单词 | arrogant |
释义 | arrogant [英 [??r?g?nt] 美 [??r?ɡ?nt] ] arrogant的意思、解释 arrogant 基本解释 arrogant的解释 骄;傲慢的,自大的;带有傲慢,出自傲慢;骄慢; arrogant 相关例句 形容词 1. John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else. 约翰太骄傲自大,以为比谁都强。 名词 1. You must realize that it is arrogance that has cramped your progress. 你应该认识到是骄傲阻碍了你的进步。 arrogant 网络解释 1. 1. 自大:我们三个(Jayd,Jeffrey,Jon)是兄弟,所以......J:我们只是想取一个自命不凡的,看上去足够骄傲自大(Arrogant)的名字,只是为了好玩. 因为我们都是超级优秀的人!所以我们想如果能有一个可以形容像Oasis那帮人那种自我的样子的名字就太有意思了. 2. 傲慢自大:所以,穿上黑色战衣的他,也只不过比平常更具侵犯性(Aggressive)和更傲慢自大(Arrogant)而已. 第三集也想沿用这个模式,于是乎继续给彼得与玛丽这小两口的甜蜜生活增添麻烦. 既然他俩在上一集末尾已经幸福地在一起了, arrogant 双语例句 1. This sound sound, awakens the deep sleep the winter, the arrogant plum is stirring up the heart pistil, greets the snowflake devotionally the arrival. 这音籁,唤醒沉睡的冬季,傲梅煽动着心蕊,虔诚地迎接雪花的到来。 2. Second wife mean money, she gave birth to in paragraph three Muhai son wash ceremony, which was 22years old, arrogant bad, not only Xiude, gambling as much as life itself. 二太太刻薄贪财,她为段沐海生下的三儿子濯礼,其年二十二岁,狂妄顽劣,不修德才,嗜赌如命。 3. That would sound arrogant, wouldn't it? 这听起来会显得很傲气,是吧? 4. Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. 如果我用天使的口气说话,但是没有爱,我只是一个喧闹的铜锣,锵锵的铙钹。 5. Obi-Wan is worried that Anakin's a bit headstrong and overconfident, even arrogant and he thinks the reverse of me- that I'm staid and boring, and I do everything by the book. 奥比万担心于阿纳金有点过头的固执与自负,甚至是傲慢,而他对我的看法则刚好相反——他认为我沉静而令人厌烦,我做什么事都是照规矩来。 6. You're all of you cold, perfect, arrogant people. 你们这些人全都一个样,都是些冷酷无情、老奸巨滑、自命不凡的人。 7. arrogant的翻译 7. Because we will never compromise on arrogant cowardice, unjust accusation, disguised civilization and blasphemed sanctity. 因我们永不妥协嚣张的懦弱,诬枉的控诉,伪装的文明,亵渎的神圣 8. In such a bearish market, the day the sound holding out a lot of courage to do a lot of money the first person to eat crabs, there are indeed worthy of arrogant in making its place. 当天举行了声音很大的勇气做了很多钱的第一人吃螃蟹作出自己的地方,但却是确实值得骄傲。 9. 9. In such a bearish market, the day the sound holding out a lot of courage to do a lot of money the first person to eat crabs, there are indeed arrogant in making its worth at. 当天举行了声音很大的勇气做了很多钱的第一吃螃蟹的人,确实有它的嚣张气焰,使价值的。 10. arrogant的反义词 10. The person that perhaps say fire had a kind of arrogant state of mind. 或者说火者有了一种高傲的心态。 11. Some of you have even grown arrogant in your love for Jesus and apparently feel completely justified in condemning the religious beliefs of others. 有的甚至气焰嚣张,耶稣爱你明显的感觉完全有理由谴责别人的信仰。 12. BBC managers describe trustees` behaviour in recent months as arrogant. BBC的经理形容受托人的行为,在最近几个月,气焰嚣张。 13. Have a big head= to be full of oneself-arrogant, too proud of oneself gross-总的,毛重的,粗俗的,下流的 14. As a result, many people in the Soviet Union are conceited and very arrogant 所以许多苏联人很骄傲,尾巴翘得很高。 15. Zhou Jie gains so huge success, the most crucial is his foresight judicious judgment, it is his that independence unruly, not arrogant not self-confident and impetuous, hopeful disposition, let us walk into inner world of Zhou Jie, go exploring the mystery place that J. cn grows. 周杰之所以取得如此巨大的成功,最关键的是他的远见卓识,是他那独立不羁、不骄不躁、自信乐观的性格,让我们走进周杰的内心世界,去探索J.cn成长的奥秘所在。 16. Baidu the person of military successes arrogant last year. 百度去年的战绩骄人。 17. The Yan baby see three warrior arrogant and haughty air arrogant manners and then had idea in the heart. 晏婴见三勇士盛气凌人、不可一世的骄态,心中便有了主意。 18. arrogant是什么意思 18. The aggregate before augur must pass special processing, turtleback wants take out Lin piece and level off of burnish of face of positive and negative, arrogant bladebone should...... 占卜前骨料须经过特殊处理,龟甲要去掉麟片并将正反面打磨平整,牛的。。。。。。 19. Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. 爱是忍耐,爱是善良,爱不是妒忌和自吹自擂,也不是粗鲁。 20. Think that this is the arrogant expression with block of wood courtesy. 认为这是傲慢和不礼貌的表示。 arrogant 词典解释 1. 傲慢的;自大的;嚣张的 Someone who is arrogant behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others. e.g. He was so arrogant... 他是如此傲慢。 e.g. That sounds arrogant, doesn't it? 那话听起来很嚣张,是不是? arrogance At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant. 有时那些当权者颇为傲慢嚣张。arrogantly Later, Simpson arrogantly claimed: 'We won't lose another game.' 稍后,辛普森傲慢地宣称:“我们不会再输了。”arrogant 单语例句arrogant什么意思 1. State television said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei cited " some recent threats by arrogant powers ", a reference to the Islamic Republic's Western foes. 2. Analysts have criticized Apple's responses to reports of reception problems as dismissive, and cautioned that the company shouldn't come across as arrogant. 3. It is sad that some of these directors become so arrogant and conceited that they cannot gracefully accept criticism. 4. By reciprocating with such remarks, it shows that being arrogant and conceited is not in their nature as Chinese. 5. If that happens, then the railways should be given credit for changing its " arrogant " ways. 6. Tom Cruise called his behavior " arrogant " and said he had learned a lesson from a 2005 television interview in which he dismissed psychiatry as pseudoscience. 7. Lin's despicable behavior revealed what an arrogant official obsessed with power he was. 8. Some Americans say China has become " arrogant " and " more assertive " diplomatically, and " less biding and hiding " strategically. 9. And their arrogant disregard for the public still lingers even after a government rule was introduced that abolished some of the charges. 10. The Tokyo Electric Power Company with many retired officials in charge of management has been arrogant and bureaucratic in dealing with the crisis. arrogant 英英释义 adj 1. having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride e.g. an arrogant official arrogant claims chesty as a peacock Synonym: chestyself-important |
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