单词 | generalize |
释义 | generalize [英 [?d?enr?la?z] 美 [?d??n?r??la?z] ] generalize的意思、解释 过去式:generalized; 过去分词:generalized; 现在分词:generalizing; generalize 基本解释 及物/不及物动词概括,归纳; 推广,普及; 使一般化; 形成概念 及物动词概括; 推广,普及; 使一般化 不及物动词形成概念 generalize什么意思 generalize 同义词 动词generalise generalize 反义词 及物动词specialize generalize 相关例句 不及物动词 1. Our history teacher is always generalizing. 我们历史老师上课总是泛泛而谈。 2. 2. I don't think you can generalize about that. 我认为对那事你不能一概而论。 3. He generalized from that accident and said that all women were bad drivers. 他因那次车祸而下结论说所有女性都不善于开车。 generalize 网络解释 1. generalize的解释 1. 一般化:1.1 在统计学中,我们可以合法地通过一些可靠(reliable)有效(valid)程序,把一些样本(sample)的某个属性(attribute)一般化(generalize),推论说某个群体(population)具有该属性. 2. 推广:研究深刻地语境化(contextualized),因而其结果严重损失了推广(generalize)的能力;质性研究中可以使用文本、手工制品、以及音像资料等形式的数据. 数据的来源可分为两大类:非干扰性的(unobtrusive)和干扰性的(obtrusive). 3. 3. 泛化:如果您希望上述的aspect Timestamp能够泛化 (generalize),以便能够对各种对象重用时间戳记代码,可以定义一个称为 TimestampedObject 的接口,并使用引入(Introduction)来将相同成员和变量添加到接口而不是添加到具体类中,如下所示. generalize 双语例句 1. These laws have so little in common, and differ so much, that it is ill-advised to generalize about them. 这些法律有些很小的共同点,很大的区别,这样概括他们是不明智的。 2. The implication of this study shows it is difficult to formularize or generalize MERSI. 此研究意涵:MERSI理论要找到一个通式准则是有困难的。 3. In order that interpret why indefinite kernels are useful in the classification problem. In this paper, we generalize the Mercer theorem, which the eigenvalues can be negative, and the proof of the theorem is given. 就这些问题,本文研究了非正定核函数的特征空间的结构,并分别运用推广的Mercer定理、幂级数展开两种方法构造非正定核函数的特征空间。 4. generalize 4. Therefore, it`s very important to generalize the new GINA (The Global Initiative for Asthma)strategy on carrying out the management and prevention of asthma, which should help to push the normalization of the management and prevention of asthma in our country. 因此,分析支气管哮喘在社会经济等方面的影响因素,为推广GINA贯彻哮喘防治新策略,推动我国哮喘防治的规范化具有十分重要的作用。关键词:支气管哮喘;经济;社会;防治作者简介:杜爱萍,女,主任医师,研究员,襄樊职业技术学院工作质量督察处处长 5. 5. Meta analysis is an important research method which has been burgeoning in recent thirty years in the field of psychology, education and other fields of science. It uses statistics to combine and evaluate substantively different outcomes from a set of studies bearing on the same issue, and in terms of which to generalize the common effect about those outcomes. 元分析是心理、教育及其他科学领域内新近出现的一种重要研究方法,它主要是借助统计方法,对针对同一问题的大量研究结果进行综合分析与评价,从而概括出其研究结果所反映的共同效应,即普遍性的结论。 6. However, an outside research, it is not enough to generalize the research of the Ssu-k'u Studies. 本文以为现今「四库学」研究最大的贡献是在「纠缪补阙」上,尤以《四库全书总目》为然,但这仅是外围的研究,不足以概括「四库学」。 7. The authors use the condition that some subgroups of a finite group G has a U-s-supplement or be S-quasinormal in G, to give some conditions under which the group G is supersolvable and generalize some of these results into formations. 利用群G的某些子群在G中或有F-s-补充,或为S-拟正规,给出有限群为超可解的若干充分条件,并将其中的一部分结果推广到群系中。 8. generalize是什么意思 8. In particular, I elucidate the physical origin and nature of the cirtical synchrotron cooling Lorentz factor, the important concept and characteristic quantity, and generalize it including adiabatic and other synchrotron-like losses. 特别是,我们阐明了电子临界同步辐射冷却能量这一重要概念和特征物理量的物理起源和意义,并推广到包括绝热和其它类同步损失。 9. Electro-slag Welding Technique is an old welding method, but also it is burgeoning. In 1958, China began to generalize this technique, and now, it is popular in boiler-making, heavy-duty machinery, petrochemical industry, but it is also limited in plate steel. 电渣焊是一个既古老又新鲜的焊接方法,我国在1958年就开始了电渣焊的推广工作,已经在锅炉制造、重型机械和石油化工等行业中得到广泛应用,但是电渣焊一直应用在厚板的焊接上。 