单词 | final |
释义 | final [英 [?fa?nl] 美 [?fa?n?l] ] final的意思、解释 复数形式:finals; final 基本解释 形容词最后的,最终的; 决定性的; 不可更改的 名词决赛; 结局; 期末考试; 〈口〉(报纸的)末版 final的解释 final 同义词 形容词terminaldecidinglastconclusiveclosing final 反义词 形容词firstinitial final 相关例句 形容词 1. This is your final chance. 这是你的最后一次机会。 2. The final thing she did before she left the house was to lock the door. 她离开房子前做的最后一件事是锁门。 3. final的反义词 3. His judgment is final. 他的判决是不可更改的。 名词 1. When do you take your finals? 你什么时候参加期终考试? 2. 2. He failed his finals. 他期末考没通过。 final 情景对话 Salary-(工资) A:Well, I’ve looked over your resume, Mr. Peepers. 哦,我看过了你的履历表,皮伯斯先生。 B:Please, call me Ted. 请叫我特德好了。 A:Well, Ted, this is a very impressive resume. However, we do have several other applicants to finish interviewing before we can make a final decision. We’ll call you by Friday, if that’s all right. 好,特德,你的履历表给人印象深刻,可是,在我们做出最后的决定之前我们还要面试其他几个应聘者。如果可以的话,我们不迟于星期五会给你打电话。 final的解释 B:That’s no problem. 可以。 final A:Do you have any other questions? 你还有其他什么问题吗? final的意思 B:Well, what kind of salary do you provide? 哦,你们公司提供的薪金待遇是怎么样的? A:Salary is based on experience as well as* time spent with our company. 薪金发放以经验为基础,同时还有工作时间长短。 B:I see. 我明白。 A:Salary can be negotiated once we officially offer you the job. 正式聘用的话,薪金方面还可以再商量。 final的反义词 B:Sounds fine. 好的。 叫醒服务 final的近义词 A:What can I do for you, sir? 有什么为您效劳的吗,先生? B:Im Tom in Room 518, and I want a wake-up call tomorrow morning. 我是518房间的汤姆,请明早叫醒我。 final的翻译 A:At what time? 什么时间? B:5:15am please. 早晨5:15 A:We have a computer wake-up service. Please dial 2 first and then the time. That is to say, dial 2 and the 0515 for the time. There must be five digits in the final number. 我们有电脑叫醒服务。请先拨2,再拨时间。也就是说,先拨2,再拨0515。最后必须有5位数字。 B:I see. Then it is 20515. Thank you. By the way, if I want to change my wake-up time, what should I do? 我明白了。也就是20515。谢谢。顺便问一下,我想改变叫醒时间该怎么办呢? A:Just dial your new wake-up time. The computer will automatically cancel the old time and record the new one. 拨上新时间即可。电脑将自动取消原先的叫醒时间并记录下新时间。 B:If I dial 20800, I will be waked up at 8:00 am? 如果我拨20800,就会在早上8:00叫醒我,是吗? final的近义词 A:Yes, thats right. 是的。 B:Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。 final的反义词 A:You are welcome. Good night! 不客气。晚安! final 网络解释 1. 最后的:各民族的文化动原虽有不同,但都是最初(primary) 的,也是最后的(final).这里是无古无今.这方面的问题,就是近代所谓的「终极关心」问题.它是属於人类生命根本方向与智慧方向的问题.它不像政治﹑经济那样只是为我们所「现实」地「关心」著, 2. final 2. 韵母:汉语音节具有典型的声韵结构,也就是说,每个音节通常由声母(Initial)和韵母(Final)组成. 汉语标准普通话中有22个声母,38个韵母. 这些声韵母可以组成418个有效的无调音节,除去一些不常用的外,计算机常用的一般有408个音节. 3. final 3. 正式版:但是最初的 v24 正式版(final) 由于 JFFS 问题导致部分用户的路由器变砖. 通常情况下,安装 DD-WRT 至路由器几乎和在电脑上安装软件一样简单. 在路由器上安装软件,也就是常说的固件(firmware),是通过所谓的刷新(flashing)固件方法实现的. final 双语例句 1. final是什么意思 1. It was founded in 1993 by the Final Act that concluded终止 the Uruguay Round of multilateral negotiations under the General Agreement on Ta riffs and Trade, which it super se des取代, and exists to ad mi nister and po li ce管辖 the 28 free trade agreements, oversee world trade practices, and a dju dicate裁定 trade disputes 争端。世界贸易组织是1993年由《关锐及贸易总协定》组织的乌拉圭回合多边谈判的最终议案而建立。它取代《关锐及贸易总协定》并继续执行28个自由贸易协议,监督世界贸易和裁定贸易争端。 2. In the current educational practice, as the final executer in the implementation of the new curriculum reform, teacher's vocation and life state don't cause people's attention. 在当前的教育实践中,教师作为新课程改革的最终执行者,其职业状态和生存状态没有引起人们足够的重视。 3. Artest, who has a sprained left thumb, missed the final two games after scoring 22 points in a 94-91 victory over New Orleans on Saturday night, a triumph that opened the door for the Lakers to win the West. 阿泰扭伤了左拇指,错过了最后两场常规赛,不过他在上周六晚上对黄蜂的比赛中得到22分,帮助球队94-91击败对手,正是这场胜利为湖人赢得西部榜首敞开了窗户。 4. The final mother liquid of those experiments were preserved for 1-2 months and borates were precipitated. 这些实验的最终母液在室内保存了1-2月,均析出了硼酸盐。 5. CERCLA provides a complex regulatory system dealing with a continuum of activities ranging from spill prevention through final cleanup of contaminated sites. 