单词 | elementary |
释义 | elementary [英 [?el??mentri] 美 [??l??m?nt?ri, -tri] ] elementary的意思、解释 elementary 基本解释 elementary的意思 形容词初等; 基本的; 初级的; [化]元素的 elementary 同义词 形容词basicbeginningprimaryfundamentalunderlyingessentialsimpleinitialintroductory elementary 反义词 elementary什么意思 形容词advanced elementary 相关例句 形容词 1. elementary的反义词 1. Tin is an elementary substance. 锡是一种元素物质。 elementary 网络解释 1. 基本的:(常识告诉我们,一个人通常会比另一个人更穷或更富,比另一个人更优质或更劣质,比另一个人更左翼或更右翼--但是这并不能使得基本的(elementary)相对主义成为必需. 2. 初级阶段:但是漫不经心的个性似乎给一同训练的队友们造成很大困扰. 出身比基纳斯(beginners)教,严守安息日等教规. ...1)适用的英语水平--根据学生 程度,分成初学阶段(beginners)、初级阶段(elementary)与前中级阶段... 3. elementary的近义词 3. 初级:整套系统共分五级--初级(Elementary)、中级(Intermediate)、中高级(High-Intermediate)、高级(Advanced)、优级(Superior)–根据各阶段英语学习者的特质及需求,分别设计题型及命题内容,考生可依能力选择适当等级报考. 4. elementary 4. 小学:加拿大的教育制度与英美相类似,基本上划分为三个阶段:小学(Elementary)、中学(Secondary)和专上教育(Post-secondary). 加拿大的专上教育由两类院校组成,一类是大学(University),主要提供学位课程,可以颁发学生学位、硕士学位和博士学位; elementary 双语例句 1. 1. On May 18, morning 9:30 I driving yourself the 5008 small cars from ten spot type cross-country shan fine blunt small one elementary school reunion, when the rain came long rich, only 55Km + 900m road, and rugged construction to learn exactly rain chung-ho, roadside pile cap fence stone, had a lot of bad road, become more difficult driving. 2009年5月18日,上午9:30左右我驾驶着自己的众泰5008小越野型汽车从十八连山乡细冲完小独木小学到雨汪,当来到富长线55Km+900m 处,只见路面崎岖不平,加之正好雨汪中学在建盖围墙,路边堆了很多石头,本来就不好的路面,变得行车更加艰难。 2. elementary的近义词 2. Chromium is the most important component of glucose tolerance factor, and it can strengthen the function of the insulin. It is one of the necessary micro-elementary to human and animal. 摘 要:三价铬离子是构成葡萄糖耐量因子的重要组成部分,能够增强胰岛素的作用,是人和动物不可缺少的微量元素之一。 3. Part four, to analyze the status quo of Shantung elementary and secondary teachers. 第四部分,对山东省中小学教师队伍的现状进行分析。 4. Part five, to optimize the teaching-learning models of continuing education on Shantung elementary and secondary teachers. 对我省中小学师资队伍现状的全面把握,是对其继续教育教学模式进行优化组合的现实依据。 5. In the early days, the team traveled from elementary schools to high school gymnasiums around the country. 最初,球队是到美国的小学和中学的体育馆作巡回表演。 6. Assisted Shin-gang Elementary School in Changhua County to participate in Nine-Year Consecutive Curriculum -One Hundred Indictator to receive the excellence award of English teaching growing team. 为彰化县新港国小争取台电发展协会经费,设立数位多媒体英语听力教室;争取伸港乡乡公所经费,设立挑高钢架式教师汽车停车棚暨童军活动风雨棚。 7. National land leasehold system, a payable system of urban land, is to obtain land-use rights by leasehold. It belongs to the elementary land market. 国有土地租赁制度是以承租方式取得土地使用权的城市土地有偿使用制度,属于土地一级市场。 8. With that said I love my Forms and Algorithms class, i intend to use to exclude me from design decisions unless of course I want to make one, but I really don't feel like justifing form and space anymore, its so damn elementary. 综上所述,我爱我的算法课。当我不知道怎么做决定时,我会根据科学的算法让电脑帮我决定一个。不过我真的不想再考虑什么形式与空间了,太他X的小儿科了。 9. 9. There are many important mathematical analysis of elementary function is through the function series and definition of parameter improper integral. 数学分析中有许多重要的非初等函数是通过函数项级数以及含参量反常积分定义的。 10. In the discussion of atoms, nuclei, elementary particles Shiyou commonly used electron volts as a unit, 1eV = 160219 × 10-19J. 在讨论原子、原子核、基本粒子时又常用电子伏为单位,1eV=160219×10-19J.F 11. Results and Conclusion: Twenty four dithiolane isothiourea compounds (ZW1-24) were synthesized, and their structures were confirmed by IR, 1HNMR, MS spectra and elementary analysis. 结果和结论:合成了二硫戊环异硫脲类化合物(ZW1~24),其结构均经MS、1HNMR、IR及元素分析鉴定。 12. elementary 12. Therefore, the school board should encourage schools to buy books on tape and to use them in elementary education. 