10. generalize的翻译 10. This paper obtains the following five main results: the first result is that we introduce empirical likelihood to test serial correlation in semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models and propose the empirical log-likelihood ratio test. The second result is that we introduce empirical likelihood to test serial correlation in semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear errors-in-variables models and obtain the nonparametric version of Wilks'theorem of the proposed empirical log-likelihood ratio statistics under the identifying condition 1 and 2, respectively. The third result is that we generalize the method proposed by Li and Hsiao(1998) to semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models, semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear errors-in-variables model, semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear time series models and semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear panel data models. The fourth result is that we apply empirical likelihood to semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear errors-in-variables models, enrich and develop the empirical likelihood theory. 本文的研究成果主要有以下五个:第一,把经验似然引入半参数变系数部分线性模型的序列相关检验中,提出了经验对数似然比检验;第二,把经验似然引入含度量误差的半参数变系数部分线性模型的序列相关检验中,在识别条件一和识别条件二下分别得到了经验对数似然比的非参数Wilks'定理;第三,把Li和Hsiao(1998)的方法推广到了半变系数部分线性模型、半参数变系数部分线性度量误差模型、半参数变系数部分线性时序模型和半参数变系数部分线性panel数据模型中来检验序列相关;第四,把经验似然应用到半参数变系数部分线性度量误差模型中,丰富和发展了经验似然理论;第五,把块经验似然应用到纵向的半参数变系数部分线性模型中,得到了所提块经验对数似然比的渐近卡方分布。 11. On the one hand, we improve the mixed having and ternary method to express n from the standard non-singular elliptic curve with character 2. On the other hand, we improve the mixed binary and ternary method to express n from the standard elliptic curve with character more than 3, and we generalize the mixed binary, ternary and quinary method to express n. 一方面从特征是2的有限域上的标准非奇异椭圆曲线的角度出发,改进了n的半点和三进制的形式;另一方面从特征大于3的有限域上的标准椭圆曲线的角度出发,改进了n的二进制和三进制的混合形式,并推广到n的二进制、三进制和五进制的混合形式。 12. The objective of the paper is to state the necessity of introducing Pinus pinaster Ait. in China. Firstly, generalize the biological and ecological characteristic of P. pinaster, and its utilization value. Secondly, after analyzing the natural distributions of P. pinaster and natural conditions of these areas, comparing the climate attributes of the introduced regions in our country and other countries, the possibility of introducing this species are discussed. 概括了沙地海岸松的生物学、生态学特性及其推广利用价值;通过了解沙地海岸松在国外自然分布区以及引种地区的自然概况,总结中国沿海防护林建设中出现的问题和亟待引进优良品种的迫切性,并对中国沿海地区的气候特点进行了对比分析得出,中国引进沙地海岸松的必要性和可行性。 13. Not developing these skills allows you to generalize or go off on a tangent, losing the point you are trying to make. 不发展这些技能时,你说话会变得泛论并离题,没有重点。 14. Outer fixed bag for release the physical stimulation of catheters is convenient, economic and effective, it`s diverse to generalize in clinic as new method for fixing the long-term central venous catheter. 静脉长期血透导管外固定袋囊使用方便,经济、有效,是值得临床进一步推广应用的固定长期血透导管的新方法。 15. We then construct a gauge invariant, nonlocal, dynamical quark model, generalize the Schwinger proper time method to regularize the fermion determinant, investigate the contribution of the model to the coefficients in pseudoscalor mesons chiral Lagrangian. 进而建立了一个规范不变,非定域的动力学夸克模型,推广Schwinger proper time正规化方法,研究了该模型对赝标介子手征拉氏量中系数的贡献。 16. Rather than encountering here a taste for the concrete, the meaning of the human condition, I find an intellectualism sufficiently unbridled to generalize the concrete itself. 