着项法案提供了一个复杂的法律体系以处理从预防废弃物排放至污染场地的最后清理等一系列连续的行为。 6. Till this is done, indifference, doubt, and, in the final issue, severe criticism, are them-selves proofs of a profound habit of thought. Our age is, in especial degree, the age of criticism, and to criticism everything must submit. Religion through its sanctity, and law-giving through its majesty, may seek to exempt themselves from it. But they then awaken just suspicion, and cannot claim the sincere respect which reason accords only to that which has been able to sustain the test of free and open examination. 它显然不是轻率的结果,而是时代成熟的判断力*的结果,这个时代不能再被虚假的知识拖后腿了;它是对理性的一种敦请,要求它重新接过它的所有工作中最困难的工作,即自我认识的工作,并任命一个法庭,这个法庭将在其合法要求方面保障理性,但与此相反,对于一切无根据的非法要求,则能够不是通过权势压人的命令,而是按照理性永恒的和不变的法则来处理之;而这个法庭就是纯粹理性批判本身。 7. The final output would be one-piece imposed page films lin four colours, or four press-ready printing plates. 最后输出是排妥的一份四色菲林片或四张可付印的印版。 8. Finally, many of the companions Help defeat the last BOSS, in order to get the final victory. 最后在众多同伴的帮助下的击败最后的BOSS,从而最终获得战争的胜利。 9. The final individual caffeine, the caffeine analysis by the HPLC instrumental, which indicated that EGC of caffeine, EGCG were more than EC, ECG, obviously has no significant difference compared the tea type caffeine content by the fermentation market green tea with other tea type. 同时探讨用煮制的佳叶龙茶进行动物试验,以评估佳叶龙茶之护肝及其他之生理功效。佳叶龙茶之GABA含量显著高於其他茶类。总儿茶素及总多元酚含量,以市售绿茶表现最佳。 10. final的解释 10. The first part of this document introduces the development background and gives a short introduction to the system. The second part includes the system instructions and technical details (including WebLogic Server, AGCGIS and J2EE). The third part introduces the main functions and includes an instruction map of the system. And the final chapter describes the design and application of the main system parts, summarizes the characteristics of the system, and details system limitations. 在本文中,首先介绍系统的开发背景、系统概述、实现意义等内容;接着对系统的结构进行描述;对开发本系统相关的技术说明,其中主要包括WebLogic Server、ARCGIS、J2EE;然后介绍本系统实现的主要功能及其系统结构图;最后介绍本系统几个重要部分的设计和实现,最后总结本系统实现特点及不足。 11. final的近义词 11. This is the last and final barrier to ultimate success in your efforts to lose weight. 这是最后的最后屏障,在你的努力最终成功减肥。 12. In cases where interim accounts are sent to the Engineer, the Contractor shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event. 在向工程师发出临时详细报告情况下,承包商应在索赔事件所产生的影响结束后28天内发出一份最终详细报告。 13. 13. In case where interim accounts are sent to the Engineer, the Contractor shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event. 天内送交同样内容的最后索赔报告。 14. The final render is 3636 x 2772 and it took about 15 hours on a Quad Pentium. I then made an Ambient Occlusion pass and added it within Photoshop. I duplicated it in two different layers, setting one `Multiply` and the other `Overlay`, I tweaked those layer`s transparency then enhanced the contrast and the color gamma till I was happy with the final result. 最终的渲染大小是3636 x 2772,用四块Pentium的CPU花了共15个小时来渲染,接着创建了Ambient Occlusion通道,把这个结果导入到Photoshop,复制这个图层,分别设置图层混合模式为正片叠底和叠加,调节这些图层的不透明度、对比度还有颜色伽马直至满意为止。 15. final的意思 15. The leaders will also release a final statement that is expected to say human activity causes some climate change. 领导人们也将发表一个共同声明,强调人类的活动引起了气候的变化。 16. Loose Change: Final Cut is the most explosive, and most important, political film of the decade. 松散的变化:最终削减,是最具爆炸性的,而且最重要的政治电影的十年。 17. The yearly depreciation allowance fixed by all these ways are depend on first cost of assets、tenure of use and final net profit and loss section. 实际上各项投资能否给企业带来盈利依赖的是未来现金流量的多少,而非投资成本,为了真实地反映投资的盈利水平,其折旧额也应以未来现金流量为依据,经济折旧就是未来现金流量的年初年末现值的变化额,以经济折旧为实际折旧进一步确认利润,能更准确地反映各期实际盈利情况,给投资者和企业管理者提供更真实有用的信息。 18. And much of it, like the overloads, has to be moved several times before reaching its final resting place. 它们中的很多,像超负荷在达到它最终测试的地方之前被移动了很多次。 19. All Yo-Flex cultures come in the Direct Vat Set offering high speed combined with the ability to generate the desired texture in the final product. 