单词 | fuzzy |
释义 | fuzzy [英 [?f?zi] 美 [?f?zi] ] fuzzy的意思、解释 fuzzy 基本解释 fuzzy在线翻译 形容词模糊的; 绒毛般的,毛茸茸的; 糊涂的,含糊不清的 fuzzy在线翻译 fuzzy 相关例句 形容词 1. The television picture is fuzzy tonight. 今晚电视图像不清晰。 fuzzy 网络解释 1. 模糊的:世界是模糊的(fuzzy),人也是模糊的,人们经常运用的思维方式就是模糊思维(fuzzy thinking). 我们所说的模糊(fuzzy)是不精确的意思,不是模糊(blur, vague),不是不清晰、不清楚、不明确、含混. 除有特别标明,本章只是用第一个模糊, 2. 模糊控制:例如冶金、机械、食品、化工等各类工业生产中广泛使用的各种加热炉、热处理炉、反应炉等;燃料有煤气、天然气、油、电等;控制方案有直接数字控制(DDC),推断控制,预测控制,模糊控制(Fuzzy),专家控制(Expert Control),鲁棒控制(Robust Control), 3. fuzzy什么意思 3. 模糊数学:以往的土壤分类与等级综合评价多是建立在模糊数学(Fuzzy)基础上的模糊聚类分析与模糊综合评判,因此不可避免的涉及权重矩阵人为干扰,导致分类与评价结果的人为倾向.本文将高维降维技术--投影寻踪评价模型(PPE)应用到土壤学科领域, fuzzy 双语例句 1. After analyzing, this paper proposes a new method to determine the ordering vector of fuzzy complementary matrix, and the new method can be used by a formula when decision makers give positive reciprocal matrices. 通过分析研究,论文提出一种确定模糊互补判断矩阵排序向量的新方法,通过转化公式,新排序方法可以应用于决策者给出正互反判断矩阵的情况。 2. fuzzy 2. A theorem on sufficiency and necessity of fuzzy positive matrix is proposed after much analysis. Based on the thought of minimun deviationan, an optimization model is constructed first, and then a formula with parameter is taken advantage to approximate the corresponding element in the fuzzy complementary matrix and results in obtaining a fuzzy positive matrix. Meanwhile, the ordering vector of the fuzzy positive matrix is calculated. 经过深人分析,论文首先提出一个模糊一致矩阵的充要条件,再根据差异最小化的思想,构建一个最优化模型,利用一个含有参数的矩阵逼近原模糊互补判断矩阵,得到一个新的模糊一致矩阵,然后再求出这个模糊一致矩阵的排序向量。 3. fuzzy是什么意思 3. The research of fuzzy relation plays an important role on fuzzy mathematics theory and application. 模糊关系的研究是模糊数学理论和应用的重要课题。 4. The basic theory and method of fuzzy mathematics are introduced, the process to build the Fuzzy Evaluation model is summarized. 介绍了模糊数学的基本理论和方法,并概括性的说明了模糊综合评价模型的构建过程。 5. fuzzy的翻译 5. But it is very difficult because of the difference between operators in classical mathematics and those in fuzzy mathematics. 但是,由于经典数学中的运算与模糊算子有着本质的区别,使得这种推广十分困难。 6. fuzzy的解释 6. The birth and development of the technology of fuzzy mathematics have just provided strong support for the solution to this problem. 模糊数学技术的出现和发展为此提供了有力的支持。 7. Mathematics based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, using examples of how to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the library. 基于模糊数学中的综合评判模型,用实例说明了如何对图书馆进行全面的评估。 8. In this dissertation, we propose two region-based segmentation algorithms and two edge-based segmentation algorithms for echocardiographic images. The first proposed algorithm of region-based segmentation scheme is fuzzy Hopfield neural network with fixed weight approach. This approach incorporated the global gray-level information and local gray-level information to construct a fuzzy Hopfield neural network. When the network converges to a stable state, the segmentation result will be obtained. A new approach using alpha-shape points is another proposed algorithm of region-based category. The region of interest corresponds to one of the clusters under a properly selected alpha. We identify the heart chamber in the ultrasound image by comparing the similarity between the alpha-connected components against the heart chamber obtained from the AQ image. 我们提出两种以区块为主的影像分割方法及两种以边缘为主的影像分割方法,其中所提出的第一个以区块为主的方法是乏析贺菲尔德类神经网路,在这个方法中使用了全体的和区域性的影像亮度资讯来建构这个类神经网路,当网路趋於稳定状态时,就可以获得影像分割的结果;另一个提出的以区块为主的方法是α形状技术的分割方法,选择了适当的α大小之后,每个区块会对应到其中的一个分群中,再藉由和AQ的比对,就可以知道哪个分群是我们所要的心脏了。 9. Fuzzy PID control is used to realize the wind amount automatic control. 在控制上采用模糊PID控制来实现风量的自动调节。 10. 10. In this paper, within the complete lattice framework, employed fuzzy logical operations and adjunction, fuzzy morphological operations have been proposed. The properties of these operations are discussed deeply. 本文在完备格的框架下,利用模糊逻辑运算及其伴随,给出模糊数学形态学运算的定义,并深入讨论了这些运算的性质。 11. Fuzzy decision-making is used to describe the difference between objective things by subordinate function, and is an important ways of multi-objective decision-making. 模糊决策采用隶属函数描述客观事物差异中亦此亦彼的模糊现象差异的大小程度,是多目标决策中的重要方法之一。 12. It establishes the fuzzy comprehensive decision making method for multiattribute decision-making problems based on th... 因此,模糊神经网络综合决策方法为获取人的知识经验提供了一条易于实现的有效新途径。 13. At last, this paper studies the JSSP with fuzzy processing time and fuzzy duedate. 最后,对实际生产中加工时间和交货期都是模糊数的作业车间调度问题进行了研究。 