,真是王八钻灶坑——又憋气又窝火,满街的人都不用好眼光瞅他,邻居们断言说,发生了这种事,叶灯那房子是再也不会有人来租喽。 13. Bastard! Ban Regis Robert Bucher, the same desperate situation. 混蛋!班吉斯状若疯虎,情同拼命。 14. The yellow weasel pays new year's call to the chicken, hasn't pressed the good intention, what bastard the Western big powers is, everybody mood is clear, supports the Tibetan independence clip clop to depend, writes some superficial piece of writing to be useful? 傲せ颠峰(1楼)黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没按好心,西方列强是个什么样混蛋,大家心情清楚,支持藏独哒赖,做一些表面文章有用吗? 15. 15. John's mother, Eleanor, takes a liking to the Bastard, because it is rumored that his father was her son and John's brother, Richard the Lionhearted. 约翰的母亲埃莉诺,需要喜欢的杂种,因为这是传言,他的父亲是她的儿子和约翰的弟弟,理查德 16. bastard在线翻译 16. Eleanor interrupts and asks the Bastard if he would rather claim his name as the bastard son of Richard the Lionhearted, without land, or be a Falconbridge and enjoy his property. 埃莉诺中断,并要求杂种,如果他宁愿他的名字作为索赔的私生子的儿子理查德Lionhearted ,没有土地,或者是Falconbridge和享受他的财产。 17. Yes, I know I just had an accident, you daffy bastard! Yes 我知道我刚刚发生事故你这蠢货 18. Mesomorph - The Lucky Bastard; this guy doesn`t need to do much to see results in the gym. 运动型体格者-幸运儿们;他们不必为了塑造好身材去健身房。 19. I solely and happily to received your mail, i am single and an orphan as you may like to know more about me, it`s a pity i lost my parents at this my earlier age, i stay with my uncle, and he is treating me like a slave just because i have no parents again, his wife which i took like mother is also maturating me bad, calling me all such of name, like prostitute, bastard, useless girl and e. t. c infact after all this i get to know that his hand is in my father death, because he want to claim all my father properties for himself and kill me, this is the reason why i ran out from my family house and hid myself in a local hotel here. i只,并愉快地以收到你的邮件,我是单身及孤儿,你可能想知道更多关于我来说,这是很可惜,我失去了父母,我这样的年龄,我留在我的伯父,他就是治疗我喜欢做奴隶,只因为我没有父母,他的妻子,其中我的母亲一样,也是成熟,我坏,我呼吁所有这类的名字,像妓女,私生子,无用的女孩,等infact ,毕竟这是我去了解他的手就在我的父亲去世,因为他想要求我所有的父亲性能,为自己和杀了我,这是我之所以失控,从我的家,躲进自己在当地一家旅馆。 20. bastard 20. Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn, When beauty lived and died as flowers do now, Before the bastard signs of fair were born, Or durst inhabit on a living brow; Before the golden tresses of the dead, The right of sepulchres, were shorn away, To live a second life on second head; Ere beauty's dead fleece made another gay:In him those holy antique hours are seen, Without all ornament, itself and true, Making no summer of another's green, Robbing no old to dress his beauty new; And him as for a map doth Nature store, To show false Art what beauty was of yore. 这样,他的朱颜是古代的图志,那时美开了又谢像今天花一样,那时冒牌的艳色还未曾出世,或未敢公然高据活人的额上,那时死者的美发,坟墓的财产,还未被偷剪下来,去活第二回在第二个头上②;那时美的死金鬟还未被用来使别人显得华贵:这圣洁的古代在他身上呈现,赤裸裸的真容,毫无一点铅华,不用别人的青翠做他的夏天,不掠取旧脂粉妆饰他的鲜花;就这样造化把他当图志珍藏,让假艺术赏识古代美的真相。 bastard 词典解释 1. 杂种;坏蛋;混蛋 Bastard is an insulting word which some people use about a person, especially a man, who has behaved very badly. 2. (走运或倒霉的)家伙 Some people say things such as lucky bastard or poor bastard to refer to a person, usually a man, who they think is very lucky, or very unlucky. bastard 3. 私生子(可能具冒犯意味) A bastard is a person whose parents were not married to each other at the time that he or she was born. This use could cause offence. e.g. ...King Arthur's bastard son, Mordred. 亚瑟王的私生子莫德雷德 4. 极讨厌的事;极麻烦的事 If someone describes a problem or a situation as a bastard, they mean that it is extremely annoying or difficult to deal with. e.g. Life can be a real bastard at times... 有时生活会变得麻烦多多。 e.g. I had to go early 'cos it's a bastard to get your motor out of the car park. 我得早点走,因为从停车场取车麻烦得要死。 bastard 英英释义 noun 1. derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin e.g. the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic Synonym: mongrel 2. insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous Synonym: assholecocksuckerdickheadshitmother fuckermotherfuckerprickwhoresonson of a bitchSOB 3. the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents Synonym: by-blowlove childillegitimate childillegitimatewhoreson adj 1. fraudulent having a misleading appearance Synonym: bogusfakephonyphoney |
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