所有的Yo-Flex类发酵剂都是直投式发酵剂,缩短生产时间,并保证最终产品具有理想的质地。 20. But peace of mind―that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest sign of His love. 只有平静的心境,是他给予的最终奖赏,是他最钟情的爱的像征。 final 词典解释 1. (出现次序)最后的,末尾的 In a series of events, things, or people, the final one is the last one. e.g. Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit... 今天宇航员将会做最后一次尝试,力图把一颗通信卫星从无效的轨道上抢救下来。 e.g. This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee... 今天是在参议院司法委员会作证的第5天,很可能也是最后一天。 2. (发生时间)最终的,末了的 Final means happening at the end of an event or series of events. e.g. You must have been on stage until the final curtain... 你肯定在台上一直呆到了演出结束。 e.g. The countdown to the Notting Hill Carnival is in its final hours. 诺丁山狂欢节已经进入了最后几个小时的倒计时。 3. 无比的;极度的 You can use final to emphasize that a situation has a particular quality to a very great or severe degree. final什么意思 e.g. Only a few go through the final humiliation of meeting the bailiff at the door. 很少有人经受执达官上门的奇耻大辱。 4. (决定)不可更改的;(权威)毋庸置疑的 If a decision or someone's authority is final, it cannot be changed or questioned. e.g. The judges' decision is final... 法官的判决不可更改。 e.g. The White House has the final say... 白宫掌握着最后决定权。 5. 决赛 The final is the last game or contest in a series and decides who is the winner. e.g. ...the Scottish Cup Final... 苏格兰杯的决赛 e.g. Pakistan's Jansher Khan has won the men's final at the Singapore Open. 巴基斯坦的詹谢尔汗取得了新加坡公开赛男子决赛的胜利。 6. (锦标赛的)决赛阶段比赛 The finals of a sporting tournament consist of a smaller tournament that includes only players or teams that have won earlier games. The finals decide the winner of the whole tournament. final的近义词 e.g. Poland know they have a chance of qualifying for the World Cup Finals. 波兰队知道他们有机会获得参加世界杯决赛的资格。 7. (大学或学院的)课程终结考试,期终考试 When a student takes his or her finals, he or she takes the last and most important examinations in a university or college course. e.g. Anna sat her finals in the summer. 安娜在夏天参加了课程终结考试。 final 单语例句final 1. The opera's international cast and Italian conductor Janos Acs are now in Beijing for the final rehearsals. 2. The Riviera resort is bustling as final preparations are made to host the global invasion of stars and celluloid opening 16 May 2007. 3. Cleveland's next possession ended with James'turnover, and Caron Butler added a free throw for the final margin. 4. His reward was to become the first in a decade to vanquish Phelps in a major international 200m butterfly final. 5. There is a clause in the third year of the deal that would allow the Spurs to buy out the final year. 6. He previously told the Times that he would not waive that salary, forcing the Bulls to buy out the final year. 7. He remained on the bench for the rest of the game but appeared in considerable pain when he left the court after the final buzzer. 8. After giving referee Joey Crawford an earful over the last minute, he kept talking while walking off the court after the final buzzer. 9. Quentin Richardson was scoreless for New York until the final minute, when he hit a layup and jumper at the buzzer. 10. There were plenty more embraces at the final buzzer, including one where Bryant wrapped his arms around Wade. final 英英释义 final的解释 noun 1. an examination administered at the end of an academic term Synonym: final examinationfinal exam 2. the final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament adj 1. not to be altered or undone e.g. the judge's decision is final the arbiter will have the last say Synonym: last 2. occurring at or forming an end or termination e.g. his concluding words came as a surprise the final chapter the last days of the dinosaurs terminal leave Synonym: concludinglastterminal 3. conclusive in a process or progression e.g. the final answer a last resort the net result Synonym: lastnet |
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