14. Based on the models of unlinear tyre and full vehicle dynamics, the characteristics of the control methods of yaw moment and front wheel active steering under the conditions of excessive vehicle and less steering are analyzed. The technology of unlinear Fuzzy-PID with robustness for vehicle stability control is selected. The Fuzzy-PID controllers are designed whose tracking objects are ideal yaw rate and side slip angle and the outputs are wheel braking force and front wheel steering angle. The simulation experiments by two methods, yaw moment stability control which is based on the optimum slip rate of tyre and active steering control that is based on front wheel nestification, are carried out. The results prove that the vehicles applied Fuzzy-PID control have good performance stability. 依据非线性轮胎模型和整车动力学模型,分析了横摆力矩和前轮主动转向控制模式对汽车过多和不足转向的控制特性,选择鲁棒性强的非线性Fuzzy-PID控制技术进行汽车稳定性控制,设计了Fuzzy-PID控制器,利用汽车理想模型的横摆角速度和质心侧偏角作为控制系统跟踪对象,车轮制动力和前轮叠加转角作为控制输出,以轮胎最优滑移率控制方法进行横摆力矩稳定性控制,以前轮叠加转向进行主动转向控制,按照两种控制模式各自的控制策略分别进行了仿真实验,验证了Fuzzy-PID控制系统能使汽车具有良好的操纵稳定性。 15. fuzzy的意思 15. The partition of the input domain can be expressed as a binary tree by a fuzzy tree model. 模糊建模中的结构辨识是指如何划分输入空间,它是一种复杂的非线性优化过程,模糊树模型可将输入空间的划分表示成二叉树结构的形式。 16. A fuzzy decision model of driver's decision-making ve hicle pr eview course is given. 提出了一种驾驶员确定汽车预期轨迹的模糊决策模型。 17. 17. In this paper, a robust fuzzy neural network controller was proposed to deal with the problem. 本文研究了自由漂浮空间机器人的智能控制方法,提出了一个鲁棒的模糊神经网络控制器。 18. fuzzy的翻译 18. But the rapid development of neural network and fuzzy controller theory supply means for solving this question. 模糊控制理论和神经网络控制理论的迅速发展为解决这一问题带来了生机。 19. This thesis designs a fuzzy neural network controller in order to resolve the problems above. 针对上述存在的问题,本文设计了模糊神经网络控制器。 20. 20. The appearance of contact mathematics, vague set and instinct fuzzy set have no doubt popularized fuzzy set, making the above-mentioned model for fuzzy optimization a special case lacking universality. Research in this paper proposes the solution to this problem. 由于联系数学、Vague集合、直觉模糊集合的出现,无庸置疑地推广了模糊集合,使得上述的模型、理论与方法成为特例,而不具有一般性,本文围绕着上述出现的问题,研究了解决问题的方法。 fuzzy 词典解释 1. (毛发)柔软卷曲的 Fuzzy hair sticks up in a soft, curly mass. e.g. He had fuzzy black hair and bright black eyes. 他一头柔软卷曲的黑发,眼睛又黑又亮。 2. 覆有细绒毛的;绒毛状的;毛茸茸的 If something is fuzzy, it has a covering that feels soft and like fur. e.g. ...fuzzy material. 绒毛料子 3. (图片、声音等)不清楚的,模糊的 A fuzzy picture, image, or sound is unclear and hard to see or hear. e.g. A couple of fuzzy pictures have been published. 有几张模糊的照片刊登了出来。 e.g. ...fuzzy bass lines. 含糊的低音乐段 4. (人或头脑)稀里糊涂的,迷迷糊糊的 If you or your thoughts are fuzzy, you are confused and cannot think clearly. e.g. He had little patience for fuzzy ideas. 他没什么耐心听那些糊里糊涂的想法。 5. 不明确的;含混的 You describe something as fuzzy when it is vague and not clearly defined. fuzzy的反义词 e.g. The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy. 科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。 6. (计算机)模糊(逻辑)的 Fuzzy logic is a type of computer logic that is supposed to imitate the way that humans think, for example by adapting to changing circumstances rather than always following the same procedure. e.g. ...domestic appliances that also use fuzzy logic to mimic the way a person would do the job manually. 同样使用模糊逻辑模拟手动操作的家用电器 e.g. ...research on fuzzy systems. 对模糊系统的研究 fuzzy 单语例句 1. The graphic book by the Japanese illustrator offers warm and fuzzy stories of living alone in a city. 2. There are some dishes that capture the heart with a first taste, when titillated taste buds trigger off a sentimentality for that instantly warm fuzzy feeling. 3. They number in the tens of thousands, clustering in areas like a giant throng of fuzzy mush. 4. Microsoft's Xbox 360 video game console will be $ 50 cheaper from today, confirming fuzzy snapshots of leaked advertisements posted by bloggers in late July. 5. Earth seems to have its first fuzzy photos of alien planets outside our solar system, images captured by two teams of astronomers. 6. " Fuzzy signals " affected the radars for almost a week, potentially putting flight safety at risk. 7. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, like changing a couple of light bulbs. 8. Holmes is still visible to the naked eye as a fuzzy star anytime after dark, high in the northeast sky. 9. As a young girl growing up in China with brain damage, life was a fuzzy picture where not everything made sense. 10. The role of the president in ordering or ratifying a decision to target a US citizen is fuzzy. fuzzy 英英释义 adj 1. covering with fine light hairs e.g. his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed Synonym: fuzzed 2. confused and not coherent not clearly thought out e.g. a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance 3. indistinct or hazy in outline e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines the trees were just blurry shapes Synonym: blearyblurredblurryfoggyhazymuzzy |
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