所以,教委应该鼓励学校购买录制的教材并把它们用于小学教育。 13. 13. The purpose of this study is to investigate elementary school teachers` opinions about the important criteria for evaluating children`s learning websites, the rank of evaluation criteria, and the weaknesses of current children`s learning websites. This study also provides suggestions for elementary school teachers to select appropriate learning resources from webs and website designers to implement good children`s websites in the future. 本研究目的在探讨国小教师对儿童学习网站品质评鉴准则的看法、重要性排序及目前儿童网站设计上企待改进之处,以作为未来国小教师在选择适当的网站学习资源之参考依据以及网站设计者在设计儿童学习网站之相关建议与参考。 14. Look from crowd character, the person that can consider to purchase goods and materials of elementary school teacher, school regards a target as the crowd. 从人群特性上看,可以考虑将小学教师、学校物资采购者作为目标人群。 15. On the research subjects, elementary students have the highest percentage, secondary students are the second. 就研究对象而言,大多以国小学生为主,其次是国中生和高中职生。 16. The purpose of this study is to explore the improvement factors, progress, and accomplishments of three elementary pre-service teachers` pedagogic content knowledge in science teaching. 摘要 本研究的目的在探索三位国小职前教师在自然领域学科教学知识成长结果、成长过程与促进成长的因素。 17. elementary 17. Early in his elementary school days, Bill Gates quickly shot to the head of the class, consistently outscoring his peers in most subjects, but especially math and science. 在盖兹早期的小学生活里,他迅速的成为了班上的尖子,在他的大部分学科都保持着高分,尤其是数学与科学两门课程。 18. 18. The principle of capital is the most elementary principle of the contemporary society. 资本原则是构成当今社会最基本的原则。 19. The one I was scared of wasn`t even in elementary school yet. 我第一次跟他们去玩也是我第一次骑越野车。 20. But this is what elementary demography makes clear. 但这是基础人口统计学弄清楚的事实。 elementary 词典解释 1. 简单的;基本的 Something that is elementary is very simple and basic. e.g. ...elementary computer skills. 基本计算机技能 elementary 单语例句 1. A car accident near the barricades diverted the attention of some officers, and an elementary school across the street was emptying of curious students. 2. They also posted a physical activity guide and a healthy snack list on the city and public elementary school Web sites. 3. Many Shanghainese share similar enthusiasm with little Yu, a grade three elementary school pupil. 4. In that incident, a man stabbed and killed eight elementary school children. 5. There was only one cistern at the elementary school in Mahuangshan, a rural establishment with 75 students and more than 20 teachers. 6. All elementary and secondary schools in the metropolitan area are closed for the day. 7. Friday's mass shooting in a Connecticut elementary school has again sparked a national discussion about gun control. 8. The novel is written in the form of diaries by a senior elementary school girl, who's about to step into adolescence. 9. The call interrupted a crowded Mass at which parishioners were remembering the 20 children and six adults who were massacred at a nearby elementary school. 10. Premier Wen Jiabao ate lunch with elementary and high school teachers to mark Teacher's Day on Wednesday. elementary的反义词elementary 英英释义 adj 1. easy and not involved or complicated e.g. an elementary problem in statistics elementary, my dear Watson a simple game found an uncomplicated solution to the problem Synonym: simpleuncomplicatedunproblematic 2. of or being the essential or basic part e.g. an elementary need for love and nurturing Synonym: elementalprimary 3. of or pertaining to or characteristic of elementary school or elementary education e.g. the elementary grades elementary teachers |
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