单词 | arrive at |
释义 | arrive at [英 [??raiv ?t] 美 [??ra?v ?t] ] arrive at的意思、解释 arrive at 基本解释 到达; 来到; 达成; 获得 arrive at 相关例句 ph. 1. My son has arrived at school age. 我儿子已到上学年龄。 2. We arrived at the airport at four. 我们四点到达了机场。 arrive at 网络解释 1. 1. 到达:1)可以说从(from)出发地前往(to)目的地:可以说到达(arrive in)一个城市或国家,到达(arrive at/in)一个村庄,到达(arrive at)任何其他目的地:我们可以乘汽车旅行(travel by car), 2. 达成,得出:appeal to 呼吁,要求 | arrive at 达成,得出 | ask after 询问,问候 3. 到达(某地):around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地 close down 停止播送;控制 | arrive at 到达(某地) | as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 4. 达成,达成:appeal to 诉诸,诉请裁决(或证实等) | arrive at 达成,达成 | ask after 探问,问起 arrive at 双语例句 1. We play the ferris wheel first, the ferris wheel may arrive at the very high place, afterward we played the pirate ship, about the pirate ship sway stimulate, we also had play revolve very likely coffee cup's amusement facility, this amusement facility was amusing, if has not held an arm rest straight skid to slide, this point i thought am very interesting, we also had play the imperial crown swing, this amusement facility will not stimulate very much, revolving time had the breeze blow slightly to come, this feeling on was blowing the electric fan probably, but, its nature's electric fan, except this some amusing was also interestingoutside amusement facility, but also many amusing amusement facility! 们先去玩摩天轮,摩天轮可以到很高的地方,后来们去玩海盗船,海盗船左右摇晃非常刺激,们还有去玩很像旋转咖啡杯的游乐设施,这项游乐设施非常好玩,如果没有扶好扶手就会一直滑来滑去,这一点就觉得很有趣,们还有去玩皇冠秋千,这一项游乐设施不会很刺激,旋转的时候有微微的风吹过来,这个感觉就好像在吹电风扇,不过,它大自然的电风扇,除了这一些好玩又有趣的游乐设施外,还有好多好玩的游乐设施喔! 2. After breakfast, drive to Masai Mara via the Great Rift Valley to arrive at Maasai Mara in time for evening game drive. 早饭后,将通过东非大裂谷驾车前往马赛马拉,这段行程将在下午的马赛马拉自驾探险游之前完成。 3. To pass the time while on a long journey, Donkey bets Shrek that he can make him laugh before they arrive at their destination. 本书每页约60个单词,内有插图)为了打发这漫长的旅行时光,驴子和史瑞克打赌,在到达终点之前,他能把史瑞克逗笑了。 4. Guided by relevant theories from philosophy and the science of science, this paper attempts to apply systems thinking to the understanding of some metatheoretical issues of translatology, including its notion and properties, object and scope of study, structure and components, status and functions, and patterns and history of development, so as to arrive at a systems view of translatology. 本文尝试以哲学和科学学的相关原理为指导,用系统科学中的系统观考察元翻译学的若干问题,包括翻译学的概念和性质、对象和内容、结构和成分、地位和作用、发展模式和历史等,以获得对翻译学的系统认识,形成翻译学系统观。 5. arrive at的近义词 5. In this mode, CFD would arrive at a nozzle contour that would produce a desired result, such as maximum overall nozzle efficiency or a specified nozzle wall pressure distribution. 在此模式下,计算流体力学,将得出一个喷嘴的轮廓会产生预期的效果,如最高的整体效率,喷嘴或指定的喷嘴壁的压力分布。 6. A 3100 highways that come more cleavage blue waves, arrive directly at the Gu island on, the tower shadow on the island and setting sun, the mirage by the side of Wan Retian, call is worn you are stepping a stride, along the highway, readily precipitant. 笔架山有一道世界奇观:苍茫的大海上,一条3100多来的大道劈开碧波,直达对面的孤岛,岛上的塔影和斜阳,宛若天边的海市蜃楼,召唤着你踏着大步、沿着大道,毫不迟疑地勇往直前。 7. Welcome to arrive at my shop! 欢迎来到我店! 8. Zhong, Zen, Xue and Doug, with less than hundred members of Tung`s martial art teams, hurry south by only briefly resting at night and arrive the Wu-yin fort in the second morning. 尹仲和战雪豆三人带著不到百人的童氏武术队,晓行夜宿地向南急赶,在第三天清晨到了无银堡,他们让族人稍事休息,然后跟心灵等人在大厅会谈 9. You but arrive at the city to which you were destin'd, you hardly 你刚达到你要去的那城市,还没有满足地安顿下来 10. arrive at是什么意思 10. Your attention please, the train for Tung Chung will arrive at platform no.1 in 2 minutes. 请注意,下一班前往东涌及沿途各站鵀C车,将於两分钟后到达本站一号月台。 11. arrive at什么意思 11. Debt consolidators try and arrive at terms that are both beneficial to you and your creditors. 债务节约尝试到达条件均较为有利,对你和你的债权人。 