我发现,这里遇到的不是对实体的偏好,也不是人类境遇的意义,而是一种自由放纵的知性主义,它犹如脱缰的野马,不断产生了本身的实体。 17. generalize 17. In defining the nature of enforcement of jud icial judgments by adminis trative bodies and enforcement of administrative decisions by the people s court, the article does not generalize and sum them up into administrative enforcemen t and judicial enforcement. 在行政机关强制执行司法裁判和人民法院强制执行行政决定的行为性质定位问题上,文章不赞成笼统地归结为行政强制执行或司法强制执行,而提出行政司法强制执行和司法行政强制执行一对范畴,作为对上述强制执行行为性质的尝试性概括。 18. In like manner, we sometimes fall in with persons who have seen much of the world, and of the men who, in their day, have played a conspicuous part in it, but who generalize nothing, and have no observation, in the true sense of the word. 类似的,我们有时会遇见一些见过世面的人,也遇见过一些人,是他们那个年代的名人,但是,他们不是对世界真正的理解的总结和观察。 19. generalize什么意思 19. We shall continuously generalize and popularize advanced experience in quality management, and reward quality advanced enterprises and individuals. 要不断总结、推广质量管理的先进经验,表彰质量先进企业和个人。 20. generalize the main thesis, point out the historical position of Five Dynasties founding capital in Kaifeng and distinguish the creation in the essay, enlightening its scientific value and real significances. 结论部分,概括了论文的主要论点,指出五代奠都开封的历史地位,申明了本人在论文中的创新点,阐述了本文的学术价值和现实意义。 generalize 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 generalise 1. 概括;归纳;作出类推 If you generalize, you say something that seems to be true in most situations or for most people, but that may not be completely true in all cases. e.g. 'In my day, children were a lot better behaved'. — 'It's not true, you're generalizing'... “我们那个时候,孩子们要比现在听话许多。”——“不一定,你只是在一概而论。” e.g. It's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied. 科尔·波特写了这么多风格迥异的优美歌曲,要对他进行概括并不是件容易的事。 2. 推广;普及;扩大…的运用 If you generalize something such as an idea, you apply it more widely than its original context, as if it was true in many other situations. generalize的翻译 e.g. A child first labels the household pet cat as a 'cat' and then generalises this label to other animals that look like it. 孩子会先把家中的宠物猫称为“猫”,然后将其他像猫的动物都称为“猫”。 generalize 单语例句 1. It is important to maintain a sense of crisis and solve problems from the outset, but we cannot generalize or mistakenly judge the overall situation. 2. In fact, it would be totally wrong trying to generalize about Shanghai women. 3. If any business is targeting this huge potential group of high spending power customers, the last thing to do is to wrongly generalize about this generation. 4. There are sharp differences in regional tastes and habits, making it hazardous to generalize. 5. I know officials would tell me not to generalize from isolated incidents. 6. To generalize the special vehicles'business model we have to go back in history. 7. It is inaccurate to generalize the development of the whole of Eastern Asia as " Confucian capitalism ". 8. " You don't want to generalize narrow studies into large implications, " Roller said. generalize 英英释义 verb 1. become systemic and spread throughout the body e.g. this kind of infection generalizes throughout the immune system Synonym: generalise 2. cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public bring into general or common use e.g. They popularized coffee in Washington State Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors Synonym: popularizepopularisevulgarizevulgarisegeneralise 3. draw from specific cases for more general cases Synonym: generaliseextrapolateinfer 4. speak or write in generalities Synonym: generalise |
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