单词 | orgy |
释义 | orgy [英 [??:d?i] 美 [??:rd?i] ] orgy的意思、解释 复数形式:orgies; orgy 基本解释 名词狂欢; 放荡; (秘密举行的)酒神节 orgy 相关例句 名词 1. She indulged in an orgy of spending. 她爱好大把大把地花钱。 orgy 网络解释 1. orgy的反义词 1. 狂欢,放纵:relish 从......获得乐处,享受 | orgy 狂欢,放纵 | arena 竞技场,活动或斗争的场所 2. 纵欲, 放荡:The intimacy of the room was enhanced by its warm colours. 房间温暖的色泽更增加它的舒适感. | 28) orgy纵欲, 放荡 | an orgy of spending. 无节制消费 3. 3. 纵欲:orgasmphase性高潮阶段 | orgy纵欲 | orientatingreflex定向反射 orgy 双语例句 1. 1. I believe Prudence told you how I never missed a party or a ball or an orgy. 我一直像在过节一样,我参加所有的舞会和宴饮。 2. orgy的近义词 2. You're sucking slave cock at an orgy. 你却在狂欢宴上跟奴隶交欢 3. But in the past four decades an orgy of overfishing has reduced its population by more than 80%. 但在过去四十年中,过度捕捉已经让金枪鱼的数量锐减了80%以上。 4. Christmas involves an orgy of spending, which is good for the economy. 圣诞节期间人们的消费十分大方,这有利于经济的发展。 5. I thought you had an orgy planned. 我还以为你要去花天酒地-我撒谎了 6. orgy的近义词 6. And here you're having an orgy with quite a big group. 现在那你已经有了一大批跟随者了 7. Now, you might think that zero interest rates would lead to an orgy of borrowing. 现在,你可能认为,零利率政策将导致放纵性的借款。 8. It is she who has come to the infernal orgy. 就是她来参加这阴间的狂欢了。 9. Job is like orgy, if you can't do it, the other is on. 工作就像群交,你不行别人就上。 10. Instead, is often an orgy of. 而事实上,招聘常常是没边儿的夸张。 11. Instead, recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole. 而事实上,招聘常常是没边儿的夸张。 12. orgy是什么意思 12. The party animals enjoyed their orgy, guzzled wine from I am's golden goblets, and praised their Gods of sex and success. 狂欢者们尽情享受他们的淫宴,从「自有永有」神的金杯中大口饮酒,称赞他们淫邪和功利的神。 13. The Japanese military, however, was not satisfied with conquering the city and instead went on an 8-week orgy of incredible violence against the women, children, and men of Nanking, committing horrible atrocities and crimes against humanity, including beheading, bayoneting, torturing, burning, and burying alive, Chinese women, children, babies, and old men. 日本在军事上,但不满意征服城市,而到了8周的梦魇令人难以置信的暴力侵害的妇女,孩子,而男人则是南京,犯下滔天罪行和危害人类罪,包括砍头,刺刀刺,折磨,焚烧,和活埋的中国妇女,儿童,婴儿和老人。 14. 14. I can also assure you that China is eager and ready to cooperate with you and other peoples to lay a true and lasting foundation for a sane and progressive world society which would make it impossible for any arrogant or predatory neighbor to plunge future generations into another orgy of blood. 余亦能确告诸君,吾人渴望并准备与诸君及其他民族合作,共同奠定一种真实与持久之基础,以建设一合理而进步之世界社会,使任何恣肆骄狂或劫掠成性之邻国,不复能使后世之人,再遭流血之惨剧。 15. It was a mad orgy of imagination, wassailing in the skull of a dying man who half sobbed under his breath and was quick with the wild flutter of fading heart-beats. 那是想像力的疯狂的盛筵,在一个垂死的人的头脑里祝酒,垂死者气息奄奄地哭泣着,衰微不去的心脏却仍然狂跳。 16. I was at an orgy, mother. 我在纵酒狂欢,今晚是狂欢夜 17. What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. 奥威尔害怕的是那些强行禁书的人,赫胥黎担心的是失去任何禁书的理由,因为再也没有人愿意读书;奥威尔害怕的是那些剥夺我们信息的人,赫胥黎担心的是人们在汪洋如海的信息中日益变得被动和自私;奥威尔害怕的是真理被隐瞒,赫胥黎担心的是真理被淹没在无聊烦琐的世事中;奥威尔害怕的是我们的文化成为受制文化,赫胥黎担心的是我们的文化成为充满感官刺激、欲望和无规则游戏的庸俗文化。 18. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. 奥威尔所恐惧的是我们的文化被禁锢,而赫胥黎担心的则是我们的文化被琐碎化,变成类似于他书中描述的那些追求感官刺激的愉悦、欲望的游戏一样的东西。 19. The principle is constructed of two parts, the principle of inhibit orgy and administrative abnegation. 行政法上之平等原则包括两大子原则,即禁止恣意和行政自我拘束原则。 20. Fauvism went one step further in using simplified designs in combination with an " orgy of pure colors " as it was characterized by their critics. 而野兽派远不满足这种效果,简单的构图以及批评家口中“放纵的纯色”标志了他们的风格。 orgy 词典解释 1. (尤指纵欲的)狂欢聚会 An orgy is a party in which people behave in a very uncontrolled way, especially one involving sexual activity. e.g. It was reminiscent of a scene from a Roman orgy. 这一幕让人想起古罗马荒淫的狂欢宴会。 e.g. ...a drunken orgy. 纵酒狂欢会 2. 放纵;无节制 You can refer to an activity as an orgy of that activity to emphasize that it is done to an excessive extent. orgy e.g. One eyewitness said the rioters were engaged in an orgy of destruction... 一位目击者称暴徒肆无忌惮地到处进行破坏。 e.g. He blew £533,000 in an 18-month orgy of spending. 他在18个月的奢靡生活中挥霍了533,000英镑。 orgy 单语例句orgy什么意思 1. In it a group of lecherous clowns assault young women at a party that has gone from celebration to orgy. 2. It dismissed further complaints that the " orgy " poster condoned underage sex and that the images would encourage children to copy the behavior. 3. A hotel orgy involving nearly 400 Japanese male tourists and 500 Chinese prostitutes has sparked outrage on the Chinese mainland. 4. A spokesman for the company acknowledged that some employees were at the hotel at the time but denied there had been an organized orgy. 5. A letter written in 1937 by a Japanese soldier, records the Japanese troops'occupation of Nanjing and the orgy of killing that followed. 6. During the orgy of violence, mobsters attacked not only passersby but also government organs. 7. Wide coverage of the orgy in the Chinese media sparked fury across the country, especially on the Internet. 8. Since then various activities have been planned on the Wall, including even the orgy and barbeque. 9. There seems to be no escape from the orgy of prints and color consuming the runways. 10. He could not specify since when the board was briefed on the orgy. orgy什么意思orgy 英英释义 orgy的翻译 noun 1. a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity Synonym: debauchdebaucherysaturnaliariotbacchanalbacchanaliadrunken revelry 2. secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities involving singing and dancing and drinking and sexual activity 3. any act of immoderate indulgence e.g. an orgy of shopping an emotional binge a splurge of spending Synonym: bingesplurge |
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