12. The composition of culture medium was optimized and the yield of EPS could arrive at 2.5g/L when malt juice and domestic yeast powder as the industrial raw materials were used during the fermentation process. 在多糖的分离纯化过程中比较了几种脱蛋白的方法,采用碱性蛋白酶与Sevage试剂相结合的方法能较好的除去粗多糖中的杂蛋白。 13. arrive at 13. How did you arrive at the web cam idea? 你是如何到达网络摄像机的想法? 14. Arrive at Polonia Airport Medan greeting service by Tour Guide, then transferred to local restaurant for lunch. 抵达棉兰市波洛尼亚机场导游迎接,然后前往当地的餐厅吃午饭。 15. Kennedy was due to arrive in Chicago the morning of Saturday, November 2 to attend the Army-Air Force football game at Soldier Field and ride in a parade. 美国广播公司新闻22日报导,前特勤人员波登向WLS-TV电视台表示,甘乃迪原定1963年11月2日上午抵达芝加哥,出席在Soldier Field球场举行陆军对空军的美式足球赛,并乘车参加游行。 16. Face financial crisis, zhu Yuejun expresses, second half of the year was run-up phase 2008, 2009 just is'sell the 1st minute'one year when run at full speed, the company will go against situation dilate, arrive from 50 people dilate 100 much people, supportive country about'do poineering work drive obtain employment', supportive network merchant 0 risks do poineering work, 2009 this make a scope of operation one the most difficult year. 面对金融危机,朱跃军表示,2008年下半年是助跑阶段,2009年才是`第1分销`飞速奔跑的一年,公司将逆势扩张,从50人扩张到100多人,支持国家关于`创业带动就业`,支持网店主零风险创业,在2009年这个最困难的一年打出一片天地。 17. He is the pioneer, the trailblazer, who discovers the path and proclaims the path so that others, by following his tracks, may extinguish their ignorance, arrive at true wisdom, and break the fetters that tie them to the round of repeated birth and death. 他是一位先驱者、一位开拓者,他重新发现古道、宣讲古道,使得他人跟随其足迹,也能够灭尽自身的无明,证得真智,突破把自己绑束在生死轮回之中的诸种结缚。 18. He said he would arrive today, and I expect him at any moment. 他说他今天要来,我随时等着他。 19. In Sertar Tibetan Buddhist Institute, Lamas successively arrive at this courtyard at half past five everyday and engage in face to face debating and exchange their understanding on Buddhist scriptures in pairs, regardless of age and status, one sitting and the other standing. 图10:辩经是一种很好的学习方法,在五明佛学院,每天下课后,五点半开始,喇嘛们陆续来到经堂的院子里,随意结对辩经,不分年龄大小和地位高低,一方坐着,另一方站着,面对面的辩论,交流对佛经的理解。 20. Experimental results show that the efficiency of thorium enrichment may arrive at 99.5%~100.5%. 实验表明,在适宜条件下,钍的迁移富集率可达99.5%~100.5%。 arrive at 单语例句arrive at的解释 1. Most city buses arrive at the railway station, so it is very convenient for tourists to go by train. 2. Hamilton Island caretaker Ben Southall and his girlfriend Breanna Watkins arrive at the Australian Island yesterday. 3. The situation is likely to be compounded further by an acute storage squeeze, with new crop slated to arrive at the granaries in the next few weeks. 4. He will arrive at the team's headquarters, undergo a physical and sign his contract. 5. Local aviation authorities advised travelers to contact airlines for information on specific flights and to arrive at the airport at least two hours before takeoff. 6. It is my pleasure to arrive at Washington DC and start my official visit to the United States at the invitation of Vice President Biden. 7. Passengers are advised to arrive at train stations one to two hours before departure time. 8. The reels would arrive at the Palais des Festivals just before the screening. 9. Ambulances from both centers usually arrive at the spot if residents dial both numbers. 10. These little crustaceans tempt your taste buds with their bright red color and rich fennel smell right after they arrive at your table. arrive at 英英释义 verb 1. reach a destination, either real or abstract e.g. We hit Detroit by noon The water reached the doorstep We barely made it to the finish line I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts Synonym: reachmakeattainhitgain |
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